How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
One of the most alarming moments of James Comey's testimony has gone overlooked

• Former FBI Director James Comey testified last week that President Donald Trump seemed exclusively concerned with Russia's election meddling as it related to him personally, rather than its impact on national security.
• Trump's focus on how the FBI's Russia investigation is affecting him politically, and his lack of interest in holding Moscow accountable, fits a pattern dating back to at least January.
• Experts say Trump's unwillingness to better understand whom Russia is hacking and how it is weaponizing information to influence voters increases the probability that Moscow will continue to meddle in future local and national elections.
Former FBI Director James Comey, in a little-noticed moment during his Senate Intelligence Committee testimony last week, said President Donald Trump never once asked him about Russia's interference in the US election as it related to national security in their nine conversations before he fired Comey in early May.

"Did the president, in any of those interactions that you've shared with us today, ask you what you should be doing, or what our government should be doing, or the intelligence community, to protect America against Russian interference in our election system?" Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich asked Comey.

"I don't recall a conversation like that," Comey said.


Heinrich pressed: "Never?"

"No," Comey said. "Not with President Trump. I attended a fair number of meetings on that with President Obama."
Comey later said he didn't recall ever having a conversation with Trump that suggested the president was taking the Russia threat seriously.

"I don't remember any conversations with him at all about that," Comey said.

Ned Price, a former CIA officer and top National Security Council official under President Barack Obama, said Trump's "exclusive focus on his own reputation and the well-being of his allies, including Mike Flynn, fits a pattern."


"This is a president who puts himself, not America, first," Price said Monday. "Whether it's his financial conflicts of interest or foreign policy contoured to his — not our — economic interests, Trump has continued to operate as if he were CEO of a private, family-owned corporation."
Comey's testimony suggested Trump seemed concerned only with how the FBI's investigation into Russia's election interference affected him personally, rather than what the investigation was uncovering about Moscow's disinformation and hacking campaigns throughout 2016 and whether it was poised to do it again. It aligns with Trump's reaction after an initial briefing in January from top intelligence officials about Russian meddling.

Days before the briefing, the US intelligence community published an unclassified report concluding that Russia had interfered in the election to try to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Trump win. Obama and Trump, then the president-elect, were briefed on the classified version of that report, along with another unverified document: the dossier containing explosive and at times salacious claims about Trump's ties to Russia.

But Trump's initial approach to the burgeoning controversy centered on blasting reporting on the dossier as "fake news" and refusing to accept Russia's role in the election meddling.

"Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans — FAKE NEWS!" Trump tweeted on January 13, apparently referring to the dossier. "Russia says nothing exists."

He also attacked US intelligence officials for allowing the dossier to leak to the press, implying they were politically motivated, and compared them to Nazis.

"Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to 'leak' into the public," Trump tweeted on January 11. "One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

Trump also did not broach the topic of Russian aggression in closed-door meetings with world leaders at the headquarters of NATO, the defense organization founded in 1949 as Europe's answer to the Soviet Union that continues to serve as a counterweight to Russia's ambitions in eastern Europe.

The White House has also reportedly twice looked into lifting the sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in 2014 and late 2016 — over Russia's annexation of Crimea and election-related meddling, respectively — since Trump took office.

"The war is in the shadows. And, right now, Russia is winning," Molly McKew, an expert on information warfare, wrote on Sunday. "There is only one question that we should be asking: What are we going to do to protect the American people from Russian acts of war — and why doesn't the president want to talk about it?"

Ian Bremmer, the president of the political-risk firm Eurasia Group, has a theory: It's bad for Trump's brand.

"The question of Trump's orientation towards Russia remains the single most challenging unanswered question for the president," Bremmer said. "You can understand why he might not be interested in getting to the bottom of hacks that could potentially undermine the validity/legitimacy of his election. That's not very presidential, but it's rational behavior from somebody who's into promoting his own brand."

Still, that alone doesn't explain why Trump "continually appears to go out of his way to support Russia, in a way that seems unique compared to literally every other country," Bremmer said. "His personal behavior around Russia raises questions that aren't sufficiently answered just by the connections of several of his former advisers with the Kremlin."

Comey's testimony 'is, in the end, a sideshow'

Those who have defended Trump, like former CIA Director James Woolsey, say the president simply had nothing further to ask Comey about the Russian hacking campaign. But Trump's critics say his apparent lack of interest in learning more about what Russia did, and how it could be prevented in the future, stems from hubris, guilt, or both.

"In the nine times Trump met with or called Comey, it was always to discuss how the investigation into Russia's election interference was affecting him personally, rather than the security of the country," Asha Rangappa, an associate dean at Yale Law School and former FBI special agent, wrote last week.

"He apparently cared little about understanding either the magnitude of the Russian intelligence threat, or how the FBI might be able to prevent another attack in future elections," she said. "Regardless of which storyline you believe about Comey's testimony, it is, in the end, a sideshow. The real issue is Russia's assault on our democracy and how we respond to it."

Comey testified last week that he became aware in the summer of 2015 of Russia-connected cyber intrusions, which he described as "a massive effort" to target both government and nongovernmental agencies.

"What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that time frame?" Republican Sen. Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asked Comey.

"It's hundreds," Comey replied. "I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it's at least hundreds."

Russia's use of so-called active measures — including propaganda, fake news, and social media trolls — to attempt to influence Americans and turn them against the institutions that Moscow reviles are not limited to Democratic organizations like the Democratic National Committee.
Politico reported Monday that Russian state actors were trying to infiltrate the social media feeds of current and former US military personnel for intelligence-gathering and influence-campaign purposes, most likely in an attempt to weaken service members' resolve "to counter future Russian military aggression elsewhere."

There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever," Comey said last week. "The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active-measures campaign driven from the top of that government. ... This is about America, not about a particular party."

Price said Trump's "lack of leadership on the issue of Russia's meddling could well have profound consequences for our country," including continued interference from a hostile power that has seen little or no consequences for a targeted hacking and disinformation campaign that was undoubtedly successful.

Trump "seems content to leave America vulnerable to Moscow's aggression going forward," Price said. "And without principled, focused leadership, such meddling will be a certainty."

they can't keep their lies straight!

Donald Trump Jr. appears to contradict *******'s account of private Comey meeting
ABC News Sun, Jun 11 10:12 AM CDT

President Trump's ******* appeared to contradict his *******'s account of a conversation the president had with former FBI Director James Comey about the federal investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The president on Friday denied outright testimony by Comey to Congress that Trump said he hoped the FBI chief could let go of the Flynn probe. ABC Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl in the Rose Garden on Friday asked Trump about Comey's statement to Congress the day before. "He did say under oath that you told him to let the Flynn – you said you hoped the Flynn investigation – he could let go," Karl said. "I didn't say that," Trump said. Pressed whether he was saying ...
that WOULD/SHOULD spell the end for him!

Trump lawyer won't rule out firing special counsel in Russia probe

One of President Trump's lawyers didn't rule out that Mr. Trump could fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to oversee the FBI's investigation into Russian election meddling and any ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. "Look, the president of the United States, as we all know, is a unitary executive," Jay Sekulow, a member of Mr. Trump's legal team, said Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "But the president is going to seek the advice of his counsel and inside the government as well as outside. And I'm not going to speculate on what he will or will not do." "But right now the role of the president is to govern the United States of America," ...

Abuse of power, not obstruction, should keep Trump's legal team on edge

The controversy over the firing of former FBI Director James Comey is fueling vigorous debate among constitutional scholars on two key points: The application of the obstruction of justice statutes and the related issue of whether a sitting President can be indicted.

These issues, however, may turn out to be of secondary importance.

Instead, the biggest question facing Special Counsel Robert Mueller may be whether the actions of President Donald Trump amount to an "abuse of power" for which an article of impeachment is warranted. This is because there is no debate that, if a president's corrupt abuse of the powers of his office were to rise to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor, the president's conduct could be referred to the House of Representatives for consideration of articles of impeachment.

Donald Trump's Latest Approval Rating Plunges As Support Among Republicans, Whites Drops

AP-NORC poll: Just 1 in 5 support Trump's move to fire Comey

Poll shows most doubt Trump's respect for institutions

Poll: Majority thinks Trump tried to meddle in Russia probe

Poll: More than 60 percent say Trump tried to obstruct Russia investigation

140 characters in search of an editor: The tweets that will haunt Donald Trump

no matter how you look at it..... the country is tired of this asshole!
we just laugh at the loony left. They have lost over 1,000 seats in 8 years and wonder why. Dumb polls like this page LOL Have fun in Fantasyland

Fantasy land seems to have come and bite the Republican party right back in the ass.
One party rule is a wonderful thing, fix Obama fuckups

LOLOL. You republicans cannot even fix your own fuckups.

The US will be fixing Lord Marmalades fuck ups for years to come. Medi care. International relations with allies,, fraud, collusion with a foreign entities without governance. Obstruction of justice. passing classified intelligence to a foreign power Just to name a few of your current troubles and problems. You republicans cannot even fix your own fuckups so you have no chance of trying to fix anything else. . Ask Trump , he knows all about it. Better yet, why not tweet him. After all, he has achieved and done nothing else since he took office. Ohh sorry. Apart from using the Office of the president to line his own pockets at YOUR expense that is..
Just remember, WE, the American tax payers, are paying for Prez Chump's defense lawyers.
Just remember, Mac's posts are often full of ******* like this.

Trump has hired a team of lawyers he is paying for personally....just added another one this week.



The reason he is having to hire personal lawyers is to defend himself against the two congressional investigations and the Robert Mueller witchhunts which WE ARE PAYING FOR.

Mueller just added more lawyers to his witchhunt:


Funny Mac, I remember you droning on and on and on about the money being spent on all the Clinton and Obummer investigations. Why don't you whine about the money for the Trump investigations???? Can you say hypocrite????

However Mac, you were quite prophetic in one of your statements back in post 5094 of the politics thread though. There you said: "Of course these investigations are only for character assassination and create doubt and distrust ... and they'll continue bringing up anything that might sway a voter." Gotta give you a A+ with a gold star and a smiley face on your homework there little Macky. ;)

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Jesus H Christ, you must be a politician. Only someone of that ilk could write a 500 word filibuster arguing they weren't wrong when a US Federal Appeals court ruling CLEARLY said you were.

In your BS post, you just claimed yet again about her emails: "and they did not reside on a Federal email system but her own private server therefore no one has any legal right to see them unless a crime was committed"


From LAW360.com on the case I cited: https://www.law360.com/articles/814483

A D.C. Circuit panel on Tuesday revived a political group's bid for emails that the White House’s science and technology chief allegedly kept on private servers, ruling an agency head's emails can be subject to the Freedom of Information Act no matter where they are.

I realize this isn't particularly pertinent to the topic of Trump, but when you refuse to admit you're wrong on something so obvious as this, it really undermines your whole credibility. Why should any of us believe any of your so called "FACTS" when you're proving you won't admit when shown to be wrong. Ironically given the thread topic, in a legal setting, since I've proved you wrong and you won't admit it, I have "impeached" you as a witness....and all of your testimony is subsequently worthless.

Further backup from the US COURT RULING which says your reasoning is BULLSHIT!:


This was a case where John Holdren, Director of Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy tried to avoid disclosing work related emails under a FOIA request because they were held on a private email server. The US Appeals court unanimously rejected that claim. It's asinine to think otherwise. If the courts allowed this, the FOIA would be meaningless as anything the government wants to hide, they could just move to their personal email accounts and avoid FOIA. From the court ruling:

If the agency head controls what would otherwise be an agency record, then it is still an agency record and still must be searched or produced.

And also from the ruling:

If a department head can deprive the citizens of their right to know what his department is up to by the simple expedient of maintaining his departmental emails on an account in another domain, that purpose (FOIA) is hardly served. It would make as much sense to say that the department head could deprive requestors of hard-copy documents by leaving them in a file at his *******’s house and then claiming that they are under her control.

lol, your just wasting your time and energy here with circular arguments @hoping hubby and you need to tone down your language when addressing me as well as I never directed any obscenities at you. You call me a politician but your the one who wants to filler-buster about this nonsense on Hillary's emails after Congress and the FBI has already let it go and has nothing to do with the Threads main topic. I've had a great time over the past week in my life having fun and not thinking about Trump or Hillary - especially with all the Hearings and Mueller's latest investigation developments. How has your week been going?

I have to admit nothing about who is wrong or right and I don't get why your so charged up about all this as Clinton's emails are not an issue of being a disaster to US National Security and the stability of the world as what's sitting in the Oval office at this time. There are many exemptions to FOIA requests and this I know personally for a FACT again having alot of experience with them. I don't need to cite any codes, I have lawyers I've worked with on these issues and have seen information actually in Government hands less trival than what you want to argue about here get rejected from FOIA requests. Look up about the exemption list. Now good day to you, go on vacation someplace fun this summer, write back and tell me all about it.

we just laugh at the loony left. They have lost over 1,000 seats in 8 years and wonder why. Dumb polls like this page LOL Have fun in Fantasyland

@Beachescouple - I created this poll, Im not of the left, NEVER was, and there were 3 other Republican Candidates I would have gladly and easily voted for over Hillary and definitely over Trump in the General Election which I've posted about before in this forum.

The poll is 100% legitimate and nothing of Fantasy but more of a nightmare here with the on-going situation in this country much by the idiot in chief's own doing. Looking at the foot-notes of the Nixon era this eerily similar and a living testament to the statement "history repeating itself". The current headlines follow the same exact path with an FBI agent being a whistle-blower reminiscent of DeepThroat who was an FBI agent and warning of the cancer that is growing in the EXEC branch of the US Government. Even the mention of the President and secret tape recordings in the White House. How sad all of this really is that we even have this problem to begin with and which it was some fantasy plot but this is so much more twisted than even the stuff from House of Cards.

The FACT that a Republican controlled Government is even having these hearing and a special counsel assigned to investigate the matters is enough to tell you that even the sensible Republican congressmen take this serious and that should give you some pause for thought there. But in the end - believe what you want to believe, just turn off the TV, click away from this page and we will see where things stand before Trump's four year term is up on how dumb this Poll is.

Even Obama had HealthCare sent to his desk for signature in his first 100days in office and look what Trump has done so far, No Wall, No Travel Ban, No repeal and replacement of the Affordable Health Care Act (aka Obamacare) on DAY ONE, we are still part of NATO, none of his Campaign pledges have come to fruition even with his party controlling all levels of Government and there is one common factor to all of it, the man leading the party.

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I don't waste time on here to have political debates, I simply lay out the FACTS of the issue regarding the Thread's Main Topic.

We are not the Blue States, or Red States or simply left or Right leaning polar opposites. There are many things as rationale, regular human beings we all agree and care about concerning human decency.

I don't care about none of the ******* about Repub's did this, Dems did, the secretive agenda of the Zionists and other groups of wealthy ruthless cabals trying to rule the world hence why I don't engage in those polarizing discussions which go nowhere and only get people more upset. Most of the people who know me would tell you I sound like a Republican and one of my family members close to me and knows me almost better than I know myself called me the Black Alex P. Keaton before (for those who know who that Regan loving character was) and I laughed thinking they were right. I only care about whats right for all but the polarization and demonizing people and saying your 'left' this, your 'right' that doesn't help us address what issues we all face and have in common.

A great program I urge you all to watch if you have not seen it is the Front line piece below. How did we get here and why are things so bad and more screwed up than they have ever been.

A house divided cannot stand.

We have a two party system ( I wish three) to help maintain some counter-balance and not let things swing too far to one extreme which is an experiment in human societal governance that has worked for a good part of over 200yrs with many adjustments via amendments that's not too bad so far.

Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 2.09.30 PM.png
ref: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/divided-states-of-america/

People put aside all of your hard-feelings, begin to re-unite for what things we have in common (access affordable health care, low taxes, life, liberty, ability to earn decent wages for hard work). That's my ask - and one place to start is by having someone in the office of President who is cares more about the general welfare (as in the Preamble of the constitution) of the American people than his own self gain, or appeasing leaders of other countries that he admires.

One of the men I highly admired and thought would've made a great President and would put us on a better track than we are now also published a book recently which coves much on the topic about how we can work together to fix the issues plaguing us and be a team-builder, one who unifies, someone who really cares about this country and the people in it. Not just a celebrity Public figure worried about his image and people's perception of it with no plan nor care on how to make this country great again. The catch phrases and campaign rally slogans all sound really good, but we need something more substantive than a one page tax reform plan. Where are the seriously thought out and plausible plans besides one liner sound-bites?

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Listen to this interview and compare this with the sensibility of anything you've ever heard from the current guy in the Oval office now. We have someone in office who has always been divisive, has helped to widen the division in this country, aligns himself with people who are on an extreme fringe right of right, and is taking us down the wrong path. America deserves better than this people and we have the power to still correct the wrong. See to it that the Problem is legally removed from office by any means necessary whether by the ballot or impeachment.
I speak for myself not endorsing no one Party or Candidate over another as a lover of the US, of people who are both Repub & Demos (I do, have, and will always love Repub Women), Independents, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, and I don't represent the 'Deep State' B.S. I'm just your fellow American who is deeply horrified to see what has happened, and is happening to this country and it starts with People like Trump and the ilk of his fringe Alt-right to the right supporters and mentality (PERIOD)

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