Politics, Politics, Politics

As their dishonest narrative collapses around them, mainstream media outlets and Democrat politicians are trying to hold together their latest bid to destroy Donald Trump, but some of the lies are getting too big to shrug off.
I’m reminded of the media-speak popularized during the Trump era – lightly used words or phrases that became ubiquitous in the talking points, like "violating norms" – especially the term "debunked." In the eyes of MSM and their controllers, Trump was a president who needed to be debunked thousands of times. Whether it was about the size of his Inauguration Day crowd, the *******-like savagery of MS-13 gang-bangers or the fact that Haiti is “a s**thole”, any Trump claim had to be debunked, false or not.

MSM's narrative about the murderous Capitol mob has collapsed, but don't let that get in the way of a good political lynching — RT Op-ed
OK, you're an America hating Canadian. I see.
Another Russian Today, Opinion piece.
THE world saw what he did.
He is a disgrace to the office and by far the worst President we ever had.
TWO times impeached in ONE term, FOREVER.
Your Russian opinion piece forgot that part.
TWO times impeached in ONE term, FOREVER.
Your Russian opinion piece forgot that part.
You forgot the part where the Democrats wasted the countries' time and money with sham impeachments that both failed. One of them wasn't even legal or constitutional (he was not in office and it was not presided over by a judge) it was just a show. The shortest impeachment in history and obviously just a partisan effort to disgrace a political opponent.

By your logic, they could have attempted to impeach Trump a dozen times and you would think that would make his presidency all the more of a failure. I think it just makes them look foolish for trying such a stunt in the first place.

I sure hope that impeachment doesn't become some new political game that they try just to harass opponents. I hear there is now talk of impeaching Kamala Harris. Will this nonsense ever end?

I generally avoid the news altogether, so much of it is nonsense and made up bullshit. Reading some of the things that people believe on the internet only solidifies my desire to keep avoiding the 'news'. What a way to spend your life, hanging on CNN's every word.
OK, you're an America hating Canadian. I see.
Another Russian Today, Opinion piece.
THE world saw what he did.
He is a disgrace to the office and by far the worst President we ever had.
TWO times impeached in ONE term, FOREVER.
Your Russian opinion piece forgot that part.
find me a post where i said i hate America? provide evidence orstop libelling
Time for a state funeral to honor Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh

Time for a state funeral to honor Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh

i thought rush said that cigars don't cause cancer what happened

he also said we should execute people who take ******* before he was arrested for ******* though, so...
Time for a state funeral to honor Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh

A state funeral?
He was a bigot, misogynist, homophobe, over eating, ******* loving, liar, ******* addict, propagandist of hate, that preyed on the worst instincts of people and promoted the dumbing down of America.
Other than that, I'm sure he was a very nice person.

Oh, and that Medal of Freedom from President Trump, cheapened the honor to that of a bubblegum cigar. Like everything Trump touched.
A D-list budget film is really going to show the number one entertainment company in the world (Disney)that they made a mistake by firing a conspiratorial nut job like Carano.
It's like going from a major network prime time news program, to an afternoon podcast once a week.
A D-list budget film is really going to show the number one entertainment company in the world (Disney)that they made a mistake by firing a conspiratorial nut job like Carano.
It's like going from a major network prime time news program, to an afternoon podcast once a week.

provide evidence instead of slander
i thought rush said that cigars don't cause cancer what happened
Instead of "thinking" that, provide proof of him saying that or admit you're wrong.

he also said we should execute people who take ******* before he was arrested for ******* though, so...
Here you haven't stated a mere thought, you've portrayed this as a fact....so provide proof of that or admit you're spewing BS.
provide evidence instead of slander
ALL you do is Slander everyday. Look at the ******* you post. You're a nutbag- and yes I can prove that in court.
Listen up Canadian, Eh? I'm not sure what part of what I wrote confuses your tin-foil wrapped brain, but here is 100% proof:
Disney is the biggest entertainment company in the world:
Gina Carano was fired after comparing the Holocaust to political disagreement.
Carano was already warned about NUTTY social media posts and promoting false info from anti-mask bs to election fraud lies.
Now support of my comparison to her new move to a podcast:
"...the film will be produced as part of the The Daily Wire‘s partnership with Bone Tomahawk producer Dallas Sonnier and his Bonfire Legend banner. It will be released exclusively to members of the site."
Never heard of any of those people. I've heard of Disney, and the Star Wars franchise she was fired from. Now she is going to do a movie, that will be released to the online subscribers of the Daily Wire. D-List baby! That is not a step up or a lateral move.

That's how you break it down and back up your words *******.
Instead of "thinking" that, provide proof of him saying that or admit you're wrong.

Here you haven't stated a mere thought, you've portrayed this as a fact....so provide proof of that or admit you're spewing BS.
Fuck that! Rush Limbaugh just made this country a little better by croaking.
Instead of "thinking" that, provide proof of him saying that or admit you're wrong.

Here you haven't stated a mere thought, you've portrayed this as a fact....so provide proof of that or admit you're spewing BS.

you're calling me lazy? JFC, do you need help learning how to google?

  • "Too many whites are getting away with ******* use ... Too many whites are getting away with ******* sales ... The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them, and send them up the river, too."—Rush Limbaugh, in 1995


Ah yes, typical libtard, too intellectually lazy to read and comprehend the links they blindly googled/copy & pasted. Don't worry, your fellow dolt's won't bother to read either and assume what you posted had some pertinence.

Yep, Rush denied second hand smoke's danger. You failed to provide any evidence he said smoking can't cause cancer to the smoker. In fact YOUR link proves just the opposite since it quoted Rush stating that firsthand smoke can ******* the smoker.

You've just gotta love it when a dolt can't bother to read and winds up posting a link proving themselves wrong! 🤣

Your claim was :

he also said we should execute people who take ******* before he was arrested for *******

None of your links said a damn thing about Rush espousing the death penalty for ******* users. Of course again, your fellow bubbleheads won't care about your intellectual laziness....they'll bumble right along with you.

So once again....
ridgelyfan said:
i thought rush said that cigars don't cause cancer what happened
Instead of "thinking" that, provide proof of him saying that or admit you're wrong.
ridgelyfan said:
he also said we should execute people who take ******* before he was arrested for ******* though, so...
Here you haven't stated a mere thought, you've portrayed this as a fact....so provide proof of that or admit you're spewing BS.
Last edited:
ALL you do is Slander everyday. Look at the ******* you post. You're a nutbag- and yes I can prove that in court.
Listen up Canadian, Eh? I'm not sure what part of what I wrote confuses your tin-foil wrapped brain, but here is 100% proof:
Disney is the biggest entertainment company in the world:
Gina Carano was fired after comparing the Holocaust to political disagreement.
Carano was already warned about NUTTY social media posts and promoting false info from anti-mask bs to election fraud lies.
Now support of my comparison to her new move to a podcast:
"...the film will be produced as part of the The Daily Wire‘s partnership with Bone Tomahawk producer Dallas Sonnier and his Bonfire Legend banner. It will be released exclusively to members of the site."
Never heard of any of those people. I've heard of Disney, and the Star Wars franchise she was fired from. Now she is going to do a movie, that will be released to the online subscribers of the Daily Wire. D-List baby! That is not a step up or a lateral move.

That's how you break it down and back up your words *******.

You still not answered my question