How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters

“The fact that Russia can smile, deny, and at the same time conduct cyber and propaganda operations and still have Donald Trump beg them for cyber espionage assistance to hurt another American is unbelievable. If it reveals anything it proves the old KGB policy that loyalty to one’s country is elastic if the money is right.”
Here's my question to you... When Trump finishes up his first term as president in 2020, are you going to admit to this entire forum how dumb you were for believing all the fake liberal media hype about Russian collusion? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Mr @submission52 - Simple answer is No. None of the information I've posted which is factual and relevant from credible sources was fake just because you don't agree or want to believe any of it. I'll let you slide on the dumb comment because I can tell from your posts you lack any serious analytical or critical rigor however be careful of your personal directed comments.

Also lets get one thing clear here while your questioning one's intelligence, you realize that Bill Clinton was impeached also but was not removed from office? Trump could befall the same fate as he is very much a foul of the law in many areas and especially when he doesn't have House Repubs covering for him big time. As all of the investigations are allowed to transpire without obstruction on Trump he is going to be in some serious trouble.

I'm my own independent thinker who is very critical, analytical and objective and I use multiple sources of information - not solely from what you label as liberal sources. I've come to my own conclusion while the Republican primaries were still going on and before the Republican's narrowed down their candidate to Trump that he was deep in bed with Russia. I'm not now nor was I ever a registered Democrat or Republican, I find both parties are nothing but plutocrats owned by the corporations and for the last time the only party I would be closely aligned to would be libertarian which I would be supportive of Trump if he wasn't such a lying, corrupt demagogue.

Plenty of other Repubs feel Trump is horrible as well and more people disapprove of him than approve. Its ok, this is just a website, words can't hurt you so let this all go. So we post pics making fun of Trump ... but your winning so you say right? Be happy for now.

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Ok - you don't want to hear it from the liberal media well what about this, even Fox news is calling out Trump and his lying Press Secretary Sanders:

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Just because I don't waste my time citing references which directly refute your "factual" and "relevant" sources doesn't mean I lack analytical or critical rigor. It just means I have learned enough to know that virtually everything you've posted is hogwash. But your simple answer of "No" tells me everything I needed to know, that like most people on the left, you have already condemned Trump, and will continue to think he's guilty even after Mueller comes back with jack squat.
You are no better than the people in Salem who drowned people based solely on the accusation, while ignoring evidence.
I don't have a need to condemn Trump as he's done a fine job doing that for himself. Mueller has already returned over count them 25 indictments among convictions in a year which is more than the Repubs did after a 4 year witch hunt with Benghazi and turned up ZERO.

And on the issue of Salem ... your still far off in your analytical, critical rigor reasoning just like these village idiots where as mine is none that simple.

25 indictments...
Let's see... 14 of those are Russians not connected to Trump. Manafort had a bunch for financial dealings long before Trump was even a candidate. A number of them are for people caught in perjury traps. And none of them have anything to do with collusion with Russia. Your argument is about as weak as it gets.
No need to argue with someone who will never get it and your the one who said Mueller came up with jack squat just like your responses.
Oh, and by the way, his approval ratings are the highest so far in his presidential term. Higher than Obama's at this point in the presidency. Oops. I guess you were wrong there.
Laterz for you - your muted.

Man your so far off from reality and in some caught up in the Trump distortion field. I see you don't keep up with the current news as of today... and your saying who is wrong? Again you lack analysis and facts.
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And as far as approval compared to Obama or anyone else he's trailed every President in the approval category with the exception of Gerald Ford who was never elected but suceeded a resigning President:

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ref: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/

Just in case you cant read the approval ratings correctly because of that distortion field:

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coming soon to a generator near you

Ha. You wish. Your ilk wants death. Don't forget about the attacks your party orchestrated against anyone who disagreed. The left has made more enemies than just the Republicans. It's not wise to play a game with people who you've wronged.
And much like a liberal, you can't handle an opinion other than your own, so you have to "mute" me. It's laughable.
I'm not sure what's more humiliating to the left. The fact that grown adults are resorting to violence, or the fact that your party has been taken over by so called progressives and you refuse to acknowledge it
Laterz for you - your muted.

Man your so far off from reality and in some caught up in the Trump distortion field. I see you don't keep up with the current news as of today... and your saying who is wrong? Again you lack analysis and facts.
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And as far as approval compared to Obama or anyone else he's trailed every President in the approval category with the exception of Gerald Ford who was never elected but suceeded a resigning President:

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ref: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/

Just in case you cant read the approval ratings correctly because of that distortion field:

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I wouldn't be so sure. Muting an opposing opinion is a sign of weakness. Are words enough to trigger such a response? This is off topic discussion is it not?
So. What is your next action? Block or ban us? We're not here to mock you. Nor do we care about your status on this site. Quite frankly enough mocking has taken place on both sides. So are you going to be a part of the solution or do you believe you were wronged by the past? It makes little difference in the end doesn't it? It would be interesting to hear your response.
@STIFFBBC, I don't see why your so infatuated with Trump especially being from the northern bordering country and not even in America. You don't know whats going on internally here, the majority of people despise Trump with not even the disgust that was had for Obama. And so long as Trump is in office this will always be about the man he fawns over P U T I N too.

As the idiots said about Obama- same applies here to Trump:

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Immigrants to the country are pissed off, Women are pissed off from planned parent hood cuts and they haven't forgot about his sexist remarks, he is cutting money from the ACA (aka Obamacare) that elderly and poor needs, he is warring with the party he flipped to after being a Democrat for most of his life, he insults the Intelligence, and military class of Americans. He is easily making allot more enemies than friends I'll tell you that much.

From the Headlines today, The US GOVNT is on the verge of shutting down because of the game of chicken Trump wants to play with his own party which is just asinine.
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ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-low-approval-rating-first-100-days-2017-4
On the issue of P U T I N's name being replaced on the site, we have our reasons like not wanting the attention of that devil with their internet crawlers. The number of followers is a current limitation we are aware of and will address in future updates to the site.

For other site request suggestions, and bug fixes make sure to leave them on the appropriate forum section below:

Now back to our regularly scheduled program of getting the idiot in the oval office impeached with our theme music:

BOTTOM LINE: Trump is guilty of collusion with a foreign government to influence an American election and he does not deserve to be President of the US.

Make sure to click the link below and sign the petition to impeach the idiot in the oval office and kick out his goons too:
ref: https://www.change.org/p/the-people-impeach-donald-j-trump

The Constitution of the United States, Art. 2, S. 4, provides that the president, vice-president, and civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, and/or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

We, the undersigned, lobby for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump suspected of treason, in violation of THE USA PATRIOT ACT for conspiring with Russia in tampering with the results of the 2016 election. He and his administration are an immediate threat to national security and his use of intimidation as president presents undeniable challenges in this investigation. Ergo, we petition his immediate removal from office as well as the removal of Vice President Mike Pence and all civil officers appointed under his rule, pending the results of his administration's investigation.

Donald J. Trump has violated the Federal law under civil and criminal ordinances with his documented use of libelous and insulting hate speech referencing citizens of color, immigrants, and those of the Muslim faith. His promotion and acceptance of violence towards the above stated has incited violence, discrimination and increased tensions throughout this nation.

Furthermore, Donald J. Trump is in violation of state law in the following 34 states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois,Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

He is guilty of multiple counts of cyber bullying, before, during and following his election campaign; the most egregious being his statements regarding Mexicans, Muslims, the black community and his continuous taunting of China. Unlawful conduct of any kind, be it past, present or future is unacceptable of any person holding the office of President of the United States of America. He has caused international conflict with our allies and is dangerously close to destroying peaceful foreign relations.

Donald J.Trump’s leadership poses a threat to the peace and safety of our nation on both national and international levels. His immoral reputation and misconduct are an embarrassment and threat to the freedoms this country stands for and will not be tolerated by United States citizens.

THIS IS THE PEOPLES PETITION. Accepting contributors!
Send updates and letter edits to Support@DumpTrumpDumpTrump.com
Also if you are interested in joining our team, we are looking for leaders to help keep our users updated.
ref: https://www.change.org/p/the-people-impeach-donald-j-trump

here @STIFFBBC, this is what it really looks like on the ground across the US even in the states there were ******* red for Trump, the backlash is occurring fast:
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So what you're saying is Bill Clinton can get his dick sucked in the Oval Office and that can be reached by Trump can get impeached for trying to make America great again and I know Maxine Waters is doing so much to help her and Al Sharpton are fucking morons
538 had Hillary winning in a landslide in 2016. It's not a trustworthy source. But you go ahead with your "factual" sites.

@submission52 - had Hillary won you and I would seem like being the best of friends both on here posting about how she ain't ******* together. I don't care for Shillary at all nor all the liberal policies and I agree most of the polls, not just 538 had the 2016 elections wrong but 538 also had called every state correctly for both the 2008 & 2012 elections. Other besides 2016 -538 has been fantastic in alot of statistical analysis and still is. You like Baseball and Football fantasy league, well Nate Silver was the king of those arenas due to his statistical prowess with the data.

Its your pointless, non-factual statements that are a waste of time responding to hence I am muting you from here on out meaning I'm not even bothering to read any of your posts. You can't even understand the difference between poll predictions for future election projections and current past polling on President approval ratings - smh.

And much like a liberal, you can't handle an opinion other than your own, so you have to "mute" me. It's laughable.
To the contrary its you who can't handle all of the non-opionated INFO I dump on here about at Trump and want to resort to the name calling and there are other trolls on here getting upset about how I just said I'm muting you/ignoring from here on out but all up in this A to B conversation and dont know ******* on what its all about.

Your last response on here goes to my point exactly, for every post of INFO I dump you just resort to childish liberal label name calling. What is this 3rd grade? I know 8yr olds who make better retorts than you with actual mentally stimulating exchange of logical revelant points/facts.

I'm not a liberal but that's the best you can come up with and just because someone doesn't like Trump and calls him out on his BS along with corruption doesn't mean they are for Hillary or part of the far left opposition. John McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, John Kaisac, Ben Sasse and many other Repubs are my kind of level-headed, rationale, whats best for all of America non-partisan politicians and call out BS when they see it no matter what political party it applies to.

I love America and have done more world-wide than Trump's draft dodging, mis-use, and mishandling of the troops lying ass ever has that is for dam sure. I also pay alot of taxes and contribute to the health and welfare of the troops, not brandish about how I'm so smart to not pay taxes for 16 years and then cut a 1 trillion dollar tax law to help further suck money from the middle class reducing their tax breaks to help give to the top 1% of American's who dont need it. If you don't make over 200K you should be outraged at that tax law that was passed.

So keep posting on (so long as you don't violate the rules and get out of line) but I won't be reading your posts hence your voice is mute (txt is off to me). I won't waste time with your nonsense name liberal name calling drivel anymore.


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  • Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona continued to voice his opposition against President Donald Trump's rhetoric and pushed back against his tirade on news organizations.
  • Trump recently blamed the media for a series of violent incidents that have been garnered national attention.
  • Flake, who described Trump's recent attacks on the press as "patently absurd" and "just wrong," suggested "we all ought to stand up and speak out."
Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona voiced his opposition toward President Donald Trump's rhetoric and pushed back against Trump's tirade against news organizations over reporting that may shine an unflattering light on his administration.
"Words matter, and when the president denigrates the press and the First Amendment, and calls real things fake and fake things real, it has a real effect around the world," Flake said during an interview with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. "And we can't forget that."
On Friday, Trump blamed the media for reporting on acts of political violence. Two such events captured the nation's attention last week:

Critics have charged that Trump's rhetoric toward his opponents have emboldened politically-motivated agitators.

"You are creating violence by not writing the truth," Trump told reporters. "The fake news is creating the violence."
Flake said Trump's recent attacks on the press are "patently absurd" and "just wrong," and said "we all ought to stand up and speak out" against violence towards the media.
Sen. Jeff Flake speaks to members of the media after a meeting in the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, September 28, 2018.
Flake said he was particularly distressed by Trump's decision to deploy as many as 15,000 US troops to the US-Mexico border, which the White House claims is under threat from a caravan of migrants traveling through Mexico.
The Trump administration publicized the purported national security threat of the caravan by producing an advertisement that critics claim was racist and divisive.

"I certainly don't like the tone that President Trump has taken with regard to blaming immigrants," Flake said, adding that the Trump's claims were "just sickening and frankly, very untrue."

"To see the fearmongering that's going on, particularly with regard to immigration, is just unseemly," Flake said. "It really is."
Flake, who is scheduled to retire after his current term ends, has been critical of the Trump administration's policies. The senior senator from Arizona has been a popular target amongst Trump's most ardent supporters, who believe his opposition to Trump is, in some part, a ploy to derail the party's agenda.

Despite his opposition to Trump, Flake asserted he is a conservative at heart.

"I know that some people who know that I am very much opposed to the president in regard to some of his policies, and certainly his behavior, expect me to become a liberal," Flake said. "I'm not. I'm a conservative."
"I agree with the president sometimes, I disagree with him quite a bit," Flake added. "But people shouldn't expect me to vote lock-step against the president simply out of spite."

ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-flake-against-trump-migrant-caravan-violence-press-2018-11
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  • Retired US Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a former Fox News contributor, railed against President Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and decision to send as many as 15,000 troops to the US-Mexico border ahead of the arrival of a so-called migrant caravan now traveling through Mexico.
  • "I want to take the president of the United States seriously," Peters said during a CNN interview on Thursday, "but he manages to be at once an embarrassing fool and an insidious menace."
  • Peters has been outspoken about his assessments of presidential administrations of both political parties — in 2015, he was suspended from Fox News for two weeks after calling President Barack Obama "a total p---y."
  • "The president of the United States is a draft dodger playing with our troops," Peters said, referring to Trump's five draft deferments. "This idea of sending 15,000 troops to the southern border, right now, it's an election ploy."
  • Peters questioned Trump's motives, but he also suggested Democrats were partly to blame for the politically charged debate about the migrant caravan.

Retired US Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a former Fox News contributor, on Thursday railed against President Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and decision to send as many as 15,000 troops to the US-Mexico border ahead of the arrival of a so-called migrant caravan.
"I want to take the president of the United States seriously," Peters told the CNN host Anderson Cooper during an interview. "But he manages to be at once an embarrassing fool and an insidious menace. He's the antithesis of the America that I and my military comrades meant to defend, if necessary, with our lives.
President Donald Trump speaks to US Navy and shipyard personnel in Newport News, Virginia, in March 2017.

"He's an un-American American president," Peters added.

The former Russia analyst has been outspoken about his assessments of presidential administrations of both political parties. In 2015, Peters was suspended from Fox News for two weeks after calling President Barack Obama "a total p---y" following a speech he gave on terrorism.
"What bothers me the most about President Trump — and there's much that bothers me — is his absolutely repulsive, repugnant attacks on America — and they are attacks on America when he constantly criticizes our system of government," Peters said.

"I just want to stand up and say, 'No! No! We don't need you to make America great again," Peters added, referring to Trump's campaign slogan.
"And to be fair, we didn't need Obama to apologize for America," Peters said, seemingly referring to claims that Obama's public apologies put the US at a strategic disadvantage. "This country is great right now. It's a miracle of a country. It's imperfect because human beings are imperfect."

Peters added: "We've become an ungrateful nation. A nation pointing fingers at each other. A nation divided often over trivialities. We're forgetting that we're all Americans. And so that divisiveness ... that bothers me the most."

The White House has said the troop deployments are in response to thousands of Central American migrants now traveling north through Mexico. Critics have pointed out that the migrants, who are fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries, are still weeks away from reaching the border and that the White House's announcement came days before the November 6 midterm elections.
Political pundits have accused the Trump administration of politicizing the caravan to stir their political base before Election Day.
Peters, along with some other military veterans, described Trump's decision as a political stunt to stoke fears of an immigration crisis.

Members of a US-bound migrant caravan outside Arriaga, Mexico.Rodrigo Abd/AP

"The president of the United States is a draft dodger playing with our troops," Peters said, referring to Trump's five draft deferments. "This idea of sending 15,000 troops to the southern border, right now, it's an election ploy."

Peters added that when troops "are manipulated for partisan, political purposes, it literally is disgraceful."

On Thursday, Trump denied that his decision was a political ploy. Speaking to reporters, he asserted that migrants were "pouring up into our country" with ease from the border.

"We have no idea who they are," Trump said. "All we know is they're pretty tough people when they can blast through the Mexican military and Mexican police. They're pretty tough people."

Read more: Tucker Carlson interview goes sideways when guest accuses him of defending Putin
But while Peters questioned the president's motives, he suggested that the Trump administration and the Republican majority in Congress were not solely at fault.

"I truly believe that both sides are failing us," Peters said.
He said he believes the far right "will not admit that we need immigrants, we thrive on immigrants — we need them to pick crops, and we need them to start tech companies."
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
"That's the lifeblood, the fresh *******, that keeps the country going," he said.
"At the same time, those on the left need to accept the fact that we have a right to sovereign borders, we have a right to know who's coming here, and we have a right to select who comes here," he continued. "We should be generous in our selection. We should be open to legitimate asylum claims. But asylum claims should not become a scam."

Peters added: "And meanwhile, real human beings, whether they're would-be migrants or native-born Americans, are caught in the middle of all this, and it is a national disgrace. That's something we can be ashamed of."

Peters, a longtime Fox News contributor, left the network in March after calling it a "propaganda machine."
In an email to colleagues following his departure, he accused the network, which has largely aligned itself with the Trump administration, of "wittingly harming our system of government for profit" and "fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers."

A Fox News spokesperson issued a response to Peters' email: "Ralph Peters is entitled to his opinion despite the fact that he's choosing to use it as a weapon in order to gain attention," the spokesperson said in a statement. "We are extremely proud of our top-rated primetime hosts and all of our opinion programming."

ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/ralph-peters-on-trump-migrant-caravan-draft-dodger-fox-news-2018-11
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  • New emails and text messages obtained by the New York Times suggest that members of the Trump campaign saw the longtime GOP operative Roger Stone as a back-channel to WikiLeaks.
  • WikiLeaks has been named in indictments from special counsel Robert Mueller's office as the third-party group that played a crucial role in helping Russian hackers disseminate stolen emails.
  • The newly revealed communications show that Stone indicated he knew in advance about the content of the hacked emails.
  • Stone told the House Intelligence Committee last year that he had no advance knowledge of WikiLeaks' document dumps.

As the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election zeroes in on Trump campaign adviser and longtime GOP operative Roger Stone, new evidence appears to show that campaign advisers saw him as a reliable back channel to WikiLeaks, The New York Times reported Thursday.

According to emails obtained by The Times, Stone indicated on at least two occasions that he was in touch with WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange. On at least one occasion, Stone reportedly indicated that he had advance knowledge of hacked Democratic emails that WikiLeaks was planning to release in October 2016.

If Stone did have such knowledge, it would contradict his claims in congressional testimony and to the media.
According to The Times, Stone discussed the WikiLeaks document dumps with both Steve Bannon, then the chairman of the Trump campaign, and Matthew Boyle, who at the time was the Washington editor of the far-right website Breitbart, which was previously spearheaded by Bannon.

On October 2, 2016, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared on a video link from Europe and indicated the organization would release a trove of documents related to the 2016 race.

The announcement reportedly caught Bannon's attention. "What was that this morning???" Bannon said in an email to Stone, who at the time had reportedly been trying to reach Bannon for days regarding what Assange may have had.

"A load every week going forward," Stone replied. He appeared to be echoing Assange's claim that WikiLeaks would dump new documents every week until the election on November 8. The next day, Boyle followed up with Stone, according to The Times.

"Assange — what's he got?" Boyle asked Stone on October 3, 2016. "Hope it's good."
"It is," Stone reportedly responded. Boyle then reportedly pressed Bannon to contact Stone about the impending WikiLeaks dump, telling Bannon, "clearly he knows what Assange has."

In an op-ed published in The Daily Caller shortly before The Times' story was published, Stone said his communications with Bannon were not indicative of any inside knowledge of WikiLeaks' activities but based on Assange's public statements.
Read more:Roger Stone is becoming a prominent figure in the Russia investigation — here are all of his associates Mueller has called for questioning

Hollis Johnson

"I had long predicted an October release based on Assange's June 2016 CNN interview with Anderson Cooper in which he said he had a trove of documents on Hillary and would release them," Stone wrote. "I had been told this would come in October for months by my source Randy Credico who I identified for the House Intelligence Committee.

Stone has said that Credico, a left-wing radio host, served as an intermediary between him and Assange. Credico, who has testified under oath in the Mueller probe, denies this.

Addressing the exchange with Boyle during which Stone said that WikiLeaks had something "good" on the Clinton campaign, the GOP strategist said his response was based on Credico's insistence that the material was "devastating," "bombshell," and would "change the race."
Just a few days after the exchange with Boyle, Stone's prediction came true. On October 7, WikiLeaks released a trove of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Stone did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Nearly a dozen of Stone's associates have been called to interview with the special counsel or testify before a grand jury in the Russia probe. Mueller has long been homing in on Stone as he examines whether Stone had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks' plans to disseminate Democratic emails that had been stolen by the Russians.

ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/roger-stone-wikileaks-backchannel-campaign-trump-2018-11