Politics, Politics, Politics

Mmmmm Flynn willing to testify if he gets immunity.... must be an interesting story.....
is this the same guy that led the chant lock her up?
Mmmmmm the plot thickens.... and the foundation looks weak!
at first I would have bet Trump wouldn't be there at Christmas..... now I am starting to think he won't be there at the 4th of july!
Flynn's offer hasn't been accepted by the FBI. If they don't accept his offer, he likely doesn't have information that would incriminate Trump to a serious degree.
Flynn's offer hasn't been accepted by the FBI. If they don't accept his offer, he likely doesn't have information that would incriminate Trump to a serious degree.
he wouldn't make the offer unless he was worried..... and the Feds may not want to accept it if they already have enough to do something!
in any case... it will be a rush now to see who gets the first deal!

I don't think Flynn would have made the offer except others have volunteered to talk and he must be worried!

The rats are scurrying for safe ground right now. and with treason in the air..... trump has to be just a little worried.... I'm sure Trump is trying to get a hold of him also!

after all the more this goes on the more that comes out.... just like last week we find out Trump himself met with a Russian during the republican convention.... it is starting to unfold....we found out Sessions met with them also and lied to congress about it........ if you remember right Trumps only reply to all this.... they have no proof!
sounds pretty cocky and sure of himself.... and I'm sure he was pretty careful.... and the right is doing all they can to drag their feet and delay and play all kinds of games.... but don't think that will happen in the senate... there is some republicans there that are ... curious? about all this also...... the senate has more moderate republicans than congress

just like his health care bill... still not working with the dems... instead trying to strong arm the freedom caucus.... get them on board all you want.....it just makes it that much harder to get through the senate.... it was d.o.a. at the senate before.... and if they make changes to please the freedom caucus... just adds more reasons for the senate not to buy it!

The senate ... right now... appears to be the only ones with level heads on all of this... there are several there that really don't care for Russia's bullshit.... Rubio is still getting his stuff hacked.... so is Ryan but shutting up about it... he is backing Trump because he has this thing for the aca
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Could this be the old "Reagan Misdirect Play" ... Flynn being the "Oliver North" guy for Trump?
Think about it ... the people they deal with toss tens of millions of dollars around like $2 betting at the horse tracks. So, they secretly agree to pay him $100 million to be the "fall guy" ... he pleas a deal ... FBI leaves the real trail to get a conviction ... Trump escapes prosecutions ... story has an ending ... everyone goes home happy.
Same old play ... different Republican. Pay someone to be the "fall guy" like Christie's Bridge Gate in New Jersey? ;)
And the Bonus ... Flynn writes his "book" while sitting in a Federal penitentiary, the producers make 2-3 movies ... Flynn is happy ever after ... and Republicans boost that they created "jobs, jobs, jobs". :)
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Could this be the old "Reagan Misdirect Play" ... Flynn being the "Oliver North" guy for Trump?

heard that same thing on CNN last night.... but I think this hacking thing has to looked into and so do several others on boith sides... as for Trumps Russian connection.... ?????

trouble with North was... he got immunity from congress but NOT the senate!.... Flynn is asking for it from the cia/fbi....still has congress and the senate!.... very tricky!
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you notice that they keep saying Russia tried to effect the outcome of the election and failed..... bet Russia is laughing their ass off at that.... wonder how many didn't vote for Hillary because of the emails ( although Gowdy already confessed to altering those AFTER the election)... but there was also the fake news and etc.... she may have lost it on her own... but you have to wonder
There is not a politician that will ever be prosecuted, or even held accountable for their actions. But I nominate Paul Ryan to the be the first.

Like I've said before, the only difference between a democrat and a republican , The democrat will stab you in the back and point the finger at the republican while the republican will punch you in the nose and say it was your own fault.
sure he is taking care of America... and his supporters... maybe in a couple of years... first he has to take care of Donald Trump while he still has the chance

Trump tax proposal would mostly benefit New York's wealthy: report

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly all of New York City's millionaires would receive big tax cuts under President Donald Trump's proposed tax overhaul, while more than one-third of moderate- and middle-income families would face increases, according to a government report issued on Thursday.

City Comptroller Scott Stringer said Trump's overall plan, as proposed during the Republican president's campaign, would give more than $5 billion of tax cuts to city dwellers. But almost two-thirds of that would go to those earning more than $500,000, even though they bear just over one-half of the total tax burden.

"We already have astounding wealth gaps across the city and across the country," Stringer told a news conference. "The Trump tax code, if implemented, would only exacerbate it."

The lower taxes for wealthier residents would be achieved through lower marginal tax rates on ordinary and capital gains income and the elimination of the alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Last week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Trump's objective is a tax cut for the middle class, not the top 1 percent. He said he is aiming for passage of a comprehensive tax overhaul by the time Congress takes its August recess.

Stringer's office analyzed tax returns of 365,000 New York City households. It found that 92 percent of the city's millionaires would receive, on average, a tax cut of at least $113,000.

Nearly half of single parents who make $25,000 to $50,000 would experience a tax increase, it said.
The tax cuts, which would reduce federal revenue by more than $2 trillion over 10 years, are driving proposed budget cuts that would leave the city, home to 60,000 homeless people, with a weakened social safety net, Stringer said.

"I find it incredible that this guy, who comes from New York City, who has major investments here, can't see what his proposal will do to his hometown," he said. "And then when you scratch the surface, you realize that part of his agenda and who benefits from it is Donald Trump himself."

Based on the limited information available from Trump's now-public 2005 federal tax return, his proposal to eliminate the AMT would have benefited him by $31 million that year. In contrast, under his tax plan, a single mom raising two children on less than $50,000 a year would face a tax increase of $464.

American Jobs Are Headed to Mexico Once Again

After Donald Trump’s election, the flow of manufacturers setting up shop south of the border dwindled to a trickle.Ford Motor Co. and Carrier Corp., caught in Trump’s Twitter crosshairs, scrapped plans to move jobs to Mexico in two very public examples of the slowdown.
But now the pace is picking back up. Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.

While Trump hasn’t stopped pounding his America First bully pulpit, and the future of Nafta remains uncertain, “there’s cautious optimism and a hopeful attitude that cooler heads will prevail in Washington,” said Ross Baldwin, chief executive officer of Tacna Services Inc., which facilitates relocations.

Baldwin has seen the evidence: After business ground to a halt back in November, he’s now juggling two Mexico-bound clients. San Diego-based Tacna helps manage 4,500 workers in Mexico, where factory wages are about a fifth of those in the U.S. That may explain why Mexican manufacturing jobs rose 3.2 percent in January from a year ago as they dropped 0.3 percent in the U.S.

The renewed exodus shows how difficult it will be for Trump to turn the macroeconomic tide just by jawboning alone. This week, he trumpeted a Ford investment in Michigan plants with a cap-lock fanfare: “JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!” The $1.2 billion will create or retain only 130 positions, though. (While Ford canceled plans in November for a new $1.6 billion facility in Mexico, winning Trump’s praise, it employs more than 7,000 workers in that country.)

Trump’s plans to renegotiate Nafta and talk of punitive tariffs can’t erase the need to manufacture in lower-cost countries, said Alan Russell, CEO of El Paso, Texas-based Tecma Group., which also helps open and operate factories in Mexico. European companies tap the Czech Republic for low wages and Asia has Vietnam, and the U.S. needs Mexico to remain competitive with labor-intensive products, he said.


Just a note here.... Ford said yesterday it was moving several hundred jobs to Canada!
More is good... and NOW is the time to start pushing their points... instead of waiting 30 days prior to the election!

Fed up with the 2 parties, a group of centrists rises up

CHICAGO — Shelbi Lewark was a paid field organizer in Colorado for the Republican National Committee until Donald Trump became the party’s nominee for president. Lewark, 26, was so turned off by Trump that she quit her RNC job last summer and is now working to elect independent candidates in the Centennial State.

Owen Casas is a 32-year-old stonemason from Maine who fought in Falluja, Iraq, with the Marines. He tried volunteering in Democratic politics but realized he didn’t fit there or in the GOP. So he ran for the state Legislature as an independent in 2014 and lost, then ran again last year and won.

Shawn Riegsecker is a 45-year-old successful tech entrepreneur in Chicago whose company did work for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. But he grew disillusioned with the Democratic Party’s neglect of pocketbook issues. He’s thinking of running for the U.S. Senate in 2020, as an independent.

All three are now part of a group called the Centrist Project, which hopes to tap into dissatisfaction with the two major political parties. The group has a goal: Elect a small band of independents in the U.S. Senate to ******* compromise between Republicans and Democrats.

About 50 group members gathered here last Thursday for a daylong strategy meeting, hosted at the downtown offices of Riegsecker’s company, Centro. Yahoo News was granted exclusive access to the event.

In a back corner conference room of the massive open-floor office, the attendees heard updates from activists in states where independents have had some success so far: Alaska, Oregon and Maine. And they listened as Joel Searby, a senior adviser on Evan McMullin’s independent bid for president last year, walked them through potential Senate races the group might compete in.

“One example of a place where we’re looking is Utah. So we did some recent polling, and I’m not going to share everything but I’ll tell you that Sen. [Orrin] Hatch is incredibly vulnerable,” Searby said. “Only 21 percent in our survey believe that he should be reelected.”

Searby said his group’s polling also showed a specific independent candidate, whom he did not name, beating Hatch 33 percent to 29. The survey found that 59 percent of Utah voters surveyed believe the political system is “rigged in favor of the well off and well connected” and that “finding common ground” was most important to 51 percent.
“I spent a lot of time there last year,” said Searby, referring to the McMullin campaign’s focus on Utah. “And there is a palpable sense that not only is Sen. Hatch — his time is done — but that it’s time for something different.”
Searby said the Centrist Project is also exploring independent Senate runs in Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Texas, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

The project has an uphill battle ahead. A seemingly countless number of independent candidates have vowed to break through the electorate’s political polarization only to crash and burn on Election Day.

But there is some hope: In addition to locally elected officials like Casas, centrist independents have won mayorships, governors’ mansions and even a Senate seat or two. In the Senate today, Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, is aligned with the Democrats, while Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, won reelection in 2010 as a write-in candidate after losing her primary, defeating her GOP and Democratic rivals.

Nick Troiano, the Centrist Project executive director who in 2014 ran unsuccessfully for Congress at the young age of 24, said it had raised over $600,000 for early stage operations. He showed a slide with two huge numbers. There were 184 days until their candidate recruitment deadline, he said, and 586 days until the 2018 election. They have attorneys who specialize in ballot access working to ensure they can get candidates qualified to run.

The Centrist Project was founded in 2014 after a group including Riegsecker read a 2013 book by Dartmouth public policy professor Charles Wheelan called “The Centrist Manifesto” and decided to try to put the book’s ideas into action.

In 2014, Kansas businessman Greg Orman put a major scare into incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts, a Republican running for his fourth term. Orman led Roberts by 8 points in September and still had a small advantage in public polling on Election Day, but lost by 10 points. Nonetheless, Orman’s bid was a jolt of confidence for the Centrist Project.

“I think it gave us all some hope that we could actually build a true powerful organization,” Riegsecker told Yahoo News.

Since then, continued dysfunction in Washington and the rise of Trump have pushed others in the direction of the group’s cause.

In 2016, Marc Merrill, the president of a video game company that brought in $1.6 billion in 2015, stumbled across a Facebook advertisement for the Centrist Project. He sent an email through a website form, and a few days later was having lunch with Wheelan. Merrill, who left the Republican Party and registered as an independent in 2012, is now helping to fund the Centrist Project and has joined the operating board.

“As our country has regressed over the past two decades into this combative, polarized environment, the structure of the government is just not functioning as it needs to and we have incredible problems to solve as a society,” Merrill said in an interview. “I’m really in it for the long run. I don’t really care who solves the problem. I just want our country to have more effective governance.”

A few months later, Shelbi Lewark was contemplating her future in politics the day after Trump accepted the Republican nomination in Cleveland. She had worked her way up to regional director for the Republican National Committee and had helped elect Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., in 2014.

She also had deep Republican political roots in her home state of Oklahoma. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., baptized Lewark in the Southern Baptist church where he was a youth minister. But once Trump was the Republican nominee, Lewark could not stomach the idea of devoting the next three months of her life to electing him president. And she was not excited about the GOP’s Colorado Senate candidate, Darryl Glenn, either.

“To give 18 hours to a candidate, you have to love them. If we had had a really good Senate candidate, I could have stayed with it,” she said.

But Lewark saw the culture of the Colorado Republican Party changing in response to Trump. “The types of volunteers we were bringing in were not the type of people I wanted to work with. The environment changed drastically from 2014 and Cory Gardner to Donald Trump and Darryl Glenn.”

And so, after a few years of what Riegsecker described as “investing and creating infrastructure and brand and legal entities,” he said that “now it’s our moment where we feel it’s time to go as big as we possibly can, given what’s going on.”

The Centrist Project’s organizing principles are vague. The group wants candidates to seek cooperation rather than conflict, to represent people before political parties or special interests, and to be motivated by public service rather than self-interest. The messy business of hammering out a more precise agenda or platform will come down the road if the Centrist Project has electoral success. At the moment, it is trying simply to achieve liftoff.

“People may call us crazy,” Riegsecker told the group. “I’m not here for 2017 or 2018. … I’m in this for the next 10 years and the next 20.”

But group members also are realistic in that they want wealthy individuals who can self-fund their campaigns. And they had a few potential candidates already in their midst who told me they are interested in running for statewide office: Orman, who said he may run for Kansas governor in 2018, Riegsecker, who is eyeing a run for the U.S. Senate in Illinois or Ohio, and Katherine Gehl, a Wisconsin businesswoman who has both money and an impressive résumé and is sometimes mentioned for governor or U.S. Senate.

Pat Caddell, a former Democratic pollster who now appears regularly on Fox News, attended the meeting to share research findings. After spending time with the group, Caddell was enthusiastic. “I’m very impressed with the people here,” he said. “That guy from Maine, he is going to be a star.”

He was referring to Casas, the bearded and tattooed lapsed Mormon who speaks excitedly both about beer and the nitty gritty details of local governance. Casas, the ******* of three young children, represents a district that includes the affluent and Democratic-leaning coastal town of Camden.

Not more than five minutes into watching a video of Casas’ debate last year with his Democratic opponent, I saw the raw authenticity that gave him obvious appeal. When told to wrap up his opening statement, Casas didn’t hide his irritation. He put his arms out and blurted, “Seriously? Already, 15 seconds?” He ran on a message of being “fiscally conservative and socially liberal” and won by just 12 votes out of more than 6,000 cast.

When we spoke on the sidelines of the Centrist Project meeting, Casas said he’d never felt at home in either political party. He tried to volunteer for Maine Democrat Mike Michaud’s gubernatorial campaign in 2014, but balked at the idea of knocking on doors for the Democratic slate of candidates.

“I don’t speak highly of the Democrats. I don’t speak highly of the Republicans. I speak highly of some of their ideas. I like some of the ideas that are generated by these institutional tribes,” Casas said. “That’s one of the great things about the parties: a lot of folks generating ideas that we then debate.”

“I’ve always been an independent,” he said. “Maine’s got a pretty stubborn, independent streak. … We look to our neighbors to help out. We try to help out our neighbors. We try to foster a good community atmosphere. But when that storm sets in, you may be on your own for the next five days. And you gotta have a woodpile. You gotta have a food store. You gotta be able to start a fire. You gotta be independent. Because you never know when it’s coming.”

I think having more than the 2 parties is good... look at Sweden last election I think they had 7!
but creating more parties will not fix the ******* we are in right now!
Arnold Swchanegger (ok so I can't spell his name) summed it up...... he said right now the politicians are picking the voters!
and he is right... all this gerrymandering and voter restrictions and bull *******.... takes the real voters completely out of the picture.... no wonder less than 50% of the country voted last time!
  1. Reverse Citizen's United
  2. Make all donations to politicians & parties transparent
  3. Get rid of the Electoral College
  4. Establish term & age limits for all politicians and judges
  5. Restrict lobbyists from Washington
  6. Require all politicians to have the same healthcare system & retirement as non-government tax payers

For all of you who think Flynn did anything illegal or has "dirt" on Trump or something, well you are being naive.

Trump encouraged Flynn to say what he said and even publicly said so.

If you still don't get what is actually going to happen after i just layed it out, you are being naive or a political hack.

The health care no vote was planned out to ruin Ryan, revenge for his earlier back stabbing.

Flynn and Russia BS is all BS since nothing illegal happen. It's a globalist media ******* storm that will back fire and already is.

several Democrats and Neo Republicans are actually(records) guilty of real felonies and/or treason for selling U.S. resources and technology to Russia and China for money or political help.

and most important reason i will not share :cool:
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  1. Reverse Citizen's United
  2. Make all donations to politicians & parties transparent
  3. Get rid of the Electoral College
  4. Establish term & age limits for all politicians and judges
  5. Restrict lobbyists from Washington
  6. Require all politicians to have the same healthcare system & retirement as non-government tax payers
Agree with all them, except number 3 ;)
Trump encouraged Flynn to say what he said and even publicly said so

then why wouldn't he answer questions on it last night?

If you still don't get what is actually going to happen after i just layed it out, you are being naive or a political hack.

just for the record...... impeachment is not far off.... even a lot of naive people like you are starting to see the light!

Flynn and Russia BS is all BS since nothing illegal happen
was you at the meeting?.... it seems 2 other countries were tapping into that.... we will see

several Democrats and Neo Republicans are actually(records) guilty of real felons and/or treason for selling U.S. resources and technology to Russia and China for money or political help.
probably true

and most important reason i will not share
because you got it straight from the republican intel chief right?

but then he was told what to say by Trump... soooooooo??????
  • Reverse Citizen's United
  • Make all donations to politicians & parties transparent
  • Get rid of the Electoral College
  • Establish term & age limits for all politicians and judges
  • Restrict lobbyists from Washington
  • Require all politicians to have the same healthcare system & retirement as non-government tax payers

sounds good to me.... when can we start?

although with this congress we have AND especially this president.... corruption has to be at an all time high...how in the hell did we ever sink this low?
  1. Reverse Citizen's United
  2. Make all donations to politicians & parties transparent
  3. Get rid of the Electoral College
  4. Establish term & age limits for all politicians and judges
  5. Restrict lobbyists from Washington
  6. Require all politicians to have the same healthcare system & retirement as non-government tax payers
On #3, I always find it odd when I hear all the cries to abolish the Electoral College...but never hear the same cries to abolish the Senate. They fundamentally serve the same purpose....to help balance the interests of many low population states vs the interests of a few large population states. Do you support eliminating the Senate?

If you really want to see chaos, go ahead and abolish the Electoral College. You think 2000 was a fiasco. Just wait until the next election like we had in 1960. JFK won the popular vote by just 112,000 votes nationwide (0.17%). If that happened without the electoral college, we'd have the Florida hanging chads, lawsuits, and resulting chaos in every county of every state in the US.

On #6, Agree....if that were the case, we'd have never gotten Obummercare rammed down our throat...or in the other end of our digestive tract!