Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Well then neither of them should be in the white house.....would you agree with that??? Probably not because Hillary is your savior.
have you ... ever in your life ever said anything intelligent?... if your hero glen beck could only hear you talk I'm sure he would to try and figure out a way to ban you from listening
have you ... ever in your life ever said anything intelligent?... if your hero glen beck could only hear you talk I'm sure he would to try and figure out a way to ban you from listening

What is your fucking problem all i did was ask you a simple quesion....but your reply answered it for me.
have you ... ever in your life ever said anything intelligent?... if your hero glen beck could only hear you talk I'm sure he would to try and figure out a way to ban you from listening

you never answer questions unless its someone agreeing with you and the first thing you do like wha.someone says is toss insults.....i can do the same with you.
you are right .... funny the religious right supporting him with some of the comments he has made!
He remarks..Melania..all points to my belief that he's only around to prop up Hillary's campaign. He's a mark..and he'll keep spewing garbage until the GOP get fed up and get rid of him. But the GOP is already dead in the water...they allowed The Big Cheeto to win the nomination.

And the trade agreements he negotiated cost nearly 6 million jobs and nearly tripled our trade deficit with China. It also catapulted China to the second largest economy in the world mostly at the expense of the United States.

The Clinton's are the best liars I have ever run across. Bill says he didn't get his dick sucked and when he is finally ****** to admit he got his dick sucked he says he didn't participate. The thing I find most amazing is they will tell a bald faced lie and it anyone pursues the truth they finally say everyone is tired of talking about this
....It's all according to what your definition of "broke" is ... you know how it works with the Clintons. Not having money in your checking account is broke for many of us ... but, I imagine people, who are use to having a lot of money, consider being broke something that would make most the rest of us feel filthy rich.
....But you got to keep in mind, thus far, Republicans keep coming up empty with all their fabricated charges ... Benghazi, e-mails, bribes, etc ... otherwise, something would surface that would become undeniable. But, that's not the idea with these Republicans, its to keep their character assassinations of Hillary going until the election is over BECAUSE that's all the Republicans have to offer the voters. They've done absolutely nothing but obstruct the nations recovery ever since Obama took office ... they have no positive accomplishments.
....Trumps an empty vessel of promises with an attention span of a 2 year old. He thinks he can do the same thing in the general election as he did in the GOP primaries ... insult, scare, and portray this country as a nightmarish dystopia that only HE can fix. Hell, he won't even spell out his platform as to how he's going to do ANYTHING he says he's going to do. Even his strong card ... illegal immigration deportation ... he's now wavering on that. He's playing to the angry white folks who feel betrayed by their party, and who are tired of the continuous obstruction & lies their party has given them year after year after year. He's a fake ... and he knows it ... he won't even provide one year of his tax returns because he knows it will show him for exactly what he is, a loser.
Oh Please Mac. The Clinton's are a text book case of influence peddling Southern Democrats. Huey Long would have been proud
I have watched the same attitude from the White House
Why do we keep repeating this conversation here, Torp ... if its not you, its h-h. But, if you keep denying the Republicans initiation of destroying the ability of bi-partisanship with Obama and Democrats in 2010, then I'll keep repeating the same occurrence of events ...
....It was key Republicans (led by Newt Gingrich and Frank Luntz) who initiated the "Just Say No" and Party Of NO the night Obama took his inauguration for his first term in office. This is well documented by George Voinovich, R-Ohio. It was Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell who laid out their "no honeymoon" plot. And 15 top Republicans met on how to "submarine the Obama Presidency" ... this included Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Jeb Hensarling, Pet Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl, Tom Coburn, John Ensign and Bob Corker. The whole meeting was held in the Caucus Room with designing a plot to win back the White House. McCarthy was quoted as saying, quote "We're going to challenge Obama & Democrats on every single bill and campaign" unquote.
It was Newt that said they would discredit any appointments by the President, starting with Charlie Rangel, chairman of the House & Ways committee, and then go after Treasury Secty Tim Geither for SS/Medicare taxes. As the meeting broke, Newt was quoted as saying "You'll remember this day, the day the seeds of 2012 were sown."
Should we continue on, AGAIN, regarding the Grover Norquist "No New Tax" pledge and the Republicans threat to tank the economy IF Obama refused to EXTEND the expiring GW Bush tax cuts that WERE NOT BUDGETED?
Politics has made me realize one definite truth! People=BAD! Like seriously, undeniably EFFED-UP BAD! We all pretty much SUCK! NOT in a good way, either. IF future generations survive our complete, self-destructive, finger-pointing ineptitude, i'm guessing they'll all be wondering what the F*** was our dealio!

All i can say is,"see you all in Arizona Bay!" (learn to swim...)