Politics, Politics, Politics

Hey pal - just so ya understand - THE POPULAR VOTE DOESN’T COUNT - in this country the Electoral College calls the shots - if’n ya don’t like it - change the law.

Colo...or Montana...just passed a law to do just that...it will catch on soon enough!

Russian plant my arse - your pal Mueller just said no - no Trump taint ;}

what makes you think he is not...certainly going out of his way to please and not upset them...and the secret meetings?...wake up!

I hope Mueller does testify.

I think the whole country wants that

NY is just a liberal state - doing what liberal states do - nothing they do will affect Trump.

wouldn't bet on that......they passed a law last year that no one can campaign in that state without showing his taxes...that is a start...they already have him on campaign violations and fraud with his charity foundation....and he can't fire anyone on any of that...he ever leaves the white house it will be for jail.....but i'm sure his lawyers will drag it out for years and the lard ass will be dead before he sees jail

The way the left has gone - I really think Trump will be re-elected. Howard Schultz sounds like a centrist and a moderate - too bad for you if he runs - he’ll ******* Biden’s chances who also isn’t a bad guy - but I understand their is a nasty Ukraine story lurking about him. The right will be spieling:

could be...we have a few that are way out there...to far left.....and we have several good ones ...question is how much will they beat up on each other to win...which will eventually help trump.....the left needs to have a good moderate to win....that will pull in the disgruntled republicans and trump is out......if we get stuck with a Bernie sanders or someone similar...trump wins

I thought Booker was a decent candidate...but after he bought that bill up to be voted on.....says will re-unite the country...I don't think so....think it will wave a flag showing how separated we are...he is trying to do an Obama and get all that black votes......but he needs more than just the black votes to win...hell in a lot of southern states they are doing all they can to prevent them from voting...and getting away with it.....IF...and I mean IF we should win the Senate next run...I would hope we would put in some national voting laws to end all this republican voting corruption

I like the two from texas I could support both O'Rourke and castro….don't know much about a lot of the others...but right now i'm liking those two....still prefer biden...and think he will run

Harris's position on that cop killer way back when she was young is going to hurt her!
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sure the job goes on......but with how much dedication?
The people will decide that in 2020 and maybe MrPutin too once more but Xi Jinping of China might desire Trump out because of his order to Canada to apprehend Meng Wanzhou of Huawei when she was visiting Canada because of her prior involvement with Iran and Syria. Definitely Canada felt the wrath of China as they cancelled multiple agreements after the fact from a Canadian filmmaker ****** to withdraw from a Chinese film festival in China to the reneging of their typical imports of Canadian canola as well as their apprehending several Canadians in China for no apparent reason since Meng Wanzhou was seized.

( https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46954585 )
( https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/07/huawei-executives-arrest-puts-more-pressure-on-trump-and-xi.html )
( https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/world/asia/huawei-arrest-china.html )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/huawei-meng-timeline-1.4989139 )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canada-canola-china-1.5067307 )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/canadian-filmmakers-work-from-beijing-festival-1.5076866 )
( https://www.theglobeandmail.com/pol...ined-in-china-since-huawei-executives-arrest/ )
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The people will decide that in 2020 and maybe MrPutin too once more but Xi Jinping of China might desire Trump out because of his order to Canada to apprehend Meng Wanzhou of Huawei when she was visiting Canada because of her prior involvement with Iran and Syria. Definitely Canada felt the wrath of China as they cancelled multiple agreements after the fact from a Canadian filmmaker ****** to withdraw from a Chinese film festival in China to the reneging of their typical imports of Canadian canola as well as their apprehending several Canadians in China for no apparent reason since Meng Wanzhou was seized.

( https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46954585 )
( https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/07/huawei-executives-arrest-puts-more-pressure-on-trump-and-xi.html )
( https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/world/asia/huawei-arrest-china.html )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/huawei-meng-timeline-1.4989139 )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canada-canola-china-1.5067307 )
( https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/canadian-filmmakers-work-from-beijing-festival-1.5076866 )
( https://www.theglobeandmail.com/pol...ined-in-china-since-huawei-executives-arrest/ )

very true...china does want trump out and they have run full page ads in newspapers in areas where trumps tariffs are hurting...….
and now......must be an election coming up...….Grassley had a tough time last time in Iowa over health care...and now is the first to speak up against trump and his immigration policy...as election gets closer how many other republicans will distance them selves from trump
And @subhub174014 I know of a few people on this site that seriously promote Russia as a legitimate place for Blacks to live would you ever imagine seeing scenes like this?

Roberts Robinson from Detroit, he was the only black machine operator at the Ford plant. There (were) recruiters from the Soviet Union, from the foreign trade organization Amtorg, noticed him. In 1934, he was elected deputy of the Moscow City Council as “the best worker of the workshop, a social worker, an inventor (and) the black man will meet for the first time in the White Hall of the Moscow City Council,” wrote “Evening Moscow” on December 14, 1934. In 1937 he attended and in 1944 he graduated from the full course of the Moscow Evening Machine-Building Institute with a degree in Tank Diesel Engineering. He was one of those who founded the Soviet military industry.

So a Black man can be blamed for Russia's military might? The best way to stop that is by travelling back in time and offering a better deal to stay in America? Unlikely given the fact that it was during the Great Depression.




And if one day Russia invades America militarily would you ever imagine some of their soldiers to look like this?


Or the most famous black man in Russia.

Abram Petrovich[a] Gannibal, also Hannibal or Ganibal, or Abram Hannibal or Abram Petrov (Russian: Абра́м Петро́вич Ганниба́л; 1696 – 14 May 1781), was a Russian military engineer, general, and nobleman of African origin. Kidnapped as a baby, Gannibal was taken to Russia and presented as a gift to Peter the Great, where he was freed, adopted and raised in the Emperor's court household as his godson.

Gannibal eventually rose to become a prominent member of the imperial court in the reign of Peter's ******* Elizabeth. He attained the rank of general-in-chief, the second-highest military rank in imperial Russia. He had 11 children, most of whom became members of the Russian nobility; he was a great-grandfather of the author and poet Alexander Pushkin.

In 1717, Abram was sent to Metz to receive an education in the arts, sciences and warfare from the highest institutes available. By then he was fluent in several languages and excelled in mathematics and geometry. In 1718 Abram joined the French Army with hopes of pleasing his godfather by expanding his learning in military engineering. He enrolled in the royal artillery academy at La Fère in 1720.

During Abram's studies, conflict broke out between France and Spain, and he fought for France in the War of the Quadruple Alliance, rising to the rank of captain. While fighting in the French war against Spain, Abram received a head injury and was captured by the Spanish army. He was released in 1722 and continued his studies in Metz.

It was during his time in France that Abram adopted the surname "Gannibal" in honor of the Carthaginian general Hannibal (Gannibal being the traditional transliteration of the name in Russian). In Paris he met and befriended such Enlightenment figures as the Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire (this claim by his biographer Hugh Barnes is disputed by reviewer Andrew Kahn). Voltaire called Gannibal the "dark star of the Enlightenment".

Gannibal returned to Russia the following year and his advanced training enabled him to apply and successfully acquire posts first as an engineer and then as a mathematics tutor for one of the Tsar's private guard units.

Gannibal's education was completed by 1723 and he was due to return to Russia. After the death of Peter in 1725, Prince Menshikov gained power in Russia due to his good standing with Peter. However, Menshikov was not fond of Gannibal and was suspicious of his foreign origins and superior education. Gannibal was exiled to Siberia in 1727, some 4,000 miles to the east of Saint Petersburg. He was pardoned in 1730 due to his technical skills, and completed his service in Siberia in 1733. During this time he built a fortress and led several construction projects, where he became a master engineer.

Elizabeth of Russia became the new monarch in 1741. Gannibal became a prominent member of her court, rose to the rank of major-general, and became superintendent of Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia), a position he held from 1742 to 1752. A letter signed on 22 March 1744 by "A. Ganibal" is held at the Tallinn City Archives. In 1742, the Empress Elizabeth gave him the Mikhailovskoye estate in Pskov Oblast with hundreds of serfs. He retired to this estate in 1762.

In an official document that Gannibal submitted in 1742 to Empress Elizabeth, while petitioning for the rank of nobility and a coat of arms, he asked for the right to use a family crest emblazoned with an elephant and the mysterious word "FVMMO", which may mean "homeland" in the Kotoko language. In his book, Gannibal: The Moor of Petersburg, Hugh Barnes writes of meeting with the sultan of Logone-Birni, who gave him the same translation of the word.[3] However, Frances Somers-Cocks, author of The Moor of St Petersburg: In the Footsteps of a Black Russian, met the same sultan and received a different translation for FVMMO. She also suggested that FVMMO stands for the Latin expression Fortuna Vitam Meam Mutavit Omnino which means "Fortune has changed my life entirely.

On her paternal side, Gannibal’s second wife was descended from noble families in Scandinavia and Germany: Siöberg (Sweden), Galtung (Norway), and Grabow (Denmark) / von Grabow (Brandenburg). Her paternal grandfather was Gustaf Siöberg, Rittmester til Estrup, who died in 1694, whose wife Clara Maria Lauritzdatter Galtung (ca. 1651–1698) was the ******* of Lauritz Lauritzson Galtung (ca. 1615–1661) and of Barbara Grabow til Pederstrup (1631–1696).

Abram Gannibal and Christine Regina Siöberg had ten children, including a *******, Osip. Osip in turn would have a *******, Nadezhda, the mom of Alexander Pushkin.

Some British aristocrats descend from Gannibal, including Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster and her sister, Alexandra Hamilton, Duchess of Abercorn. George Mountbatten, 4th Marquess of Milford Haven, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, is also a direct descendant, as the grandson of Nadejda Mountbatten, Marchioness of Milford Haven.


All these posts are recent and directly from his messages except for my comment about time travel and they blow my mind. I thought it might do the same to you and others as well.
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Also on another note, care to hear what MrPutin thinks about the Mueller report, provided he can be believed?
( https://www.rt.com/news/456005-mueller-probe-montain-brought-forth-mouse/ )
Well, you seem to have answered your own statement ... since WHEN has MrPutin EVER been believable? Name ONE TIME! I mean, getting a honest comment from MrPutin on Trump & his admin's involvement with Russian collusion & obstruction is like asking a Republican in the House or Senate; why waste your time and breath?
I don't know. He said the outcome was predictable. It was. He said no collusion,. There wasn't.

Now let's compare his prediction, and accuracy, with your predictions, and accuracy.

Imagine, if you will, Vladimir P U T I N is more accurate than MacNFries. Except you really don't need to imagine.
Well, you seem to have answered your own statement ... since WHEN has MrPutin EVER been believable? Name ONE TIME! I mean, getting a honest comment from MrPutin on Trump & his admin's involvement with Russian collusion & obstruction is like asking a Republican in the House or Senate; why waste your time and breath?
Lately I enjoy walking the tightrope trying to be impartial, so I added that clause to do so as I suspect what MrPutin said is not what you would desire to hear? But as unlikely as this scenario might be, why not have MrPutin show up unexpectedly on the Maury Povich show as Povich seems to have a good working relationship with those labs for ******* testing as well as those that do lie detection. So maybe MrPutin ( and maybe for laughs toss in Trump and Hillary too ) would be believed under those circumstances?
Well, you seem to have answered your own statement ... since WHEN has MrPutin EVER been believable? Name ONE TIME! I mean, getting a honest comment from MrPutin on Trump & his admin's involvement with Russian collusion & obstruction is like asking a Republican in the House or Senate; why waste your time and breath?
Plus once being the head of the KGB, MrPutin is no dummy and if the circumstances call for it he might have to bend the truth at times too.
And @subhub174014 I know of a few people on this site that seriously promote Russia as a legitimate place for Blacks to live would you ever imagine seeing scenes like this?

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Roberts Robinson from Detroit, he was the only black machine operator at the Ford plant. There (were) recruiters from the Soviet Union, from the foreign trade organization Amtorg, noticed him. In 1934, he was elected deputy of the Moscow City Council as “the best worker of the workshop, a social worker, an inventor (and) the black man will meet for the first time in the White Hall of the Moscow City Council,” wrote “Evening Moscow” on December 14, 1934. In 1937 he attended and in 1944 he graduated from the full course of the Moscow Evening Machine-Building Institute with a degree in Tank Diesel Engineering. He was one of those who founded the Soviet military industry.

So a Black man can be blamed for Russia's military might? The best way to stop that is by travelling back in time and offering a better deal to stay in America? Unlikely given the fact that it was during the Great Depression.

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And if one day Russia invades America militarily would you ever imagine some of their soldiers to look like this?

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Or the most famous black man in Russia.

Abram Petrovich[a] Gannibal, also Hannibal or Ganibal, or Abram Hannibal or Abram Petrov (Russian: Абра́м Петро́вич Ганниба́л; 1696 – 14 May 1781), was a Russian military engineer, general, and nobleman of African origin. Kidnapped as a baby, Gannibal was taken to Russia and presented as a gift to Peter the Great, where he was freed, adopted and raised in the Emperor's court household as his godson.

Gannibal eventually rose to become a prominent member of the imperial court in the reign of Peter's ******* Elizabeth. He attained the rank of general-in-chief, the second-highest military rank in imperial Russia. He had 11 children, most of whom became members of the Russian nobility; he was a great-grandfather of the author and poet Alexander Pushkin.

In 1717, Abram was sent to Metz to receive an education in the arts, sciences and warfare from the highest institutes available. By then he was fluent in several languages and excelled in mathematics and geometry. In 1718 Abram joined the French Army with hopes of pleasing his godfather by expanding his learning in military engineering. He enrolled in the royal artillery academy at La Fère in 1720.

During Abram's studies, conflict broke out between France and Spain, and he fought for France in the War of the Quadruple Alliance, rising to the rank of captain. While fighting in the French war against Spain, Abram received a head injury and was captured by the Spanish army. He was released in 1722 and continued his studies in Metz.

It was during his time in France that Abram adopted the surname "Gannibal" in honor of the Carthaginian general Hannibal (Gannibal being the traditional transliteration of the name in Russian). In Paris he met and befriended such Enlightenment figures as the Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire (this claim by his biographer Hugh Barnes is disputed by reviewer Andrew Kahn). Voltaire called Gannibal the "dark star of the Enlightenment".

Gannibal returned to Russia the following year and his advanced training enabled him to apply and successfully acquire posts first as an engineer and then as a mathematics tutor for one of the Tsar's private guard units.

Gannibal's education was completed by 1723 and he was due to return to Russia. After the death of Peter in 1725, Prince Menshikov gained power in Russia due to his good standing with Peter. However, Menshikov was not fond of Gannibal and was suspicious of his foreign origins and superior education. Gannibal was exiled to Siberia in 1727, some 4,000 miles to the east of Saint Petersburg. He was pardoned in 1730 due to his technical skills, and completed his service in Siberia in 1733. During this time he built a fortress and led several construction projects, where he became a master engineer.

Elizabeth of Russia became the new monarch in 1741. Gannibal became a prominent member of her court, rose to the rank of major-general, and became superintendent of Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia), a position he held from 1742 to 1752. A letter signed on 22 March 1744 by "A. Ganibal" is held at the Tallinn City Archives. In 1742, the Empress Elizabeth gave him the Mikhailovskoye estate in Pskov Oblast with hundreds of serfs. He retired to this estate in 1762.

In an official document that Gannibal submitted in 1742 to Empress Elizabeth, while petitioning for the rank of nobility and a coat of arms, he asked for the right to use a family crest emblazoned with an elephant and the mysterious word "FVMMO", which may mean "homeland" in the Kotoko language. In his book, Gannibal: The Moor of Petersburg, Hugh Barnes writes of meeting with the sultan of Logone-Birni, who gave him the same translation of the word.[3] However, Frances Somers-Cocks, author of The Moor of St Petersburg: In the Footsteps of a Black Russian, met the same sultan and received a different translation for FVMMO. She also suggested that FVMMO stands for the Latin expression Fortuna Vitam Meam Mutavit Omnino which means "Fortune has changed my life entirely.

On her paternal side, Gannibal’s second wife was descended from noble families in Scandinavia and Germany: Siöberg (Sweden), Galtung (Norway), and Grabow (Denmark) / von Grabow (Brandenburg). Her paternal grandfather was Gustaf Siöberg, Rittmester til Estrup, who died in 1694, whose wife Clara Maria Lauritzdatter Galtung (ca. 1651–1698) was the ******* of Lauritz Lauritzson Galtung (ca. 1615–1661) and of Barbara Grabow til Pederstrup (1631–1696).

Abram Gannibal and Christine Regina Siöberg had ten children, including a *******, Osip. Osip in turn would have a *******, Nadezhda, the mom of Alexander Pushkin.

Some British aristocrats descend from Gannibal, including Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster and her sister, Alexandra Hamilton, Duchess of Abercorn. George Mountbatten, 4th Marquess of Milford Haven, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, is also a direct descendant, as the grandson of Nadejda Mountbatten, Marchioness of Milford Haven.

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All these posts are recent and directly from his messages except for my comment about time travel and they blow my mind. I thought it might do the same to you and others as well.

always that rarity….
Plus once being the head of the KGB, MrPutin is no dummy and if the circumstances call for it he might have to bend the truth at times too.
still has ambitions of ruling the world....and is working on it pretty good...he got nailed trying to meddle in France's elections but they have to many laws to prevent that...unlike here....everything in France on the news or in politics has to be factual.....unlike here.....in this country all he has to do is to get us fighting amounst ourselves.....and disrupting Nato and other alliances......wait...isn't that what trump is doing?
always that rarity….
On the BBC clip whenever it was made Russia had a population of 140 million and the cited there was around 70,000 Blacks there? So that's not even anywhere near 1% as it is 1 out of every 2000 Russians are Black. They also faced hardships but at least there was no legacy of slavery there and they seem to be generally more accepting as there are fights but at least there are no slaughters of that tiny Black community there. So yes they are rare but they exist and they are growing and their real historical stories and legacies would blow people away if what I hear is accurate.
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On the BBC clip whenever it was made Russia had a population of 140 million and the cited there was around 70,000 Blacks there? So that's not even anywhere near 1% as it is 1 out of every 2000 Russians are Black. They also faced hardships but at least there was no legacy of slavery there and they seem to be generally more accepting as there are fights but at least there are no slaughters of that tiny Black community there. So yes they are rare but they exist and they are growing and their real historical stories and legacies would blow people away if what I hear is accurate.

well the man you support seems to be doing a fine job of promoting division in the country......notice all the violence any more is mostly white supremacists against black churchs and jewish churchs?...wasn't that much before...and trump says it isn't a problem...go figure?!

as for the slavery and slaughter......you mean similar to what we did to the American Indians?...that was slaughter

there has always been some in the background.....but society kind of kept a lid on it...until trump....now todays youth are growing up with this hatred being put out right now....trump took us back 100 years!
On the BBC clip whenever it was made Russia had a population of 140 million and the cited there was around 70,000 Blacks there? So that's not even anywhere near 1% as it is 1 out of every 2000 Russians are Black. They also faced hardships but at least there was no legacy of slavery there and they seem to be generally more accepting as there are fights but at least there are no slaughters of that tiny Black community there. So yes they are rare but they exist and they are growing and their real historical stories and legacies would blow people away if what I hear is accurate.
well the man you support seems to be doing a fine job of promoting division in the country......notice all the violence any more is mostly white supremacists against black churchs and jewish churchs?...wasn't that much before...and trump says it isn't a problem...go figure?!

as for the slavery and slaughter......you mean similar to what we did to the American Indians?...that was slaughter

there has always been some in the background.....but society kind of kept a lid on it...until trump....now todays youth are growing up with this hatred being put out right now....trump took us back 100 years!
I was speaking about the circumstances for the Blacks in Russia, not the violence that you rightfully suggest what is happening to Blacks, Jews, Native Americans and any others in America @subhub174014. ?

And any support I have for Trump is meaningless as I don't have a vote in your election. If you read my posts on Canada we have enough drama here whether or not Justin Trudeau's government will fail before our election later this year.
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I was speaking about the circumstances for the Blacks in Russia, not the violence that you rightfully suggest what is happening to Blacks, Jews, Native Americans and any others in America @subhub174014. ?

And any support I have for Trump is meaningless as I don't have a vote in your election. If you read my posts on Canada we have enough drama here whether or not Justin Trudeau's government will fail before our election later this year.

true the blacks there have not had to deal with the circumstances there that they had here
and yes I know your vote doesn't count here...….but confusing with those like blkdlar and syscom and others that do support the man

I think...just my opinion...Trudeau ran into a bad piece of luck and the country won't forgive or work with him on it
true the blacks there have not had to deal with the circumstances there that they had here
and yes I know your vote doesn't count here...….but confusing with those like blkdlar and syscom and others that do support the man

I think...just my opinion...Trudeau ran into a bad piece of luck and the country won't forgive or work with him on it
If you think Trump has troubles so does Justin as he was ****** to illegally remove 2 cabinet ministers merely for doing their job, as reported from today's news @subhub174014 :

It was a shitty hand Justin was dealt that ****** him to do what he did but the optics are radioactively toxic going into an election mere months from now. After October, 2019 it is my expectation that you will refer to Andrew Scheer as the Prime Minister of Canada, but time will tell.
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