Politics, Politics, Politics

Russia is no longer the No. 1 geopolitical bogeyman in the eyes of Americans, falling from that spot for the first time in three years, as a new Gallup poll shows people are far more concerned about the threats posed by China.

A record-high 45 percent of Americans said they consider China to be the greatest enemy of the US, up from just 22 percent a year ago, according to a Gallup poll released on Tuesday. The poll is taken each year in February. Russia slid to No. 2 on the list from the top spot, even as it was picked by 26 percent of respondents, up from 23 percent in 2020.
The shift comes at a time when former President Donald Trump has left office, yet the mainstream media is still attacking him with Russia-based conspiracy theories, while blaming Moscow for sowing discord in the minds of gullible Americans.

With Trump gone & despite ‘BLAME RUSSIA’ still MSM's favorite rallying cry, Americans perceive China as nation's top adversary — RT USA News
Russia is no longer the No. 1 geopolitical bogeyman in the eyes of Americans, falling from that spot for the first time in three years, as a new Gallup poll shows people are far more concerned about the threats posed by China.

A record-high 45 percent of Americans said they consider China to be the greatest enemy of the US, up from just 22 percent a year ago, according to a Gallup poll released on Tuesday. The poll is taken each year in February. Russia slid to No. 2 on the list from the top spot, even as it was picked by 26 percent of respondents, up from 23 percent in 2020.
The shift comes at a time when former President Donald Trump has left office, yet the mainstream media is still attacking him with Russia-based conspiracy theories, while blaming Moscow for sowing discord in the minds of gullible Americans.

With Trump gone & despite ‘BLAME RUSSIA’ still MSM's favorite rallying cry, Americans perceive China as nation's top adversary — RT USA News
Hey Canadian,
The 17 American Intelligence organizations that make up the Intelligence Community just released a report.
It disagrees with YOU and your source 'RT' or 'Russia Today'. It names names and deliver tactics.
How does it feel to look like a fucking idiot? Unless you really hate my country, in that case, you fail.
You are what they call, a Useful Idiot. One who passes along their propaganda and makes excuses for them.
Hey Canadian,
The 17 American Intelligence organizations that make up the Intelligence Community just released a report.
It disagrees with YOU and your source 'RT' or 'Russia Today'. It names names and deliver tactics.
How does it feel to look like a fucking idiot? Unless you really hate my country, in that case, you fail.
You are what they call, a Useful Idiot. One who passes along their propaganda and makes excuses for them.

not interested in mainstream fake news
That's a report from the American Intelligence Agencies. Not some fucking feel good story about aliens and puppies that you prefer.

Declassified CIA Documents Show Agency’s Control Over Mainstream Media​

A declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task ******* addressed to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia.

The document states that the CIA task ******* “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” Furthermore, it explains how the agency has “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods.”

here is the link to the document

A prominent national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times routinely submitted drafts and detailed summaries of his stories to CIA press handlers prior to publication, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.

Email exchanges between CIA public affairs officers and Ken Dilanian, now an Associated Press intelligence reporter who previously covered the CIA for the Times, show that Dilanian enjoyed a closely collaborative relationship with the agency, explicitly promising positive news coverage and sometimes sending the press office entire story drafts for review prior to publication. In at least one instance, the CIA’s reaction appears to have led to significant changes in the story that was eventually published in the Times.

The CIA’s Mop-Up Man: L.A. Times Reporter Cleared Stories With Agency Before Publication (theintercept.com)

THE FBI DOESN’T want the public to know more about how its agents pose as journalists during undercover investigations.

But, in a federal court case, Justice Department lawyers confirmed the most significant criticism of the controversial practice. The government acknowledged in a court filing that FBI agents who pretend to be journalists create a chilling effect, making it harder for real journalists to gain trust and cooperation from sources.

FBI Admits Agents Posing as Journalists Hurts Real Journalists (theintercept.com)
One less Democrat Party pond scum representative, as Alcee Hastings has assumed room temperature. This POS was a good example of Democrat Party low standards. He was a Federal judge once upon a time but having got caught soliciting a $150k bribe to grant a light sentence, he was impeached AND convicted. We're not talking highly partisan impeachment votes like with Trump....nope, the House voted 413 to 3 to impeach him.

One would think being impeached and convicted would be a bit of a downer for a political career....hell no with the Democrat Party, they actually put him on the Intelligence Committee after he gets elected to the House. I mean who better to trust with access to classified information than a person who accepts bribes.....you know man, the thing!

One would think being impeached and convicted would be a bit of a downer for a political career....hell no with the Democrat Party,

Close your cock hole.
We're not talking highly partisan impeachment votes like with Trump....nope, the House voted 413 to 3 to impeach him.
Exactly ... Democrats ARE the majority and they mostly vote ethically & unbiasly. Republicans always vote by Party. They have no ethics, have no honesty, have no loyalty to the country ... its always party above everything else.
However, if you wish to throw mud pies at a party and see who's being impeached or charged with unethical behavior ... I'm pretty sure that would be 3:1 or greater for Republicans to Democrats.
Which party is flooding the courts with voter suppression laws these days .... doesn't take a rocket scientist to easily see Republicans feel they can only win if they CHEAT. Guess we'll see in 2022. Mitch McConnell is a useless, bigot ... time to terminate his service to the USA.
democrats are just as political as republicans -- it's all about who the base will accept

republicans know their base doesn't have much problem with _child molesters like Roy Moore, so they'll run them. democrats know their base doesn't have much problem with bribes, so they'll run someone convicted of bribes if they think that person will win

not gonna pretend that democrats are magical angels, but this is definitely a "both sides" thing
democrats are just as political as republicans -- it's all about who the base will accept

republicans know their base doesn't have much problem with _child molesters like Roy Moore, so they'll run them. democrats know their base doesn't have much problem with bribes, so they'll run someone convicted of bribes if they think that person will win

not gonna pretend that democrats are magical angels, but this is definitely a "both sides" thing
In this case in particular, Hastings was impeached. As most people learned in 2019, impeachment is a political tool, not a criminal tool.
Hastings was impeached six years AFTER a criminal trial found him not guilty of the same charges.
A federal judge overturned the impeachments 3 years later.
He was not appointed to the House by ran for it, and voted in by the people.

Show me an example of that happening on the other side? And, remember, the Democratic Party didn't choose him, the people of that district did.
Go back and read @hoping hubby messages to see where he is coming from.
He's the type of pos that bitched about John Lewis being honored and called MLK a commie- before the Republicans new claim of him being a republican.