Putting My Order In


Active Member
There is/was a lady Baba Vanga that made various predictions. You can read some of them here. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/what-baba-vanga-predict-chilling-6974170

One of her predictions says: Cloning cures most diseases
The rise of cloning allows doctors to cure any disease as the body is simply and easily replaced.

Now if someone from the future is reading this, can I please put an order in for a new body. I think 6'4", athletic build, umm I'm not too greedy just 9" should be ok oh and black! I want to be a black guy now.
Time travel? Really! ... think that one all the way out and you'll realize that would be an impossibility.
As far as going black ... if you're really serious, I suggest you go the economy route ...

pic_blackface2.jpg ..........gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
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