Politics, Politics, Politics

just read where both will run again in Nov...this time in different districts...with the new map the court drew up

"Trump broke his silence on the election at a private fundraiser for Missouri Senate candidate Josh Hawley Wednesday night, telling a crowd of donors that Lamb had run “a pretty smart race, actually

right after he won trump initially sent him a nasty tweet....then changed his tune!..
according to the news...they didn't call him a republican....but he ran in a strong republican district and said he fit right in with what most in that district liked and wanted...except he was running as Dem!...although they thought he was in favor of impeachment!
which was probably his only flaw against him in that district!
CNN published a news article on Wednesday evening that suggested the enforcement of federal immigration law was equivalent to the ******* of six million Jews in the Holocaust.
The article, by Kyung Lah and Alberto Moya, was presented as news, not opinion. Its central premise was that a Jewish woman was inspired by memories of the Holocaust to hide illegal aliens on the run from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials (a federal crime).

CNN posted a tweet to promote the article, declaring: “A Jewish woman heard an undocumented immigrant and her two daughters were on the run from ICE. Driven by thoughts of the Holocaust, she risked her own comfort to offer them shelter.”

The funny thing about freedom of speech is that is is hypocritical to support NFL players kneeling, as is their right, and to oppose another group, no matter how distasteful, from expressing their freedom of speech. You either support freedom of speech and expression, or you don't. You really don't get to support it with just those you agree with

Ok I was a little "testy" after our last conversation and didn't take time to read

but I think the NFL kneeling is a protest on their part and rightfully so
where as the other...a lot of the time not so peaceful...that would be the difference

freedom of speech and all that...but I guess there are limits if they are promoting hate!

can the white supremist have a march without violence?
the kneeling...although upsets SOME....is not hurting anyone...except a president that won't even respect the flag half the time
Unfortunately there is not a difference. Unless it is a hate crime, or hate speech, because that is codified in some instances. But not here. Everyone, and I mean even people you and I might find disgusting, have the right to free speech and expression so long as it is within the law. We don't get to pick who has certain rights, which are guaranteed under both the Constitution and God (and this portion is factual per the framers), and who doesn't.

Another example here of fact, versus opinion and emotion.

Politically the legislature ruled incorrectly, but from a Constitutional and civil liberation perspective, they made the correct choice.

I don't know about you, but I prefer elected officials to make choices based on the Constitution and civil liberty, not whatever is the political talking points are on CNN, and happens to be popular.

CNN sells a whole lot of advertising by making these things stories. As did the website you took that "copy pasta" from. It's lost on me, I just go pay more to another source rather than use any products advertised by news outlets with an agenda that doesn't include a factual reporting of what is, and rather includes opinions and emotions about what should be.

Last time I checked, I have to deal with the what is, and the way things are, rather than live in the fantasy world of the what ifs, and the way things should be.

Now I'm admittedly a funny guy. I didn't make the rules, but I've learned to profit within the rules. And I've found spending time of the what ifs, and the way things should be don't pay well, so I don't much bother with it. As a result, once again I'm already at home, ready to enjoy lunch and a cigar, just like every day right around this time. I'll let others work until 5, and have great debates.
Everyone, and I mean even people you and I might find disgusting, have the right to free speech and expression so long as it is within the law.
......Possibly you are allowing your passion of the constitution to skew the real purpose of events in Charlottesville? Supposedly, the confrontation that occurred in Charlottesville was an anti-protest movement to the removal of Confederate statutes, particularly the Robert E Lee statue ... right? A march to protect the heritage society and honor the fallen Southerners that fought? But, that wasn't the true purpose. Most confederate statues appeared many years after the Civil War ... in the early 1920's & 30's to object to the race-relations liberalization efforts as a warning that it would not progress in the South. The Jim Crow era of race hate suppression. They weren't there to honor/protect history, but to intimidate when Southern states continued demanding their own state controlled governments far from the ideologues of the Lincoln intention of bringing states together to rebuild and strive.
......The "Unite The Right" marchers were carrying torches, racist flags, hate insignias (swastikas), screaming anti-Semitic slurs ... in essence, a white supremacy march. These groups were "hand picked" anti-liberal marchers who thrive on persecution instead of guarding one's freedoms. It was inevitable that the antifa vs the alt-right conflict developed as the march seemed to give the locals only an either-or alternative to being there.
So, no, one group showed up to protest the organized march of the other, and the city of Charlottesville failed miserably in controlling the crowds.
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My post had nothing to do with the events in Charlottesville . But since you bring it up, yes, the Constitution and all applicable laws applied to everyone there. Equally. And one doesn't get to apply rights afforded in an unequal fashion based on personal preference. To do otherwise is textbook example of violation of 14th amendment rights afforded under the Constitution. The equal protection clause.
But not here. Everyone, and I mean even people you and I might find disgusting, have the right to free speech and expression so long as it is within the law

you are right...BUT that is not something this country has followed EVER
for all the talk of the constitution...look what we did to the Japanese during and after the war....the Irish..and the black thing has never really ceased!
we pretty much preach one thing and do another!
and we have been consistent about it
I don't know about you, but I prefer elected officials to make choices based on the Constitution and civil liberty, not whatever is the political talking points are on CNN, and happens to be popular.

there we go with CNN...just because I'm a liber doesn't mean I am into CNN...I watch CBS about 4 hours a day

but you are right CNN has a lot of bullshit on it...you mentioned Don Lemon....he would be a good example...but there are a few there that are pretty good and do cover the news...the guy on Sunday (foreigner..writes for the post) he is very good at world events...Jake tapper....Wolfe is....ok rarely watch the rest

just about every article I post comes off my home page which is Yahoo....I click on the net....and pretty much read every article there!
the ones I think are against the working man...or just flat not good for the country ...I cut and paste...sometimes several...sometimes none!
I have worked both sides of the fence and my 2 stints in mgmt. have shown me I want no part of the ******* they sometimes pull on the workers and the public
would love to see nunes prosecuted!

House Intel Committee Screwed Itself—and the President It’s Trying to Save
Liz Mair,The Daily Beast

Earlier this week, the House Intelligence Committee formally closed its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, with the Republican majority issuing a report declaring that no collusion occurred between Russia and the Trump campaign. On first glance, this looks like good news for Trump: It’s one less investigation running into his campaign’s alleged Russia ties. The manner in which it was done, and the report issued by Chairman Devin Nunes, look to all but the fiercest Trump backers to be hackish and focused on giving Trump cover, as opposed to providing actual clarity and answers. ...
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NRA lawyer said to have had concerns about group’s ties to Russia
McClatchy Washington Bureau 23 hours


Congressional investigators have learned that a longtime attorney for the National Rifle Association expressed concerns about the group’s ties to Russia and possible involvement in channeling Russian money into the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump, two sources familiar with the matter say. Cleta Mitchell, a former NRA board member who has done legal work for the organization, is on a newly disclosed list of people whom Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee are seeking to interview. Democratic investigators for that committee’s Senate counterpart also are interested in what she may know about relationships between the NRA or its allies and wealthy Russians, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. ...
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Reagan and Bush both robbed the social security fund to pay for their tax fuck-ups nothing left to rob except the tax payers...
Farmers will just blame the Dems anyway...they all vote republican......let them suck on their own fertilizer!
Just shows them how much their party takes care of them

Democrats balk as Republicans try to use must-pass spending bill to fix tax law
Washington Post

Republicans aiming to use an upcoming spending bill to fix a glaring problem with their recently passed tax overhaul are running into a wall with Democrats, who were shut out of the tax law process and now don’t want to cooperate unless they get something in return. Shortly after the rushed passage of last year’s $1.5 trillion tax law, agricultural companies warned that their livelihoods were imperiled after language in the tax law gave a major advantage to their competitors — farming cooperatives — in the heart of America’s agriculture economy. Republicans professed surprise and promised to fix the problem as soon as possible. “It has to get fixed,” said Rep. K. Michael Conaway (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. ...
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I have a friend who lives up the street....older couple...real nice...typical southern rednecks...very religious and very republican...we usually never talk politics because both of us are pretty set in our ways.....and was surprised when he brought up politics yesterday...bunch of us out doing yard work and ended up being a small gathering...anyway he mentioned the firing of McCabe....said it says a lot about a person when you take away their pension for life over something political!

I don't think this firing is going to go over so well for trump in the long run...his vindictiveness is going to come back and bite him in the ass!

Now he is suing Stormy daniels for breech of contract.......there goes any denial he may have been trying to push!

also he is kicking the ******* out of the FBI for investigating him.....who does he think Mueller's team all or most work for?
don't think there might be a little more incentive or push there now do you?

these republicans can be so petty and vindictive.....don't like it when it's not their way...hell you even see it here on this board!

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the republican party is trying to support treason over country...and will go to any extreme to hide what's going on
but starting to look like some of the republicans on the street not so thrilled
I'm not sure what your response about special elections has to do with the original subject which was the firing of Andrew McCabe?

Can you help me out with your thought process becuase I'm having a difficult time understanding as it seemingly jumps from one topic, to another unrelated topic?
I'm not sure what your response about special elections has to do with the original subject which was the firing of Andrew McCabe?
it doesn't it reply's to ...the blue wave!

but then again you are not real clear on just what the hell your prediction is about...you make some off the wall statement....you get a response to what people are trying to think you are saying
Blue Wave!

Learn to surf!

Stunning news! Never before happened! The minority party wins elections in a off year!


Fist time ever!