PSA to all the broters on here, pay attention!!!!!!

BLM advocates could be seeking out white families to "take the reparations they're owed", as the one female leader said on television the other day.

Or it just could be there are a small handful of racists on both sides sowing discord, and the rest of us are still treating each other with respect in and out of the bedroom.
? leader?
This thread is older but I'm here to say that this, and the other posts about Women needing to be careful, are all valid.

Multiple things can be validated at once.

Example: George Floyed made some pornography, Yes, his life being taken by the Police (I don't know if it was *******/Substances, but w/ that being said people go missing everyday & dead bodies get found everyday, some never get closure, Reality can be sinister regardless of how the Entertainment industry paints Life. Same w/ Ideal-isms such as "Defund The Police, in its entirety".) is still not OKAY.

The Police & Humanity itself cannot play the role of "GOD", but it happens regardless. Being dismissive of this fact, on a forum dedicated to a Sexual Orientated Lifestyle w/ Black Men being the centerpieces, is simply idiotic if you are directly against this "PSA"- esque post.

W/ that being said, there's also an influx of younger people exploring their sexuality way more openly now, and that right there can cause issues in Lifestyle spaces such as this.

An older person can easily manipulate the mind of some1 younger & set them up for failure/*******/death. I'm from VA and live in a fairly mixed environment, but I am no fool to the fact that racism, robberies, murders & everything inbetween can correlate, specifically in this area.

Caucasian couple literally got arrested in VA Beach for driving into a crowd of peaceful protestors, and a couple weeks ago (not race related) a Woman ran over a Man & killed him over, what I believe was, baby support money.

Anyways, if you're Black, just remember to be smart about this stuff like OP and others have mentioned. If you need too get yourself a Burner Phone/Paid App to Vet prospects out. Anyone legit on here, or in more non-traditional Lifestyles, should/would be doing the same or similiar.

******* Dealers get made fun of for being so paranoid, but its a reason the ones who never run into issues never get caught up, they vet thoroughly.

Lastly, I don't know if its still a "thing" online, but get the person you're setting up something w/ to create a Video/Photo holding up a Spoon/random item. The spontaneous of that is more likely to show that person/couple/etc is real, at the very least.
okay that woman is a idiot, but to call her a leader i some stretchy bullshit, and it coming from Brieghtbart is tantamount to saying it came from Trump, both can be true, because both are known for lying. Oh and there is no leadership in BLM, there are people who have taken it upon themselves to speak on behalf of those in the movement but as for leader no one voted anyone leader of the movement, just like there is no leader for the Metoo movement.
okay that woman is a idiot, but to call her a leader i some stretchy bullshit, and it coming from Brieghtbart is tantamount to saying it came from Trump, both can be true, because both are known for lying. Oh and there is no leadership in BLM, there are people who have taken it upon themselves to speak on behalf of those in the movement but as for leader no one voted anyone leader of the movement, just like there is no leader for the Metoo movement.
Breitbart isn't the issue. They simply reported what she said on camera. She was the only one speaking to an audience and the media. Google it.
The problem is, BLM has many leaders. They have two founders, but many local leaders. And there isn't a consistent message.
MeToo isn't causing rioting, looting, arson, and *******. Only BLM and Antifa are doing that.
And I'm not surprised you are dismissive of her, because BLM and black people as a whole, don't seem to care about black lives lost when other black people are the ones that cause it. You only care when it's done by cops. White cops. Nothing but racism there.
A little PSA to all the brothers on here and it may save your life. With all the crazy ******* happening now days, with the alt right, so called proud boys and what not i suggest you guys tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a white woman or white couple please dont fall into a ambush. I fully realize that this is not your first rodeo, but sometimes pussy has the power to make you not think straight. Just be safe, i see a lot of guys going all crazy for stock porn pictures of white women, as Wu-tang said protect your neck.
Good advice for anyone really.