Politics, Politics, Politics

I don't know about that... but there are definitely a couple right wing whacko's on here a lot... that are very thin skinned and only see it one way... but then that's how the right is
if you don't agree with them the name calling starts... and then the crying when you give it back..... crazy fuckers!
best to just let them spout their ******* and forget.... no discussion there!

I think I can... discuss with about anyone...except when the names start.... then I try to go one further.... but then isn't that how most ******* starts?
I try to not push it that far then it's a mudslinging war and both sides get dirty just as Trump and Hillary did when they were fighting to be president. Instead my sword is fact and if it's within my ability to prove it, I'm merciless with how I slice with it. :devil:
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Instead my sword is fact and if it's within my ability to prove it, I'm merciless with how I slice with it. :devil:

I guess I do pretty much the same....try to do the facts.... but there are those that have their opinion's and theirs is the only one that is fact!
some people are just a waste of time and no sense trying.... whacko's!
some are fun to screw with you know they aren't going to change ... but a jab here and there... others to twisted to even discuss anything

but then isn't that the problem with politics.... everyone already has their mind made up and not willing to listen or bend!

politics is a nasty subject to begin with and......
damn how in the hell did we get.....on the same side?... I'm a ******* heart lib!
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I guess I do pretty much the same....try to do the facts.... but there are those that have their opinion's and theirs is the only one that is fact!
some people are just a waste of time and no sense trying.... whacko's!

but then isn't that the problem with politics.... everyone already has their mind made up and not willing to listen or bend!

politics is a nasty subject to begin with and......
More and more we seem to be almost kindred spirits, but of course we have our issues and I hope not to piss you off anymore if you'd return the favor. :bounce::angel:
More and more we seem to be almost kindred spirits, but of course we have our issues and I hope not to piss you off anymore if you'd return the favor. :bounce::angel:
All that separates us is Trump and if we are both alive 20 or 30 years from now history will decide whether if he was a success or a failure and the loser will have to accept it just like the result of flipping a coin.
All that separates us is Trump and if we are both alive 20 or 30 years from now history will decide whether if he was a success or a failure and the loser will have to accept it just like the result of flipping a coin.

well like I said I don't think we will have to wait for history!
the impeachment express is full steam ahead.... and just a matter of time!
really doubt he will finish his term!... back home now.... and questions to answer and more lies to dish out... he is his own worst enemy!

if he didn't have anything to hide.... why so many lies and cover-ups..... he could have let things run their course... answered the questions..... and been on his way with more Reaganomics and screwing the little guy!
well like I said I don't think we will have to wait for history!
the impeachment express is full steam ahead.... and just a matter of time!
really doubt he will finish his term!... back home now.... and questions to answer and more lies to dish out... he is his own worst enemy!
True, but this is an ongoing issue. It might be kind of like betting on a horse during a race when it's behind all of the other horses during it's race? It could develop the fighting spirit to win, or all of the other horses ahead of it can break it's legs allowing the losing horse to win, or it could stay at the end and lose? While something is happening anything can happen so it's hard to know the final result. If you could do that kind of analysis with a degree of perfection I'd have you analyze stocks and tell me how they are going to move? Or do the same with FOREX or commodities and tell me how they will accurately move before they do it? Then we'd be wealthy men (unless you are already yourself?).

Otherwise if you are not blessed knowing how things end before they do we'll have to wait for history like everyone else to tell us exactly how Trump fixed America? Or how he made things worse?
You are so easily triggered. So it first begs the question why are you so insecure?

'You have a nerve challenging me'..

Ohh dear. Do you also whine like a baby when someone tells you you cannot have chocolate? Because thats exactly how your comment sounds...

If you cannot stand people calling you out on things of the BS kind, then go to the childrens section and ask for a colouring book.

Also you are whining about algebra when the topic is leaving the commonwealth...

Attention span too short for you to keep up??????????​

Ok. And here is your education on the facts of leaving the British common wealth according to the UK/Canadian governments. Who clearly state...A COUNTRY CAN LEAVE FULLY.... So challenge accepted.

Given that Canada was never ever owned by the British, just ruled by the British. Canada does not have to go through the same 'permission' process Scotland or Wales would have to go through.

Also not even Lord Marmaldes claim in 2016 that Canada belonged to the US can change those or the facts below.

1. By a simple referendum and a change of vote a country CAN LEAVE THE COMMONWEALTH And release the Queen as head of state from said country. Canada included.

'To remove the Monarchy would require a Constitutional Amendment,. Any change to the Office of Queen (King) would require an amendment using what’s known as the “unanimity clause”. That is, ALL of Parliament, ALL of the Provinces and (it’s generally thought) a referendum would be required'. And lets not forget the the queen is head of state for both the UK Australia, and Canada ( Maple Queen) at the same time, yet independently.

Also by revoking the The Statute of Westminster, of 11 December 1931 Canada would remove any vestige of British law being placed, or in place in Canadian law under that act should it not have been revoked. This as laid down in the Constitution Act, 1982.

Also in the 1947 Letters Patent Patent issued by King George VI permit the Governor General of Canada to exercise almost all of the monarch's powers in respect of Canada, the viceroy is expected to continue to act as the personal representative of the monarch, and not any regent, even if the monarch is a baby or incapacitated. A simple reversal of this act would clear the way for a full independent Canadian Head of State.

2. Upon reaching the rquired 'legal conditions' according to the Canadian constitution to relinquish membership of the commonwealth a legal document( ie letter, either a letter closed (litterae clausae) from the Canadian government ) or an official parlimentary document giving notice to leave is required to be presented to the British Government upon which within a certain agreed time Canada would LEAVE AND BE INDEPENDENT from the commonweath.

A Second referendum can remove the Queeen as head of state. ( as has been posted many many times in the Canadian press) or did that little fact slip from your mind?

So yes. A letter and a referendum removes the Qyueen as head of state. ANDDDDD gives Canada full independence.

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....Not a thing ... absolutely we should fully vet any foreigners coming into this country. Just like we should full vet anyone wishing to obtain a "carry permit" for pistols ... yet the gun lobbyists and many conservatives here think it unfair to do more thorough background checks or require special permits, while in the same breath they cut funding & benefits for mental illness and loudly and falsely cry that the government is wanting to take their guns.
....Problem, however, with illegals is that we know HOW to stop illegals from entering the country, but it affects/impacts the constituents and voters we rely on to stay in office. So we simply blame the opposite party.
And as far as "sucking off the benefits, no one does it better than the super rich ... the poor receive just enough to survive (Tarp, etc), the super rich influence legislation and then suck off the country by the $millions & $billions of dollars ... but THAT'S ok because they promise to create jobs, jobs, jobs ... right?

Well again - you simply re-direct. But I will say this - I agree mostly. We do need a better background check, I have no problem with that (kind of like making sure they are a citizen before voting.). And yes - the rich do suck off the system just as the poor do. The biggest problem here Mac, is you are still living in a box. You need to get out, see the world for what it is. Interact and mingle with both the rich and the poor, such I have over the past 30 years. Only then you will see the real fleecing on America. Most of those that truly need help - don't get it.

But to get back on the subject at hand - You say "Not a thing ... absolutely we should fully vet any foreigners" why then is the left so against doing so?
@DaphneD all you seem to do are ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you are the one that needs to have her head examined?
All I initially said is one sentence and you created this nonsense? And who directly is your (British?) Lord Marmalade? Please try to stick to the facts if it is possible for you to do so and try to keep up.
...Lord Marmalade...
Perhaps you are losing your mind? If that's the case I won't need to reply to any further irrationality from you.

The Brit Monarchy would never want to give up control of it's territory especially after taking so much centuries to steal...um acquire their territories. The only exception that got away with it, that did come back like Pakistan, or planning to come back like Gambia, or had their economy destroyed to punish Zimbabwe for leaving the Commonwealth is Ireland and maybe the Maldives. You can see it for yourself here and be sure to note the commentary on the far right side!
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations )

Canada did get some measure of independence from Britain, but we are still a Commonwealth nation, and we have their crony...um Governor General as their figurehead here. And that will not change. Their role is merely ceremonial and as I said from my prior link it is rare that they would ever intervene with no precedent of doing so EVER in Canada. As another reference to illustrate my point:

"Although responsible government had existed in Canada since 1848, Britain continued to set its foreign and defence policies after the end of the First World War. With the passing of the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Canada became co-equal with the United Kingdom. After the Constitution was repatriated in 1982, the final vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament were removed. Canada currently consists of ten provinces and three territories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state."
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Canada )
If Canada was never ruled by Britain, then why is the Queen our Head of State? Like the Governor General it is a ceremonial position, however as head of state the monarch could technically seize control whenever he/she wanted.

And if you recall your history it was a bloody affair for Ireland to separate from Britain and of course the IRA even killed a Mountbatten to achieve their goals. And they stated:

"The IRA claim responsibility for the execution of Lord Louis Mountbatten. This operation is one of the discriminate ways we can bring to the attention of the English people the continuing occupation of our country...."
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Mountbatten,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma )

Even with the hostile relations Ireland had with Britain it puzzles me as to why they let them go? Perhaps it was due to the fact the terrorism from the IRA was too great? But I suspect it's a gambit to let them get what they want and like Pakistan and Gambia they will be back in their clutches at some point in the future or right this second running back begging to go back to the Commonwealth. This contradicts someone you might know @DaphneD:
Stiff. LOL Sorry but now you're posting unfounded bullshit ...They have NO say in who remains or goes [from the Commonwealth] as proven by Gambia leaving, Pakistan to name two.
I guess it's apparent as to how is speaking falsehoods when one simply looks at those countries plus the commentary besides it from this link:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations )

With regard to the Letters Patent reference that you kindly provided perhaps you missed the fact that:
"While the letters patent allow the governor general to use most of the 'powers and authorities' lawfully belonging to the Canadian sovereign,[2] this permission can be revoked, altered, or amended by the sovereign at any time and these powers and authorities thus remain with the monarch and are carried out by the governor general on his or her behalf.[3][4][5][6]"
So even after a such a separation should take place Queen or possible future King could technically renege and reverse the process of separation and ******* such a country to remain in the Commonwealth ( perhaps even after the exercise of separation was completed ) after all of the Constitutional amendments a nation can send or referendums a nation can perform?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_Patent,_1947 )

After all if a Parliament has the power to prorogue and make all current legislation void:
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Prorogation of a Parliament results in the termination of a session. Parliament then stands prorogued until the opening of the next session. Like the summoning and dissolution of Parliament, prorogation is a prerogative act of the Crown, taken on the advice of the Prime Minister. [105] Parliament is actually prorogued either by the Governor General (or Deputy of the Governor General) in the Senate Chamber, or by proclamation published in the Canada Gazette. When Parliament stands prorogued to a certain day, a subsequent proclamation (or proclamations) may be issued to advance or defer the date. [106]

Effects of Prorogation
The principal effect of ending a session by prorogation is to terminate business. Members are released from their parliamentary duties until Parliament is next summoned. All unfinished business is dropped from or “dies” on the Order Paper and all committees lose their power to transact business, providing a fresh start for the next session. No committee can sit during a prorogation. [107] Bills which have not received Royal Assent before prorogation are “entirely terminated” and, in order to be proceeded with in the new session, must be reintroduced as if they had never existed. [108]"
( http://www.ourcommons.ca/MarleauMontpetit/DocumentViewer.aspx?Sec=Ch08&Seq=7 )

Certainly the monarch ( who extended such powers to a Parliament ) can change their mind at anytime for a country to be removed from the Commonwealth as well. AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNND I'M DONE! Q.E.D.

If you wish to maintain your ad hominem attacks upon me feel free to do so on my other posts and try to find fault with them. I suggest you start with the post where I provided a faulty proof of 2=1 where I said it was wrong. By your logic, especially if you find fault in anything I say, you would have to determine that 2=1. And by all means try to do so!
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...ump-gets-impeached.92341/page-23#post-1401468 )
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Oh...the left embraces Sharia Law. Oh, OK. Does that mean that Sharia Law is open to equal rights for LGBT folks, or liberal minded environmental protections and *******, as well as human, rights and liberties. So Sharia Law feels that the government should have no place in determining a woman's reproductive rights or access to healthcare regarding these rights. And Sharia Law believes that the church and government should remain separated? Sharia Law is opposed to censorship, then, as well? And opposed to the death penalty and the chance that innocent men have fried because of it? Really? Well, darn, all this time i really had no idea what Sharia Law was all about.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

And, by the way, we're all aware that the ex-KGB fellow is an absolute angel.

Boy, have we been misled. Sheesh. Thanks again. Us libs and our half-truths and our whacky spin and falling for what the other 99.9% of the planet thinks.

LOL...the irony...

Oh...and it's so nice to have a guy in office who knows how to treat other nations like the lesser, subordinate nations that they most certainly are, white knuckles and all.
@Hand Solo - Amen brother and Bravo. These guys with all the leftist this and that name-calling B.S. are mundane low brow curmudgeons I don't even bother responding to it anymore but its good to see a logical retort that tears their illogical nonsense apart.

I'm not a leftist - I'm more a centered libertarian but I don't like a guy the right is rooting for and I get called a left-leaning blah blah blah this and that - I'm like WTF you guys are that juvenile - OK?
@DaphneD all you seem to do are ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you are the one that needs to have her head examined?
All I initially said is one sentence and you created this nonsense? And who directly is your (British?) Lord Marmalade? Please try to stick to the facts if it is possible for you to do so and try to keep up.
Perhaps you are losing your mind? If that's the case I won't need to reply to any further irrationality from you.

The Brit Monarchy would never want to give up control of it's territory especially after taking so much centuries to steal...um acquire their territories. The only exception that got away with it, that did come back like Pakistan, or planning to come back like Gambia, or had their economy destroyed to punish Zimbabwe for leaving the Commonwealth is Ireland and maybe the Maldives. You can see it for yourself here and be sure to note the commentary on the far right side!
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations )

Canada did get some measure of independence from Britain, but we are still a Commonwealth nation, and we have their crony...um Governor General as their figurehead here. And that will not change. Their role is merely ceremonial and as I said from my prior link it is rare that they would ever intervene with no precedent of doing so EVER in Canada. As another reference to illustrate my point:

"Although responsible government had existed in Canada since 1848, Britain continued to set its foreign and defence policies after the end of the First World War. With the passing of the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Canada became co-equal with the United Kingdom. After the Constitution was repatriated in 1982, the final vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament were removed. Canada currently consists of ten provinces and three territories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state."
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Canada )
If Canada was never ruled by Britain, then why is the Queen our Head of State? Like the Governor General it is a ceremonial position, however as head of state the monarch could technically seize control whenever he/she wanted.

And if you recall your history it was a bloody affair for Ireland to separate from Britain and of course the IRA even killed a Mountbatten to achieve their goals. And they stated:

"The IRA claim responsibility for the execution of Lord Louis Mountbatten. This operation is one of the discriminate ways we can bring to the attention of the English people the continuing occupation of our country...."
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Mountbatten,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma )

Even with the hostile relations Ireland had with Britain it puzzles me as to why they let them go? Perhaps it was due to the fact the terrorism from the IRA was too great? But I suspect it's a gambit to let them get what they want and like Pakistan and Gambia they will be back in their clutches at some point in the future or right this second running back begging to go back to the Commonwealth. This contradicts someone you might know @DaphneD:

I guess it's apparent as to how is speaking falsehoods when one simply looks at those countries plus the commentary besides it from this link:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations )

With regard to the Letters Patent reference that you kindly provided perhaps you missed the fact that:
"While the letters patent allow the governor general to use most of the 'powers and authorities' lawfully belonging to the Canadian sovereign,[2] this permission can be revoked, altered, or amended by the sovereign at any time and these powers and authorities thus remain with the monarch and are carried out by the governor general on his or her behalf.[3][4][5][6]"
So even after a such a separation should take place Queen or possible future King could technically renege and reverse the process of separation and ******* such a country to remain in the Commonwealth ( perhaps even after the exercise of separation was completed ) after all of the Constitutional amendments a nation can send or referendums a nation can perform?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_Patent,_1947 )

After all if a Parliament has the power to prorogue and make all current legislation void:
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Prorogation of a Parliament results in the termination of a session. Parliament then stands prorogued until the opening of the next session. Like the summoning and dissolution of Parliament, prorogation is a prerogative act of the Crown, taken on the advice of the Prime Minister. [105] Parliament is actually prorogued either by the Governor General (or Deputy of the Governor General) in the Senate Chamber, or by proclamation published in the Canada Gazette. When Parliament stands prorogued to a certain day, a subsequent proclamation (or proclamations) may be issued to advance or defer the date. [106]

Effects of Prorogation
The principal effect of ending a session by prorogation is to terminate business. Members are released from their parliamentary duties until Parliament is next summoned. All unfinished business is dropped from or “dies” on the Order Paper and all committees lose their power to transact business, providing a fresh start for the next session. No committee can sit during a prorogation. [107] Bills which have not received Royal Assent before prorogation are “entirely terminated” and, in order to be proceeded with in the new session, must be reintroduced as if they had never existed. [108]"
( http://www.ourcommons.ca/MarleauMontpetit/DocumentViewer.aspx?Sec=Ch08&Seq=7 )

Certainly the monarch ( who extended such powers to a Parliament ) can change their mind at anytime for a country to be removed from the Commonwealth as well. AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNND I'M DONE! Q.E.D.

If you wish to maintain your ad hominem attacks upon me feel free to do so on my other posts and try to find fault with them. I suggest you start with the post where I provided a faulty proof of 2=1 where I said it was wrong. By your logic, especially if you find fault in anything I say, you would have to determine that 2=1. And by all means try to do so!
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...ump-gets-impeached.92341/page-23#post-1401468 )

LOLOL Ohh dear. Again you're triggered... What an long post. Basicaly it agrees with my comment CANADA can by a referendum and a alteration to certain agreements leave the Commonwealth fully and become a complete independent Nation away from the UK.

As for once again your rather pious egotistic rant. If you insult someone by calling them ignorant expect to be called back... So once again. If you cannot handle that go to the childrens section and ask for a book and crayons.

Your rather weal effort concerning Ireland is funny. Its a topic you are not well versed in and its natural you will make a mistake as to your conclusions.

Your rather insecure ego and attitude is not one for discussion. You take everyone opinions as a personal attack. Meaning you will always draw the wrong meaning and conclusion... Just like ALL TRUMP LOVERS DO... Who, by the way is Lord Marmalde.

Now if you stop acting like a complet hurt little baby and seriously want to discuss something then fine... Want to continue to whine like a baby then we're done.!

Tell you what we're done... Having read your further childish whiny and hypocritical remarks you truelly are a triggered soul

Amen, I'm developing more haters or those that want to debate me than Trump has haters lately!

Ohh dear... Still the childish claims. You post expect to be called on them...But hey. You're like all trump supporters...If it said against you its fake news, if it doesn't agree with you its haters, if you call someone ignorant or something else they are not allowed to reply using your own standards...

Hypocrite I call thee STIFFBBC.
LOLOL Ohh dear. Again you're triggered... What an long post. Basicaly it agrees with my comment CANADA can by a referendum and a alteration to certain agreements leave the Commonwealth fully and become a complete independent Nation away from the UK.

As for once again your rather pious egotistic rant. If you insult someone by calling them ignorant expect to be called back... So once again. If you cannot handle that go to the childrens section and ask for a book and crayons.

Your rather weal effort concerning Ireland is funny. Its a topic you are not well versed in and its natural you will make a mistake as to your conclusions.

Your rather insecure ego and attitude is not one for discussion. You take everyone opinions as a personal attack. Meaning you will always draw the wrong meaning and conclusion... Just like ALL TRUMP LOVERS DO... Who, by the way is Lord Marmalde.

Now if you stop acting like a complet hurt little baby and seriously want to discuss something then fine... Want to continue to whine like a baby then we're done.!

Tell you what we're done... Having read your further childish whiny and hypocritical remarks you truelly are a triggered soul

The highlight on my post was to connect the dots so an ******* can follow my logic, so I'm afraid your mind is LESS sharp as an *******. I wanted my logic to be so basic that anyone could connect the dots too bad it was a waste of time with someone as incompetent and inane as yourself. Your commentary is loaded with spelling errors. Your ad hominem attacks are something to behold I only wonder how President Trump presses on with vicious insults from such vile hysterical malevolent people such as yourself? I guess you get off insulting people wherever you are cursed to live as you are undoubtedly some type of hermit hag because no one else would bother dare associate with you. I concur we are done and your foolish commentary and yourself will be henceforth ignored. You are certainly a waste of flesh! I guess the Netherlands will be cursed thanks to such foolish citizens like you.
I can no longer view posts by STIFFBBC, for after i received what i felt were gestapo-like (turn in your own mom, even, for incorrect thinking) threats, i've blocked them (him/her?), sorry to say. That being said, Daphne D, i am soooooo happy that that Trumpistic Geert Wilders dude bit major ASS in your last election. Though America may no longer represent the bastion of liberty it was, liberty in this world still reigns. Bless you folks in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, and in Austria and France and Germany and so many others on many continents who are standing up against our Big Hands guy, Fascism, P-u-t-i-n and the whackos in the Philippines and N. Korea. You're all now the torch-bearers. Those here in America who prefer security above freedom extinguished it. It may never be re-lit. Blindness cares not about darkness nor light.
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@Hand Solo - Amen brother and Bravo. These guys with all the leftist this and that name-calling B.S. are mundane low brow curmudgeons I don't even bother responding to it anymore but its good to see a logical retort that tears their illogical nonsense apart.

I'm not a leftist - I'm more a centered libertarian but I don't like a guy the right is rooting for and I get called a left-leaning blah blah blah this and that - I'm like WTF you guys are that juvenile - OK?
Thanks, BigBlackBull. :)
Bless you folks in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, and in Austria and France and Germany and so many others on many continents who are standing up against our Big Hands guy,

did you see where Germany announced they would have to make some changes now that they feel they can no longer count on the US for support?
France not happy with our new dictator either!
he also made an ass out of himself at this latest summit
it's said Russia wants to break up our group of allies... and Trump seems to be doing just that!...divide and conquer!