PSA to all the broters on here, pay attention!!!!!!

This post is absolutely ludicrous! There is no evidence that the proud boys are out scouting cuckolding sites setting up false meetings just so they can arrange meetings to assault black men. To even suggest something of the like means your uneducated. Maybe a little CNN guys. I’m definitely reporting this posts
You seem WAAAY to defensive. You don't like this post get off it. No one is here to cater to you
This post is absolutely ludicrous! There is no evidence that the proud boys are out scouting cuckolding sites setting up false meetings just so they can arrange meetings to assault black men. To even suggest something of the like means your uneducated. Maybe a little CNN guys. I’m definitely reporting this posts

Who would have thought that a White Supremacist would drive his car into a crowd and ******* someone. Is there any evidence that some Nazi would walk into a Jewish Synagogue and open fire? What about the racists who walked into a black church and open fired. Then again there is the Trump supporter sending pipe bombs to CNN and others who are demonized by Trump. Trump is obviously a racists. He thinks he has the right to grab women anytime anywhere. He encourages his base to commit violent acts against anyone who isn't a religious, white, conservative, male. This is a very dangerous time for everyone else. There have been over 47,000 shootings so far this year in the US. We are living in dangerous times. Please go ahead and report this post. Who are you going to report it to? No one here is suggesting you shoot someone one. This is about being aware so that you don't get shot by a racist Nazi!
This is a very good post, but it can be true about everything and everyone. What about white women like myself going out to meet black men alone? It’s just as scary and I have to be careful with whom I choose. Not to single out black men, but that is only race of men that I have sexual relations with lol. So everyone and every race should be careful when meeting with strangers!
This post is absolutely ludicrous! There is no evidence that the proud boys are out scouting cuckolding sites setting up false meetings just so they can arrange meetings to assault black men. To even suggest something of the like means your uneducated. Maybe a little CNN guys. I’m definitely reporting this posts
Don't be naive. History shows whether it be Emmett Till, Kobe Bryant or Mike Tyson a black man's libido or sexuality has always been demonized. Society says A black man is always the sexual aggressor, thus the prevalence of unfounded ******* charges and the acceptance of such as the norm. maybe that's part of the attraction of the whole interracial thing . White women wanting to be ravaged by wild black men. regardless it's ironic that in slave times black men were castrated by white slave masters because they were either A. Intimated by the manhood of a black male or the fact that the annihilation of the white race lies in the testicles of black men because one drop of black DNA results in the subject being labeled black. This is not my truth but definitely my observation It's God's work when the same people that inherently hate you , on the same hand love something about you. Let's not pretend that SOME white people are out to harm innocent black people .i.e. Susan Smith. Stay woke
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I think this is a reasonable warning. Portions of the alt-right or however you want to label it certainly have the intent to try something like this, if not the guts. But should that be a route they take it would be helpful to use sites like for mutual support.
Y’all got the right idea brothers, be safe and don’t be headfirst and crash out for some pussy. Y’all know the hate we put up with on a constant basis and how we gotta continuously dust our shoulders off from Mfs trying to drag us through the mud. Don’t get caught slipping, I saw an article where a dude got his head chopped off and left on his family’s porch in Mississippi from fucking white women. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
A little PSA to all the brothers on here and it may save your life. With all the crazy ******* happening now days, with the alt right, so called proud boys and what not i suggest you guys tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a white woman or white couple please dont fall into a ambush. I fully realize that this is not your first rodeo, but sometimes pussy has the power to make you not think straight. Just be safe, i see a lot of guys going all crazy for stock porn pictures of white women, as Wu-tang said protect your neck.
never heard so much ******* in all my life . now if i were to Comment suggest you women tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a black guy i would be called a racist .
never heard so much ******* in all my life . now if i were to Comment suggest you women tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a black guy i would be called a racist .
you can say what you want to say, its a free country. i dont know if you are a racist, are you?
never heard so much ******* in all my life . now if i were to Comment suggest you women tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a black guy i would be called a racist .
The difference being, women already know we're in a potentially deadly situation every single time we meet a man online. It's why we have safety calls, insist on meeting in public places, etc. Women don't need this kind of warning because it's been drilled into us our entire lives.

Men get complacent about what kind of dangers they face out in the world, women do not. Race and gender aside, it's good advice to exercise caution when putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. Not sure why you're so bent out of shape.
never heard so much ******* in all my life . now if i were to Comment suggest you women tread lightly when meeting or setting up a meeting with a black guy i would be called a racist .

I mean you are a fucking racist. Maybe next time make your profile private if you want more plausible deniability.

You people tell on yourselves and get angry at being called a racist. Like what else you wanna be called when you spout nonsense, get your news from racist outlets, say that blacks are just as racist as anyone, then march into a BLM vs Police thread and act like police are above criticism while you literally say that's how people in the BLM movement act.

It's not even cognitive dissonance because y'all don't try to hide your racist ass views. You guys go in with your "read between the lines" racism and think people aren't gonna see it. You openly share these ideas then play victim when people are like, "uh, yeah, that sounds pretty racist." And that's because for the longest time racism could only be viewed overtly as a dumbfucks wearing a white hood. But now the gloves are off and y'all wanna act butthurt.

PS... Any guy is in danger when meeting an online stranger. Rule #1 of interacting with humans you don't know: people are not always who they say they are and intentions aren't always opaque. OP was literally just mentioning that hate crimes against black men are a thing and guys tend to think they are somehow above said dangers. And the male make of this site is majority black so I see it as a fairly innocuous thread. You got offended.

You took this stance and ran with it; complaining about being called a racist and insisting you have never heard of this in your life. Well yeah, you're not fucking black lol.

Instead of hopping in threads and telling Black men to think critically. How about you breakdown yourself critically and decide whether or not people are right for calling you what you constantly show us what you are.

What makes it funnier is that black dudes are the main draw of the website. But even here we have to deal with this ******* from single white men (definitely some racist ass white women on the site too but that's for another thread). Get real dude.
I mean you are a fucking racist. Maybe next time make your profile private if you want more plausible deniability.

You people tell on yourselves and get angry at being called a racist. Like what else you wanna be called when you spout nonsense, get your news from racist outlets, say that blacks are just as racist as anyone, then march into a BLM vs Police thread and act like police are above criticism while you literally say that's how people in the BLM movement act.

It's not even cognitive dissonance because y'all don't try to hide your racist ass views. You guys go in with your "read between the lines" racism and think people aren't gonna see it. You openly share these ideas then play victim when people are like, "uh, yeah, that sounds pretty racist." And that's because for the longest time racism could only be viewed overtly as a dumbfucks wearing a white hood. But now the gloves are off and y'all wanna act butthurt.

PS... Any guy is in danger when meeting an online stranger. Rule #1 of interacting with humans you don't know: people are not always who they say they are and intentions aren't always opaque. OP was literally just mentioning that hate crimes against black men are a thing and guys tend to think they are somehow above said dangers. And the male make of this site is majority black so I see it as a fairly innocuous thread. You got offended.

You took this stance and ran with it; complaining about being called a racist and insisting you have never heard of this in your life. Well yeah, you're not fucking black lol.

Instead of hopping in threads and telling Black men to think critically. How about you breakdown yourself critically and decide whether or not people are right for calling you what you constantly show us what you are.

What makes it funnier is that black dudes are the main draw of the website. But even here we have to deal with this ******* from single white men (definitely some racist ass white women on the site too but that's for another thread). Get real dude.
people like you always go for the racist. word like its the only wold you know .but have a nice day and fuck you
BLM advocates could be seeking out white families to "take the reparations they're owed", as the one female leader said on television the other day.

Or it just could be there are a small handful of racists on both sides sowing discord, and the rest of us are still treating each other with respect in and out of the bedroom.