Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

  • Total voters
that doesn't sound very democratic to me....??!!
I work and don't like to see money just handed out either... but I also see women and ******* at exits with a sign no home and no food.... that's not right for *******.. in America!
I also see people working more than one job and STILL struggling... this isn't China or Mexico!
we used to be a self supporting nation and people worked and had a good family life.... but that changed... and I think most of you know my opinion on that!

I don't intend to start an argument with a nincompoop, but I don't have a problem helping those that really need it. Perhaps you can't comprehend what too lazy to work means. There are a ******* load of people that have no reason to be mooching our hard earned money. This fucked up system is broken, and needs desperately to be fixed. It needs to be policed as to who is getting money that don't deserve it. The guy getting energy assistance, that drives up in a Hummer comes to mind. I also stand behind ******* testing welfare recipients.

Have a nice day!
I think he thinks to much of himself to notice... he just thinks... like he said earlier... he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose votes
and look at some of the people on here... he lies like a damned rug! his biz practice is not near what he says... all his products are made overseas... he wants more immagrants to work at his resort... on and on... and yet people on here swear by him... you have to wonder about their mindset!
they think because he is a non-politician he will get things done.... he STILL has to work with those politicians to get anything done!
He can't just wave his tiny little hands and say I want this to happen.... doesn't work that way

Has nothing to do with your quote but read this today. And we need four more years of this???

As noted last year – Barack Obama’s economic policies have been an absolute failure when compared with Reagan’s economic recovery.

Here is an update with 2015 year end data showing Annual GDP Growth comparisons:

(Chart by Joe Hoft)

Per updated data reported by the US Dept of Commerce – Bureau of Economic Analysis as of January 29, 2016, the average annual GDP growth rate for Obama in his first 7 years in office is a dismal 2.9%. Reagan’s recovery on the other hand averaged a 7.9% annual GDP growth rate for his first 7 years in office.

Reagan’s policies led to an average annual increase in GDP of nearly 3 times that of Obama’s policies.

Of course, Obama’s record on job growth is also much worse than President Reagan’s record.

Net job growth has declined under Obama. By the end of the second year of their terms as president, economic growth under Reagan averaged 7.1% , under Obama an anemic 2.8%. (IJ Review)

And today, more than seven years into the tepid recovery, labor-******* participation remains at its lowest level since 1978 during the Carter years.

In addition, as noted last year, Obama’s job growth is also much worse than Reagan’s record with more people being added to food-stamp rolls than the job rolls.

More… The Obama Economic Record: The Worst Five Years Since World War II
with trump it just gets better and better

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former paid worker for Donald Trump's presidential bid has accused the campaign's North Carolina state director of pointing a loaded ******* at him.

Vincent Bordini filed a civil lawsuit Wednesday in a North Carolina court against the Trump campaign and recent state director Earl L. Phillip. The lawsuit alleges assault and battery, seeking monetary damages for emotional distress. Bordini, 41, also says Trump's national campaign leadership refused to address the February incident.

Wednesday's lawsuit — first reported by WBTV in Charlotte — says Bordini and Phillip were traveling by car in South Carolina when the campaign director suddenly pulled out a .45-caliber handgun, the safety off and his finger on the trigger, and pressed the barrel to the staffer's kneecap.

Phillip, 48, told The Associated Press Wednesday he had recently resigned as both state campaign director and as deputy chair of Trump's National Diversity Coalition. "I stepped down from ... all affiliations with Donald J. Trump until this is cleared up," said Phillip.

He referred further questions to his lawyer. Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In his lawsuit, Bordini alleges Phillip also pulled his gun on at least four other people within the Trump organization. The behavior was so widely recognized within the campaign that others knew the caliber of his gun, the lawsuit says.

"Some described Phillip as initially calm. Then, he would brandish his weapon, put its barrel against their bodies or aim it at them," the lawsuit states. "He would wait for his victims to show fear and then calmly conceal his weapon again."

The lawsuit notes that others described witnessing Phillip "yelling and screaming in anger" while he brandished his gun.

Bordini "felt he could not tell anyone about the incident due to Phillip's reputation for violent outbursts, intimidation and retaliation," according to his lawsuit.

The aide was so fearful Phillip might retaliate against him for reporting the February incident within the campaign, Bordini temporarily moved his family out of their house so they would be harder to find, the lawsuit says. Bordini, described as a "passionate" Trump supporter, says he didn't report the incident to law enforcement or go to the media because he didn't want to hurt the Republican nominee's chances of becoming president.

"Vincent forewent alerting authorities because putting Mr. Trump in the White House was his goal. But enough is enough," the lawsuit states. "Guns don't have to fire to inflict damage. Vincent couldn't sleep after the incident. If Phillip had flinched, Vincent might have never been able to properly walk again."

As a candidate, Trump has been an outspoken supporter of the constitutional right to bear arms. He has a permit in New York to carry a concealed handgun.

Trump generated a firestorm Tuesday when, speaking at a rally in North Carolina, he suggested Second Amendment advocates might find a way to stop Hillary Clinton from rolling back gun rights if she's elected. Within minutes, Clinton's campaign denounced the celebrity businessman's remarks as an attempt to incite violence against his Democratic rival.

Phillip's attorney, William Harding of Charlotte, said his client is a law-abiding citizen.

"He has never, never been accused or convicted of any criminal activity," Harding said. "We look forward to defending this lawsuit and filing the appropriate counterclaims, including defamation of character."
I don't intend to start an argument with a nincompoop
well that comment right there starts one!

Perhaps you can't comprehend what too lazy to work means. There are a ******* load of people that have no reason to be mooching our hard earned money.
that has been in the system for a long time now... everyone complains but nothing ever changes

besides like I said a couple weeks ago... I have a friend... broke his neck and relies on pills and medicare... but with his meds he can do some work and wants to!... tired of just sitting around... he could work part time or whatever... but he can't find anything that pays like his disability.. AND he needs the medicare and medicine... if he takes any kind of job he loses all of it.... the system needs fixed! and has needed it for a long time... but with all the cuts.. instead of trying to fix they just want to do away wit a lot of the programs.... along time ago they used to send people out to those places and check on people and catch welfare fraud... not anymore... just do away with the programs!

This fucked up system is broken, and needs desperately to be fixed. It needs to be policed as to who is getting money that don't deserve it

Don't blame all the people for a system that is broken!

have a nice fucking day!
you keep bring that up... because you are biased... maybe they do need some kind of help I don't know... but for the country... the only thing that makes the economy grow is when you have well paid workers paying taxes on those wages and out spending that money in the economy
To have well paying jobs you have to have full employment. To get those good paychecks the workers need a place to work. Where to Hell do you think workers are going to get well paying jobs? The real unemployment/underemployment rate is around 10%. The middle class is dying, home ownership is at it's lowest level in about 40 years. Economic productivity has been declining steadily, wages are stagnate. Where is the money going to come from to pay those wages and to to pay the national debt?
well here is who to blame.... but you won't accept that will you?

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Nice rhetoric, but a lot of our economic problems can be laid at the feet of Bill Clinton. The treaty he negotiated with China nearly tripled our trade deficit with China and was directly responsible for the loss of nearly 6 million manufacturing jobs in the first decade of it implementation. I wish you would at least take the time to get a basic understanding of economics. Neither party is blameless but the Democrats are just as culpable if not more so than the Republicans.
I wish you would at least take the time to get a basic understanding of economics.
naturally... first it was all Obama not helping small biz... I show you who the culprit is... and now you want to blame Clinton... maybe reaganomics just doesn't work and you and your party are in trouble!
subhub174014, I have one question for you. Does she fuck as bad as she looks? Someone fucked your brains out at some point. Being as you are so in love with your favorite liar, maybe her? All for the best I guess.

It doesn't pay to use reason with people like you. To fricken ignorant to understand anything.