Question for the ladies

The way I took his approach was that he doesn't want to fuck me anymore so there must be something wrong with me. Like he couldn't bear to have sex wit me for some reason, and I couldn't understand what that reason was.
Ah, that makes sense. The approach has to be right.

Curious minds want to know-how did you meet the guy on your own, how did it go? Did your bf's interest in it help push you towards the other guy?
Some years back, my husband convinced me to pull a train for four of his co-workers. Long story. So initially, I did it for him. But he couldn't handle the reality of hearing me in the bedroom with each of them, screaming my brains out... and cumming hard for each guy. He always struggled to make me cum. He ordered me to stop... but after experienced how really good sex can be, there was no turning back. He is my ex husband. And I have not remarried. No way. Having way too much fun being a slut for Black guys. NOW, I do it for me... as often as possible.
I’ve been a BBC in this lifestyle for a while and I enjoy getting to know the ladies I engage with. I’ve come to learn that a lot of women are in this lifestyle to please their husband/boyfriend and not by choice. I would like to hear how many do it because they actually love sexual contact with us black men and who actually do it for their husbands/boyfriends. I’m also curious to see who started off against it and turned to love it more.
It was totally my doing, but I only became active after my divorce . It was fantasy before that.
Some years back, my husband convinced me to pull a train for four of his co-workers. Long story. So initially, I did it for him. But he couldn't handle the reality of hearing me in the bedroom with each of them, screaming my brains out... and cumming hard for each guy. He always struggled to make me cum. He ordered me to stop... but after experienced how really good sex can be, there was no turning back. He is my ex husband. And I have not remarried. No way. Having way too much fun being a slut for Black guys. NOW, I do it for me... as often as possible.
I ran into one of those too!!!

Way back in the days of accessing the net through local chat groups and mIRC I talked to the male half of a couple who were 'thinking of it'; we were 400 miles apart so it was only conversation for about six months before schedules aligned to meet in Atlanta. She was obviously nervous, so we talked and sipped beer until she relaxed and we got into it. He sat in a chair and watched, occasionally getting up and moving to a different view, especially as she started to let go and get into it. After I came I got up and got water for both of us, thinking this is just a break before round two.

Out of nowhere he starts shouting and cursing at her "fucking whore", "no good slut" etc. "Self, this is not good" so I start putting on my clothes. Now he's talking about beating the ******* out of her.

"No sir, you can't do that, and you especially can't do that here. This hotel room is in my name, and if you start anything, however bad it gets in here I WILL have you arrested." He was steaming, but I got both of them to sit down and I talked to them about the barrage of emotions I felt my first swinging wife and I, both Black, swapped with a white couple. I saw their foreplay and I was watching theirs....I could never recall what happened that diverted my attention but I looked back at the exact moment my wife straddled him and impaled herself. We were together 18 years and I've been widowed over 20; to this day it is still by far the most sensual, erotic memory of her. All of that to say I knew about the flood of emotions he was experiencing.

When it seemed he'd calmed down some I told them I was going to leave, they were free to keep the room overnight if they wished. I also told them together I was giving her my phone number for emergency purposes only and acknowledged I had the entire transcript of the dialog between him and I over the months if it was ever needed. Hell no, I never spoke to either of them again.
i had only experienced a cuckolding lifstyle once with my ex gf when we were in college n it was her idea n she was addicted to bbc it was only for her pleasure n i wasn't into it at first cuz i thought i was good in bed n have a perfect size penis till she opened my eyes n saw the truth by my self
as a husband of a wonderful wife, whose first reaction to me telling her i had done a bit of swinging in previous relationships was "dont ever expect me to do anything like that" i agree that there are wives involved in these sort of scenarios who are not 100 percent into it and are only doing it with some coercion/pressure from the husband, which is sad but it wont last.
Honestly I was dead against it couldn't imagine a black guy being inside of me.
My now husband then fwb kind of tricked me into it but I'm glad he did.
I was always into group sex
Now I do it for myself and for him and for them. He says I'm his favorite porn star
Honestly I was dead against it couldn't imagine a black guy being inside of me.
My now husband then fwb kind of tricked me into it but I'm glad he did.
I was always into group sex
Now I do it for myself and for him and for them. He says I'm his favorite porn star
So he got you into it while you two were just fwb's, but your relationship progressed into a marriage while in the lifestyle? Nice
Honestly I was dead against it couldn't imagine a black guy being inside of me.
My now husband then fwb kind of tricked me into it but I'm glad he did.
I was always into group sex
Now I do it for myself and for him and for them. He says I'm his favorite porn star
That’s interesting and glad you decided to take that leap as well as be the pornstar he loves to watch! I take it you are serious in this game😉!
I’ve been a BBC in this lifestyle for a while and I enjoy getting to know the ladies I engage with. I’ve come to learn that a lot of women are in this lifestyle to please their husband/boyfriend and not by choice. I would like to hear how many do it because they actually love sexual contact with us black men and who actually do it for their husbands/boyfriends. I’m also curious to see who started off against it and turned to love it more.
Pleasing your husband can be a choice. The female brain is different from the male brain.
Can't imagine any red blooded American girl would have sex with black men for her husband. Okay, maybe at first. But after being repeatedly and properly fucked by sexy black men, it turns to ALL about her. And her black lovers. Hubby will have to deal.
I’ve been a BBC in this lifestyle for a while and I enjoy getting to know the ladies I engage with. I’ve come to learn that a lot of women are in this lifestyle to please their husband/boyfriend and not by choice. I would like to hear how many do it because they actually love sexual contact with us black men and who actually do it for their husbands/boyfriends. I’m also curious to see who started off against it and turned to love it more.
I/we do this 100% for me
I spent a few years trying to convince Nellie to have sex with other men. After much talk, experimentation, serious reflection and loving discussion, she agreed to give me my fantasy "ONE TIME" in a city near us. BUT, my fantasy had to be with hers--A younger BLACK man. WOW! I felt like I had won a lottery. Still do. That was a dozen years and LOTS of guys ago and we both love it. She does it for me, for her and only with guys she really likes or who turn her on. Best thing we ever did for us.