Politics, Politics, Politics

I speak no party affiliation because I believe need 4 more parties to truly balance things out. As far a the illegals are concerned. Yes they have taken jobs away from mostly black men for the last 30 years. But also if they are kept illegal is how the wages will remain low. If they are legal they are forsing employers to bring wages up. And pay their share on income tax. They will actually level the playing field to me because no one will truly send them back. If they remain illegal. The rich Republican business men will keep hiring them for sheep wages below minimum wage. And if they are here legal they will start to seek higher wages. And not work for slaves wages. We are still that swing vote because of GERYMANFERING is the only current way Republicans hold power. And you are certainly right about some Democratics being corrupted with money. But the first thing we need to do it start controlling the ballot boxes where we live then seek the control of the others. Later. And just like a lot of married white women are seeking black cock here in secret on this website and others. They also secretly vote against their white husbands wishes.

Sir Rock,
How about you join the real world?
If we seal the borders, as current law requires and Obama's Justice Department refuses to do, no illegals, or very few, actually get in here. Further, if we PUNISH, and I mean PUNISH as in 500k per violation, employers for hiring illegals, we won't have a problem with illegals at all.
Texas is making a difference by having DPS troopers and National Guard on the border. They have reduced the influx to a trickle. Give them orders to fire warning shots and that trickle will reduce to nothing.
If you seriously believe that gerrymandering is the only way Republicans have any power, you need to re-examine your thought pattern. How many times have Democrat Congresspeople lied to us? Do you seriously believe Hillary had her own email server to avoid using 2 hand held devices (even though she now carries both an iPhone and a blackberry)?
Sir Rock,
How about you join the real world?
If we seal the borders, as current law requires and Obama's Justice Department refuses to do, no illegals, or very few, actually get in here. Further, if we PUNISH, and I mean PUNISH as in 500k per violation, employers for hiring illegals, we won't have a problem with illegals at all.
Texas is making a difference by having DPS troopers and National Guard on the border. They have reduced the influx to a trickle. Give them orders to fire warning shots and that trickle will reduce to nothing.
If you seriously believe that gerrymandering is the only way Republicans have any power, you need to re-examine your thought pattern. How many times have Democrat Congresspeople lied to us? Do you seriously believe Hillary had her own email server to avoid using 2 hand held devices (even though she now carries both an iPhone and a blackberry)?

What Texas is doing is all for show. Obama has deported more illegals than the last for presidents combined. That is an indisputable fact only contested by FOX LIES, I mean Fox News. As for that fine... I am all for that. And also Jail time for the worst offenders. That is what truly will make a difference. Up until recently the number one Illegal Alien has come here on an airplane. They came here legally for most Europe and never went home. And because they mostly Caucasian they are not being counted and the news media turns a blind eye to them. With exception to MSNBC who did make note of it. And CNN before the investors kicked out TED TURNER. And if you don't believe go to any coastal town and see who is work the retail jobs in the shops on the beaches. Mostly eastern block Europeans for the former Soviet Union. It use to be all English, French, Spanish, Germans, and more Irish than you can shake a stick at. But they come here for summer work and many of them never go home. I know this to be a FACT as Atlantic City being one of my Homes for many years. I have seen Europeans even get casino jobs faster than native born locals.

All illegals are not from south of the border. Many of them are flying in from Asia now also. The hardest countries to get a visa into the USA are the black people countries. Caribbean and Africa.
What Texas is doing is all for show. Obama has deported more illegals than the last for presidents combined. That is an indisputable fact only contested by FOX LIES, I mean Fox News. As for that fine... I am all for that. And also Jail time for the worst offenders. That is what truly will make a difference. Up until recently the number one Illegal Alien has come here on an airplane. They came here legally for most Europe and never went home. And because they mostly Caucasian they are not being counted and the news media turns a blind eye to them. With exception to MSNBC who did make note of it. And CNN before the investors kicked out TED TURNER. And if you don't believe go to any coastal town and see who is work the retail jobs in the shops on the beaches. Mostly eastern block Europeans for the former Soviet Union. It use to be all English, French, Spanish, Germans, and more Irish than you can shake a stick at. But they come here for summer work and many of them never go home. I know this to be a FACT as Atlantic City being one of my Homes for many years. I have seen Europeans even get casino jobs faster than native born locals.

All illegals are not from south of the border. Many of them are flying in from Asia now also. The hardest countries to get a visa into the USA are the black people countries. Caribbean and Africa.

Sir Rock,
1. He has deported more, because he changed the definition of deportation. That is a fact. Check out the DHS web site.
2. Jail time for the worst offenders? You mean the 36,000 that he released last year? Murderers, Rapists, etc. That is also a fact.
3. They came here on an airplane? Seriously? What country are you living in? I live in Texas. We KNOW how the illegals get in here. Now, if you are talking about the assholes from 9/11, you are correct. They came in on student visas and overstayed their welcome. But if you are talking about MH16 (I think that is the name of the gang), you are dead wrong. Hundreds or thousands have come across the border, because they looked young enough to pass through Obama's executive orders. Or, they have come through the tunnels.
4. MSNBC? CNN? They have not reported on anything without having an agenda since 2001.
5. Atlantic City? Seriously? I was born outside Philly and spent most of my growing up years in New England and the New York/New Jersey area. Please don't try to tell me about AC. You want real illegals? Come down to Houston for a year. Or Brownsville for 6 months. Where US citizens are ducking bullets from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande daily.
6. Whether it is all for show or not, it is having an effect, which is more than I can say for the Obama administration.
Sir Rock,
1. He has deported more, because he changed the definition of deportation. That is a fact. Check out the DHS web site.
2. Jail time for the worst offenders? You mean the 36,000 that he released last year? Murderers, Rapists, etc. That is also a fact.
3. They came here on an airplane? Seriously? What country are you living in? I live in Texas. We KNOW how the illegals get in here. Now, if you are talking about the assholes from 9/11, you are correct. They came in on student visas and overstayed their welcome. But if you are talking about MH16 (I think that is the name of the gang), you are dead wrong. Hundreds or thousands have come across the border, because they looked young enough to pass through Obama's executive orders. Or, they have come through the tunnels.
4. MSNBC? CNN? They have not reported on anything without having an agenda since 2001.
5. Atlantic City? Seriously? I was born outside Philly and spent most of my growing up years in New England and the New York/New Jersey area. Please don't try to tell me about AC. You want real illegals? Come down to Houston for a year. Or Brownsville for 6 months. Where US citizens are ducking bullets from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande daily.
6. Whether it is all for show or not, it is having an effect, which is more than I can say for the Obama administration.
Spoken like someone who listens to FOX and I tell TexASS is nothing like the east Coast at all. I will not dream of telling you about that backwards state that is still fighting the civil war (my opinion). And don't think you can tell me about what I have here for the last 15 years in A.C. You obviously know nothing about it if you think most of the illegals in A.C. are from South of the border. George W. Bush deport virtually none and he said it out his own mouth during one of his HUNDREDS of gaffs. "They are important to the economy because they keep the wages down". I heard him say it live and I never forgot. He wanted to see wages fall. Bill Clinton did not deport many because he wanted to go a different route also. And both George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan lead the way to all the illegals we have now.

As far as Europeans are concerned. NYC is Full of Russians and Ukrainians. Chicago has more Polish Natives then Warsaw FACT. And all the other Baltic Nations are represented. Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and every other "akia". Just like Miami there are certain place you must speak Spanish to communicate with the people there. On the Northwest side of Chicago there are areas that are the same. And its not that they can not speak English because the Polish learn it in High School. they refuse to speak it. I know because Managed a Silo Department Store there in 1999. The Swedish, Finish, Norwegians and Danes seem to love Wisconsin and have many generations of Families they import. They also love Colorado California and Florida. And there is a straight off the boat(I mean airplane) Irishman in every state of the union. Take your ass to the middle of Montana or Wyoming I bet you find a few. No doubt you will find them on the EAST Coast and for sure TexASS. As an entertainer I have travel through a very large portion of this country and it is always something I have kept an eye on. Because European Women love black cock more than American woman by far. They tend not to be heard to their fathers prejudices. But some of them fall to fear that our American Whites folks instill in them. The entertainment industry and sales management has afford me opportunities to live like and army brat and see new places. I know the is a mass of invasion from south of the border. But Where were you 20 to 30 years ago. The Black Man has been yelling his head off about it. Because they were taking our jobs. NOW suddenly White Men want to be angry. You should be angry at the White Businessmen who have hired then for the past 3 decades. And don't give me that crap about they are good workers either. Black Men have always been good workers. We built this country with our sweat and labor. And when the law started to favor equal pay for equal work. White business would rather hire a Mexican for slave wages instead.


Thus sayeth The Lord,

Sir Rock
Spoken like someone who listens to FOX and I tell TexASS is nothing like the east Coast at all. I will not dream of telling you about that backwards state that is still fighting the civil war (my opinion). And don't think you can tell me about what I have here for the last 15 years in A.C. You obviously know nothing about it if you think most of the illegals in A.C. are from South of the border. George W. Bush deport virtually none and he said it out his own mouth during one of his HUNDREDS of gaffs. "They are important to the economy because they keep the wages down". I heard him say it live and I never forgot. He wanted to see wages fall. Bill Clinton did not deport many because he wanted to go a different route also. And both George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan lead the way to all the illegals we have now.

As far as Europeans are concerned. NYC is Full of Russians and Ukrainians. Chicago has more Polish Natives then Warsaw FACT. And all the other Baltic Nations are represented. Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and every other "akia". Just like Miami there are certain place you must speak Spanish to communicate with the people there. On the Northwest side of Chicago there are areas that are the same. And its not that they can not speak English because the Polish learn it in High School. they refuse to speak it. I know because Managed a Silo Department Store there in 1999. The Swedish, Finish, Norwegians and Danes seem to love Wisconsin and have many generations of Families they import. They also love Colorado California and Florida. And there is a straight off the boat(I mean airplane) Irishman in every state of the union. Take your ass to the middle of Montana or Wyoming I bet you find a few. No doubt you will find them on the EAST Coast and for sure TexASS. As an entertainer I have travel through a very large portion of this country and it is always something I have kept an eye on. Because European Women love black cock more than American woman by far. They tend not to be heard to their fathers prejudices. But some of them fall to fear that our American Whites folks instill in them. The entertainment industry and sales management has afford me opportunities to live like and army brat and see new places. I know the is a mass of invasion from south of the border. But Where were you 20 to 30 years ago. The Black Man has been yelling his head off about it. Because they were taking our jobs. NOW suddenly White Men want to be angry. You should be angry at the White Businessmen who have hired then for the past 3 decades. And don't give me that crap about they are good workers either. Black Men have always been good workers. We built this country with our sweat and labor. And when the law started to favor equal pay for equal work. White business would rather hire a Mexican for slave wages instead.


Thus sayeth The Lord,

Sir Rock

1. I did not say most of the illegals in AC were from south of the border. I am not stupid. I said if you want to see illegals, come south. There may be illegals in AC, but they blanket the state down here.
2. I did not insult AC (quite frankly, because I used to like the place), and I expect you to act with the same amount of class and decorum. Am I expecting too much?
3. As for what GWB deported and what BO deported, let us look at the official numbers, shall we? If you look at the different way of calculating deportations, GWB deported far more. It's a shame that BO cannot give the true numbers on anything. Not immigration. Not unemployment. Not the economy. Not taxes. Nothing.
4. How did GHWB and RR lead the way to all the illegals we have now? Oh that's right. RR was tricked by a Democrat Congress telling him they would cut spending if he signed it, into giving amnesty to those who were here. GHWB did nothing either way. Check your facts.
5. I don't care what you do for a living. You may travel, but how often do you get out among the real people? Irishmen are everywhere (I am part), because we emigrated in the early 1900's. We worked our assets off and helped build the Railroad and other things. We also beat the snot out of a lot of arrogant pricks.
6. Massachusetts and New England now have a very large hispanic population - mostly from Columbia and Puerto Rico. They have always had a large Puerto Rican/Dominican/Haitian population, but the violence came in when the Columbians did.
7. I know very well that there is a large Russian/Eastern Bloc/Russian Mob presence in NYC. I assumed, apparently correctly, that they had expanded into the gaming industry in AC. Taking the model from the Italian Mob in Las Vegas.
8. Swedes, Fins, Norse, and Danes, are we really concerned with them? Are they producing so much crime? Stick to the subject.
9. If you look at what I said, I said to ship their asses back, as well as punish those who employ them by 500k per violation. I think I pretty much covered the bases you stated and surpassed them.

I don't presume to speak for all white men and I definitely don't presume to speak for all black men. I speak for myself, based on the experiences I have and what I observe. I deal in fact and realville, not a fantasy that some african americans want to promote that this country is the most racist in the world, like jesse jackson and al sharpton. If you can't deal with realville, there are a few words I have for you, but as this is a public forum and BM is standing over me with the cat o nine tails, I will not say them. lol.
1. I did not say most of the illegals in AC were from south of the border. I am not stupid. I said if you want to see illegals, come south. There may be illegals in AC, but they blanket the state down here.
2. I did not insult AC (quite frankly, because I used to like the place), and I expect you to act with the same amount of class and decorum. Am I expecting too much?
3. As for what GWB deported and what BO deported, let us look at the official numbers, shall we? If you look at the different way of calculating deportations, GWB deported far more. It's a shame that BO cannot give the true numbers on anything. Not immigration. Not unemployment. Not the economy. Not taxes. Nothing.
4. How did GHWB and RR lead the way to all the illegals we have now? Oh that's right. RR was tricked by a Democrat Congress telling him they would cut spending if he signed it, into giving amnesty to those who were here. GHWB did nothing either way. Check your facts.
5. I don't care what you do for a living. You may travel, but how often do you get out among the real people? Irishmen are everywhere (I am part), because we emigrated in the early 1900's. We worked our assets off and helped build the Railroad and other things. We also beat the snot out of a lot of arrogant pricks.
6. Massachusetts and New England now have a very large hispanic population - mostly from Columbia and Puerto Rico. They have always had a large Puerto Rican/Dominican/Haitian population, but the violence came in when the Columbians did.
7. I know very well that there is a large Russian/Eastern Bloc/Russian Mob presence in NYC. I assumed, apparently correctly, that they had expanded into the gaming industry in AC. Taking the model from the Italian Mob in Las Vegas.
8. Swedes, Fins, Norse, and Danes, are we really concerned with them? Are they producing so much crime? Stick to the subject.
9. If you look at what I said, I said to ship their asses back, as well as punish those who employ them by 500k per violation. I think I pretty much covered the bases you stated and surpassed them.

I don't presume to speak for all white men and I definitely don't presume to speak for all black men. I speak for myself, based on the experiences I have and what I observe. I deal in fact and realville, not a fantasy that some african americans want to promote that this country is the most racist in the world, like jesse jackson and al sharpton. If you can't deal with realville, there are a few words I have for you, but as this is a public forum and BM is standing over me with the cat o nine tails, I will not say them. lol.

You deal with what is real for you and I will deal with what is real for me. And as for TexASS I am being more sarcastic than insulting in my intent. They have a great TECH industry thing going there and all. But illegal is Illegal and they take jobs also. Don't go justifying the Nordics Folks being here, because their crime stats are lower. And when I say Irishman I mean someone who came here on a travel visa or passport and never went home. And that kind of person has been coming endless in droves. Lets take your grand parents and great grand parents out of the equation. Because are talking about present day illegals. I spent 2013 in Boston so I have seen the Mexicans, Brazilians, and Columbians, But I also saw those other nations you care not to mention. They are all there. Russians, Latvians, Turks, Armenians, Georgians, Italians, and yes Irishmen. All fresh off the boat (I mean airplane), within the last 10 years. Open your eyes my man. so for every Central and South American her, there is a European. Dude I have held conversations with them. Telling me the only thing they need is a DRIVERS LICENSE, and a CREDIT CARD. And no one will ever question why they are here. As for Atlantic City. In addition to south of the boarder and over pond is concerned. There is a serious number of Bangladeshis, and Pakistanis, and India's Indians. Which you also find in every state. But I can bet you there far few of them here Illegal. When Bangladesh was invaded by Pakistan in the 1960. Many of them were brought here as refuges. They are one of the dark skinned countries that people truly wait in line for months and years to get a visa. In Africa the only countries that get a large number of visa's with little to no wait, or question are Liberia and South Africa. I can not speak of TEXAS because I have only driven through there. I have no doubt what you say is the truth because I lived in Florida under those same conditions that you have described. But it could be a place I end up relocating to next year depending on circumstances. The tech industry could land my in Dallas of Houston most likely. But spending lots of time dealing with the public. I have met people from all over the globe that live here in the USA now. And that is my realty.

I think Mac gave up after the last response from BM. lol
Amazing what an effect logic, reason, and finishing the sentence have. lol
I didn't give up on anything, falcond ... my ******* and I have been at the ACC tournament the past 3 days. Didn't get in until 1 AM this morning. I actually have a family life that many here obviously don't. Regardless, I have no intent on getting back into this political back&forth BS. If you folks want to act like gerbils on a spin wheel, that's your business, I'm here to enjoy b2w, and it doesn't include this crap. ;)

And please, someone tell Torp (since he doesn't seem to know) that he's been on my ignore since before Christmas, and he knows why. I just happen to see his "12 yo comment" before entering my pw; I could care less what the guy has to say, so he can save his ink on me. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE="MacNfries, post: 668617, member: 11 didn't give up on anything, falcond ... my ******* and I have been at the ACC tournament the past 3 days. Didn't get in until 1 AM this morning. I actually have a family life that many here obviously don't. Regardless, I have no intent on getting back into this political back&forth BS. If you folks want to act like gerbils on a spin wheel, that's your business, I'm here to enjoy b2w, and it doesn't include this crap. ;)

And please, someone tell Torp (since he doesn't seem to know) that he's been on my ignore since before Christmas, and he knows why. I just happen to see his "12 yo comment" before entering my pw; I could care less what the guy has to say, so he can save his ink on me. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Which team are you a fan of, or did you go just go because you like ACC hoops?
Which team are you a fan of, or did you go just go because you like ACC hoops?
UNC Tar Heels ... all my life. They looked awesome the first half, but melted away in the second half, as usual, this year. Makes no differ anyways ... ain't no one gonna beat Kentucky this year anyways. Good thing with the Tar Heels, they'll have everyone back next year. No one leaving early. Hummm, maybe that's not a good thing come to think of it. :confused:

Good stuff. Back in 1997 I drove down to Salisbury to visit my oldest brother and his family. It was during the ACC tournament and as I driving through, the first quarter final game came on at noon and almost every station on the AM dial carried it. It was cool seeing a region so tuned into a conference tourney.

As an ACC fan, does it still feel weird not having Maryland in the ACC?
As an ACC fan, does it still feel weird not having Maryland in the ACC?
Not necessarily weird, but sad. Money ... always about the money. I'm afraid college sports is starting to become as corrupt as the pros over money. It would be nice if college sports was more like the Ivy league schools ... played for enjoyment and school pride. I attended a Brown-Columbia game once, years ago, and enjoyed it more than any game I'd seen in years.
Money is corrupting everything.
Not necessarily weird, but sad. Money ... always about the money. I'm afraid college sports is starting to become as corrupt as the pros over money. It would be nice if college sports was more like the Ivy league schools ... played for enjoyment and school pride. I attended a Brown-Columbia game once, years ago, and enjoyed it more than any game I'd seen in years.
Money is corrupting everything.

Specifically, it's those schools chasing the football money. Great rivalries like Texas/Texas A&M, Oklahoma/Nebraska, Missouri/Kansas, Penn State/Pitt, Maryland/Duke and others, some over 100 years old, dropped in the pursuit of bigger TV contracts. Pitt was a perennial 6-6 team in the Big East, they're now a perennial 6-6 team in the ACC. Syracuse stunk in the Big East, they now stink in the ACC. Penn State fans thought they would dominate the Big 10, they've won 2 Big Ten titles in 20 years, exactly 1 more than Purdue, Illinois, and Northwestern have each won during that same amount of time. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
I didn't give up on anything, falcond ... my ******* and I have been at the ACC tournament the past 3 days. Didn't get in until 1 AM this morning. I actually have a family life that many here obviously don't. Regardless, I have no intent on getting back into this political back&forth BS. If you folks want to act like gerbils on a spin wheel, that's your business, I'm here to enjoy b2w, and it doesn't include this crap. ;)

And please, someone tell Torp (since he doesn't seem to know) that he's been on my ignore since before Christmas, and he knows why. I just happen to see his "12 yo comment" before entering my pw; I could care less what the guy has to say, so he can save his ink on me. :rolleyes:
I am on his ignore list because I just don't know my place. Making Macs ignore list I think should count as an achievement:bounce: of sorts.
Specifically, it's those schools chasing the football money. Great rivalries like Texas/Texas A&M, Oklahoma/Nebraska, Missouri/Kansas, Penn State/Pitt, Maryland/Duke and others, some over 100 years old, dropped in the pursuit of bigger TV contracts. Pitt was a perennial 6-6 team in the Big East, they're now a perennial 6-6 team in the ACC. Syracuse stunk in the Big East, they now stink in the ACC. Penn State fans thought they would dominate the Big 10, they've won 2 Big Ten titles in 20 years, exactly 1 more than Purdue, Illinois, and Northwestern have each won during that same amount of time. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
Pretty soon pro ball will start in grade school. In the NFL it developed that teams with big markets like Dallas or Pittsburgh could have the resources to buy a championship team while teams in small markets like my lifelong favorite the GB Packers didn't have the money to buy the best. Finally the NFL leveled the playing field with salary caps. I recently read an article that asked whether or not college players should be paid. I wonder if that is the destiny of college sports? I really would like to see less emphasis on sports(it will never happen) and more emphasis on academic pursuits. There is huge chase for the sports money, more than one university is sitting on a billion dollar plus endowments and adjuncts making 20K or less a year are doing most of the teaching. If is often incorrectly stated that "Money is the root of all evil" I believe the correct quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil" . I think there is a little too much love in college now.
The only thing I like about March Madness us when a low ranked team upends a high ranked one. And since I live near one of the arenas that is used every other year, my city rakes in a bunch of sales tax revenue when they play.
Nothing wrong with having a conversation in your head. Having an argument there really isn't much of an issue, unless you loose the argument. Then you have an issue.
Thats called "weighing the pro's and con's". Successful people do it all the time.
Spoken like someone who listens to FOX and I tell TexASS is nothing like the east Coast at all. I will not dream of telling you about that backwards state that is still fighting the civil war (my opinion). And don't think you can tell me about what I have here for the last 15 years in A.C. You obviously know nothing about it if you think most of the illegals in A.C. are from South of the border. George W. Bush deport virtually none and he said it out his own mouth during one of his HUNDREDS of gaffs. "They are important to the economy because they keep the wages down". I heard him say it live and I never forgot. He wanted to see wages fall. Bill Clinton did not deport many because he wanted to go a different route also. And both George H.W. Bush and Ronald Regan lead the way to all the illegals we have now.

As far as Europeans are concerned. NYC is Full of Russians and Ukrainians. Chicago has more Polish Natives then Warsaw FACT. And all the other Baltic Nations are represented. Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and every other "akia". Just like Miami there are certain place you must speak Spanish to communicate with the people there. On the Northwest side of Chicago there are areas that are the same. And its not that they can not speak English because the Polish learn it in High School. they refuse to speak it. I know because Managed a Silo Department Store there in 1999. The Swedish, Finish, Norwegians and Danes seem to love Wisconsin and have many generations of Families they import. They also love Colorado California and Florida. And there is a straight off the boat(I mean airplane) Irishman in every state of the union. Take your ass to the middle of Montana or Wyoming I bet you find a few. No doubt you will find them on the EAST Coast and for sure TexASS. As an entertainer I have travel through a very large portion of this country and it is always something I have kept an eye on. Because European Women love black cock more than American woman by far. They tend not to be heard to their fathers prejudices. But some of them fall to fear that our American Whites folks instill in them. The entertainment industry and sales management has afford me opportunities to live like and army brat and see new places. I know the is a mass of invasion from south of the border. But Where were you 20 to 30 years ago. The Black Man has been yelling his head off about it. Because they were taking our jobs. NOW suddenly White Men want to be angry. You should be angry at the White Businessmen who have hired then for the past 3 decades. And don't give me that crap about they are good workers either. Black Men have always been good workers. We built this country with our sweat and labor. And when the law started to favor equal pay for equal work. White business would rather hire a Mexican for slave wages instead.


Thus sayeth The Lord,

Sir Rock

You lost me when you said European woman prefer black cock. When in reality its the opposite.