
You may feel that way now, but, you know that's not really true. A natural disaster, major sickness and/or disability ... you'd find yourself in need of government assistance just as others have. You've been fortunate and "blessed" thus far, appreciate that fact.

You're thinking in "extremes" as so many far right & left individuals often do. Your heart is callused, and your ideals not thought out. Most unfortunates don't plan or desire to milk the system, they're a result of a broken system.
Someone once said ... "to those with MUCH, MUCH is expected" ... think that out a bit.
I believe most rational people don’t trust governments in general. Our founding fathers knew the risks of big government and tried to build our republic appropriately.
I support our republic.

Great! That means you should support the overwhelming percentage of Americans who want universal healthcare.

I believe most rational people don’t trust governments in general. Our founding fathers knew the risks of big government and tried to build our republic appropriately.
The way I see it, the problem seems to be more with our capitalistic system ... we don't have true capitalism anymore. We have crony & vulture capitalists, and monopolies are coming back unless we stop it. If you recall, the last part of the 19th century & early 20th century, the country was pretty much OWNED by huge monopolies ... think it was Teddy Roosevelt that broke a bunch of 'em up.
Great! That means you should support the overwhelming percentage of Americans who want universal healthcare.

That would be a pure democracy and I have no interest in that.
Sorry Mac I just prefer to run my own life - not have the government run it for me. I pride myself on my ability to take care of myself - I have NEVER relied on the government for anything. If the shite really ever hits the fan - those that rely strictly on the government will surely perish.

I’m an Independent - always been slightly right of center but with the left going sooooooo far left it has pushed me much farther right - I grant you that.
"never relied on the government for anything"

Has public water, power, roads, police, justice, fire, international security etc. Doesn't realize it because dumb American.
That would be a pure democracy and I have no interest in that.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, Ak ... how would "providing health care for all" be considered pure democracy. Can you explain?

Maybe we should refer to it as health care for all rather than medicare for all, as many envision all healthcare, other than medicare, would go away??
I think EVERYONE should have health care access with a way to pay for them to pay for their health care services, but, I can't see everyone getting "free" healthcare ... I can't see that being affordable or an encouragement of an insured to obtain good health.
Even if the very poorest were only charged the taxation value of the premium, it would help alleviate some of the costs, and again help bring down costs associated with health care.
And, I might add, the health care for all would only apply to those not under another health care plan ... but ALL should address the " ten essential services" of health care ... ALL OF THEM.
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I think the biggest concern, that ALL conservatives have about government sponsored programs, is the poor & costly administration of the services they provide. Its pretty easy for service providers to milk billions of fraudulent dollars out of the government-run medicare, medicare & social security. If the federal government could cut the fraud in these programs just in half, for example, it would still SAVE billions upon billions of dollars, plus make costs regarding those services go down. Yet, they don't do that. The government could get a private practice organization to moderate those social programs, making a good portion of the private practice firm(s) contingent on the fraud dollars they remove, and the government would still save billions and billions of dollars. So, the REAL ISSUE isn't the providing of a health care program to ensure all citizens have health coverage, but the costs associated with fraud to these programs ... seems to me, if President Orange Man wanted to impress everyone, he could begin by attacking the fraud in social programs.
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I think the biggest concern, that ALL conservatives have about government sponsored programs, is the poor & costly administration of the services they provide. Its pretty easy for service providers to milk billions of fraudulent dollars out of medicare, medicare & social security. If the federal government could cut the fraud in these programs just in half, for example, it would still SAVE billions upon billions of dollars, plus make costs regarding those services go down. Yet, they don't do that. The government could get a private practice organization to moderate those social programs, making a good portion of the private practice firm(s) contingent on the fraud dollars they remove, and the government would still save billions and billions of dollars. So, the REAL ISSUE isn't the providing of a health care program to ensure all citizens have health coverage, but the costs associated with fraud to these programs ... seems to me, if President Orange Man wanted to impress everyone, he could begin by attacking the fraud in social programs.
Did you suggest a new government agency to watch other government agencies. Every time he goes near those programs the screaming starts from the left
Do you know what A “pure democracy” is?
Yea, you want elected reps rather than people power. Understand that but the reps are elected by the people and a majority of Americans want healthcare. They’re not dated polls at all. I could show you some from 2020 if you like?
Yea, you want elected reps rather than people power. Understand that but the reps are elected by the people and a majority of Americans want healthcare. They’re not dated polls at all. I could show you some from 2020 if you like?
No, I want equal power for the states. You can’t have laws passed for everyone by three states who have the largest populations. You seem to think I’m some type of bozo on healthcare. I provide medical treatment everyday here in the states. I have worked in both private healthcare and socialized healthcare in my birth country and I would pick the American healthcare system every time.
No, I want equal power for the states. You can’t have laws passed for everyone by three states who have the largest populations. You seem to think I’m some type of bozo on healthcare. I provide medical treatment everyday here in the states. I have worked in both private healthcare and socialized healthcare in my birth country and I would pick the American healthcare system every time.
Ok, you keep circling back to points previously discussed and you maybe right. Maybe the actual physical act of providing medical care is better in the US but that’s useless information for someone who can’t afford to access that care. Lose your job and insurance then get sick? You’re fucked.
No, I want equal power for the states. You can’t have laws passed for everyone by three states who have the largest populations. You seem to think I’m some type of bozo on healthcare. I provide medical treatment everyday here in the states. I have worked in both private healthcare and socialized healthcare in my birth country and I would pick the American healthcare system every time.

Don’t just take my word for it.

Ak ... I don't know the intentions of DCT1's, but I was sincere ... what do you preceive a pure democracy to be ... what its functions would be ... etc.
As I said, I don't think the conservatives hate the ideal of providing health care for everyone, its the "costs" associated with doing that. And as I said, if the fraud to social programs was half of what it IS, we would be much closer to hammering out a way to provide health care for everyone.
My wife works in Reconciliations Accounting of one of the top two health care systems in NC. The hospital where she works "write off" approximately $200 thousand in noncollectable bills each week due to people without insurance coming into the ER, getting treatment, then leaving. Those uncollected charges don't just dissipate, those with insurance absorb them in their own bills from the hospital.
Imagine if ALL hospitals across the US were incurring these losses, but these losses could be cut in half ... then when you toss in prescription ******* overcharges, with that of Medicare-Medicaid-SS ... imagine the impact on health care costs.
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