Politics, Politics, Politics

well looks like trump just sold out another country....you would think our word while trump is president is no good......that's why the majority of the world thinks p u t I n is far more trustworthy than trump......trump asked p u t I n about Venez...and p u t I n just said he wanted what was best for the country...….now trump is on his people NOT to suggest Military…..and is not sure the new person trying to take over can handle it....seems trump is at odds again with his sec of state on Venez now...…......how odd nothing about the 2020 election...unless trump was quietly asking for help...which he is going to need
Your problem is you WATCH the “news” - better described as the propaganda division of the Democrat party it’s 92% negative towards Trump - spins like a propeller - makes ******* up - fake news. I get that - you do NOT.
Boy are you in for a rude awakening soon.

YOU DO NOT GET *******....anything against what you WANT to believe is fake news.....because your daddy says it is
NO - I can see the whirl of the propeller - you embrace it - watch out or yer’ll end up hamburger.

the only thing going on right now......trump has mastered one of the biggest cover-ups in history.....but it will only hold for so long....and is already starting to show signs of cracks....and you trumpies are going to cry your eyes out when he is not around to run for re-election....he won't be able to handle the shame and run for the hills.....the ones in Russia probably.....I'm guessing he has a place in Ireland and will go there to hide for a while....as for you trumpies…….will run around like chickens with your heads cut off......looking for a new god and complaining the left destroyed the last one!
not smart enough to realize he destroyed himself and tried to destroy the country!

and even if all that doesn't hold up and he tries to run for re-election....says he plans on running on the economy....that isn't going to work at all.....just like you left Obama for trump...thinking you would see some kind of return.....never happened....jobs may be up...unemployment may be down.....but the average scmuck ain't seeing anything!....just like you complained about Obama....take home pay isn't keeping up with inflation...paying more in taxes in the long run.....most are living off their credit card...which sooner or later is going to come to an end when they can't pay it back!
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Your problem is you WATCH the “news” - better described as the propaganda division of the Democrat party
I give up, Einstein, tell us where you get YOUR NEWS ... fortune cookies, tea leaves, smoke lines, cards, old bones, weegee board, what? What news source to YOU find credible to believe?
"The sun is going to rise"
........... gif_yellowball-FortuneTeller2.gif
what do you want to bet...….now that he has given Venuz to the Russians and to try and hide that little deal........…..he makes this great treaty with N.K. giving them the world and releasing the sanctions
he is giving p u t I n the world...one country at a time
No, I believe you're misunderstanding ... Trump is the Great Negotiator, he said so himself. You must believe and fall in line, subhub!
"I believe you, President Trump."
"You're always right Mr. Trump"
..................View attachment 2579828

he showed his negotiating skills long before he ever took office....remember carrier?....they STILL went to mexico with production...kept the ones here they were going to keep....and got a huge tax break from the feds and the state costing the state a bunch of money.....for just having the discussion!.....that should have shown people his skills......but some buy into his bag of tricks no matter what!...
you see them on here!
Lindsey Graham ‘doesn’t care’ if Trump tried to fire Mueller
Apr 28, 2019 · GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that it doesn't matter if President Trump wanted White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller because it doesn't amount to obstruction of justice.

Lindsey Graham’s pro-Trump spin of the Mueller report ...
The Washington Post
2 days ago · Lindsey Graham’s pro-Trump spin of the Mueller report. By Amber Phillips. ... Graham mischaracterized special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report and …

Graham Now Says Mueller Should Testify — But On One Specific Topic

Graham told Mueller that if he felt Attorney General William Barr misrepresented the content of their phone call following Barr’s release of a summary of Mueller’s report, during his congressional testimony, he was welcome to come in and testify.
Just before Barr’s testimony on Wednesday, reports surfaced that Mueller sent Barr a letter complaining that Barr’s summary of his report did not “fully capture the context, nature and substance” of his investigation. During his testimony this week, Barr told lawmakers that after Mueller sent the letter, the two spoke on the phone and Mueller clarified that he didn’t have a problem with the accuracy of Barr’s summary, but wanted more of it released sooner.

Lindsey Graham admits he didn't read the entire Mueller report
2 days ago · Lindsey Graham admits he didn’t even read the entire Mueller report The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman admitted he has not bothered to read the whole report, but he chairs the committee ...

Lindsey Graham uses Barr hearing to rant about Hillary ...
2 days ago · Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., kicked off Wednesday’s hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr by admitting he hasn’t read special counsel Robert Mueller’s full ...

Lindsey Graham: Mueller probe 'over' — it’s time to ...
The Washington Examiner
2 days ago · Graham outlined Trump’s willingness to cooperate with Robert Mueller and reviewed the FBI’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, run by FBI agents who texted about their ...
The Simpsons really did their homework when they featured Lisa Simpson asking Justin Trudeau about the SNC Lavalin scandal that's plaguing him. It's better to have that episode before the election where he's going to lose and when he becomes a footnote in history...

Did you watch Trump's new, personal attorney "Barr" take questions from the Senate, today? He gets pissed when he gets confused. See it!?
Barr specifically said Trump had not been exonerated; that's not what Trump was running around saying the past month. What do you think?
Barr admitted having Mueller's written response weeks ago regarding his opinion that Barr had not captured the context, nature, or substance of the report. Barr withheld that information from the public. What do you think?
Democrats asked Barr if he'd provide the minutes of the conference call he made to Mueller. Get this, AG Barr emphatically said NO, why would you need it? LOL Well, DUHHHHHHH ... maybe its because the Trump & administration are such crooked liars, manipulators, and self-serving.
Barr admitted he had not read the entirety of the Mueller Report ... wonder how he then came to the conclusion of Trump being cleared of all charges, having not read the report OR talked with Mueller about that report?
Do you think BARR just LIED today? He's refusing to sit in front of the HOUSE tomorrow. He'd almost have to perjure himself for Trump.
House is trying to bring Mueller in for Questioning ... Barr said ok, BUT they can't seem to find any "free time" on Mueller's calendar, they say. What do you think?
Still confident about the innocence of Trump, and that Barr is not covering for the President? What do you think?
Still wish to hang tight with Fox News & WikiLeaks instead of 99% of the other news media sources? What do you think?

Its ALL gonna come out, eventually. I think most of you Trump Chumps are starting to realize you may have been lied to. Its just a matter of whether its THIS month, THIS year, or AFTER the 2020 election. I think the entire Congress needs to have a soul searching session, get the tax returns, the Mueller report, question Mueller, and subpoena the President under oath ASAP ... it would give the party a a bit of credibility for finally doing the right thing for a change. Maybe they could at least avoid a landslide defeat in 2020 that way if they do it SOON.
Or, is EVERYONE associated with the Republican party just as dishonest as Trump?
We're seeing a HISTORIC EVENT taking place with Trump; much larger than Watergate. . If the whole party goes down, it'll probably take them 2 decades to fully recover.
You just don’t get it Mac. All that matters is the economy. That’s why we love him.