Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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you are the one soaked up in the lies and BS.... you need to put the banjo down and come out of the hills!
Funny you say that because the reality is you won't watch the republican national convention . I'm going to watch the democratic national convention to be a RESPONSIBLE VOTER AND COMBAT MEDIA BIAS. But you won't do that because you are so deep in the lies that your subconscious knows and represses that fault by accusing others of that very fault where it doesn't exist. You are a very sad delusional person and cannot be taken seriously. You combat my facts with racial bigotry, further proving what I just said.
Funny you say that because the reality is you won't watch the republican national convention
I have had it on every night listening to the BS

You combat my facts with racial bigotry,
that from a party that stands for racial bigotry?

You are a very sad delusional person and cannot be taken seriously

just like the meme above... you repeat a lie enough you believe it... you fall into that
well he certainly made a good speech.... and the "people" cheered!.... but that doesn't mean the republican congress is going to give him all that!
AND he is already listening to some of his "buds".... working with Christie to do away with civil service jobs... working on a plan to outsource them so no more guaranteed lifetime jobs!.... I noticed he didn't mention that.... and he hasn't swung Ryan over yet and won't until Ryan gets some of the things he wants.... I think he will find it is just like with Obama.... congress is only going to do what congress wants... and they are not going to go against the people paying them.... and the whole week was one big lie after another....... I think a lot of what he says he believe he can do... but so did Obama.... the only thing that is a shoe in is his wall... but Mexico won't pay for it.... and don't see Congress paying for it either!... although the wall is worthless... ******* lords have now mastered the art of tunneling!..... and he talks all about helping the vets... he has already exaggerated what he gathered for them... and the rpublican congress has voted 7 different times in the past few years to cut benefits to different veteran organizations....... he is no different than Obama and Bernie... dreaming it will happen.... he was very smart in letting Cruz make his speech.... ended Cruz's career!.. or any chance of being Pres!.... even Texan's booed Cruz!
well he certainly made a good speech.... and the "people" cheered!.... but that doesn't mean the republican congress is going to give him all that!
AND he is already listening to some of his "buds".... working with Christie to do away with civil service jobs... working on a plan to outsource them so no more guaranteed lifetime jobs!.... I noticed he didn't mention that.... and he hasn't swung Ryan over yet and won't until Ryan gets some of the things he wants.... I think he will find it is just like with Obama.... congress is only going to do what congress wants... and they are not going to go against the people paying them.... and the whole week was one big lie after another....... I think a lot of what he says he believe he can do... but so did Obama.... the only thing that is a shoe in is his wall... but Mexico won't pay for it.... and don't see Congress paying for it either!... although the wall is worthless... ******* lords have now mastered the art of tunneling!..... and he talks all about helping the vets... he has already exaggerated what he gathered for them... and the rpublican congress has voted 7 different times in the past few years to cut benefits to different veteran organizations....... he is no different than Obama and Bernie... dreaming it will happen.... he was very smart in letting Cruz make his speech.... ended Cruz's career!.. or any chance of being Pres!.... even Texan's booed Cruz!

I actually agree with you it was a good speech and he can say all those things but will he actually get it done....doubtfull. Same with Hillary....will she actually do what she says....again doubtfull
I actually agree with you it was a good speech and he can say all those things but will he actually get it done....doubtfull. Same with Hillary....will she actually do what she says....again doubtfull
true.... both have to go through the republicans and the tea party... don't see a lot of progress no matter who is there
if you noticed in his speech... he never once mentioned any programs or how he plans on implementing what he plans to do... AND he never mentioned congress once!

I didnt think he would get into any details but i will be curious to hear his detailed plan in the upcoming months. I been on the bubble about him and want to know how he plans on accomplishing this stuff before i vote.
that's just it... he has put forth NO details...... most have by now... Hillary has a long list on her web site

Well i am sure he has a plan....otherwise he is going to look pretty stupid the closer it gets to the election. Maybe he already has mentioned some of it but i have not heard it myself.