Politics, Politics, Politics

They are protecting it. DUH....The founders didn't say the constitution was set it stone. They built it so it could be changed....via a process called amendments.

The difference here is these conservatives believe in actually following the law and using the amendment process when they want to change the constitution....not just ignore it and sign executive orders making end runs around the law as Obama has or imagine it says things it does not the way so many liberal judges have.
You really need to pay a bit closer attention. If the Democrats have their way with gun control they are going to seriously cripple the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments. Or don't you think those protections are that important?
oh hell no you guys are running a master PR man.... able to pull in the gullible and hide his... "achievements"
Our economy is very fragile and far from recovered yet according to our brilliant leader we are all doing great. Well I am. You? probably not so much.
with the two party system and an occasional odd party... that makes you a republican.... unless you don't vote... then your opinions really don't count!
I vote at every opportunity, however I have never voted a straight ticket. I did vote for Obama the first time around. I didn't believe that he was as much of an ecotistical, self serving politician as he was made out to be. By the time he was a year into his first term I realised that the people I had talked to that knew him were spot on.
wait a minute that's not what you all said about the second amendment... seems it can be changed when it suits you and not if it's something you don't like
Show me where I ever said the 2nd amendment couldn't be changed. I've never said any such thing. It could be changed. It could be repealed if the american people are stupid enough to do that. But legally it could only be done by ratifying another amendment to the constitution. The republicans in Mac's post were all suggesting changes to the constitution...via new amendments. In contrast, the liberals want to take away those 2nd amendment protections by the new federal regulations, while sticking their fingers in their ears, saying La La La and pretending the 2nd amendment doesn't exist.

When the federal government starts getting away with ignoring the constitution and making up rules as it goes, we're on very dangerous ground!
In the current Gun Control debate the Republicans put forward a good piece of legislation that would have protected the public without infringing on the Bill Of Rights. The Democrats refused to consider it.
naturally from someone one sided ... being a republican I'm sure it looked good to you.... but the republicans are bought and paid for... and some dems... but I see and pretty sure I posted it yesterday... even some republicans are breaking ranks with the NRA on a new meaqsure
In contrast, the liberals want to take away those 2nd amendment protections by the new federal regulations, while sticking their fingers in their ears, saying La La La and pretending the 2nd amendment doesn't exist.
no.... just a ban on AR's and Ak's... the second amendment would stand... like the 2 judges that ruled in NY and Con... just because you have the right to own and bear arms... doesn't mean you need an assault weapon
I vote at every opportunity, however I have never voted a straight ticket
I have voted republican on several occasions... I voted for the current gov in Iowa... and a few others ... and yes Obama twice... laughed when he said he could probably run again and make it.... now I with whats being offered I wish he was.... although I think Hillary will do Ok... the reason I say just OK is we still have the same bunch of obstructionist in congress that has been there and I don't think they are willing to work with anyone.... some might work with a republican... but then the radicals will get mad and not even support him.... to much division in wash right now... and until there are changes it will keep going on.... I think there will be a shake up in the senate... but still don't see a lot of movement in wash.... I said it before... everyone thinks their congressman is doing a good job.. it's the other guy... so that means no changes.. and even if you got a few at a time it would take years to get all of the hard heads out
all of our laws are some one's opinion and ruling... that's why there are so many law books... they keep track of how one ruling was and try to follow it..
No, the laws are not someone's opinion. The laws are the words of the constitution first and subordinate to that, the words written in bills, passed by congress and signed into law by the president. The opinions of courts in cases are interpretations of the law. What you are trying to allude to is the doctrine of stare decisis (that's Latin for stand by the decision).


Stare Decisis is a doctrine where courts try to interpret laws consistently, paying attention to past rulings/precedents.
While stare decisis is a useful concept it is most certainly not the law, nor should it be. As Professor Orin Kerr once wrote: "the Supreme Court should always try to get it right, and it should only follow past cases to the extent the current Justices think the old decisions are correct. The goal should be loyalty to the Constitution, not loyalty to old cases by old courts."

If we stuck blindly to stare decsis, we'd still have Dred Scott as the law of the land. Dred Scott is of course the case from 1857 where the US Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott, a slave who was suing for his freedom had no standing in federal court because he as a person of African decent couldn't be a citizen. The supreme court's ruling was written by Chief Justice Roger Taney. Taney's ruling had language that would be stunning today....things like: (if Scott were eligible as a citizen...) It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ...to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went

Note that Chief Justice Roger Taney was a democrat and was appointed to the court by Democrat president Andrew Jackson.

No, the laws are not someone's opinion. The laws are the words of the constitution first and subordinate to that, the words written in bills, passed by congress and signed into law by the president. The opinions of courts in cases are interpretations of the law
that's right... I said or meant ... that's why they have all those law books... someone's interpretation of the law....
Note that Chief Justice Roger Taney was a democrat and was appointed to the court by Democrat president Andrew Jackson.
years ago.... the dems were hardcore .. favor of slavery and against about everything...favored the rich...etc.... and the republicans were the nice guys.... somewhere along the line they both switched.... funny the dems switched because they were so unpopular and losing votes.... sound familiar?
if you talk to a lot of republicans on the street or just ..out... most have no idea just what really is going on.... I think that for most it is just a tradition! their parents were and their grandparents were... probably goes back to when the republicans were in favor of helping people... but now days things are changing and some waking up.... I know in my family... I broke tradition... when you talk facts to someone in my family... they don't really know.... except the republicans are working towards helping the economy and people... when asked for specifics they have none... my family won't talk politics with me... but don't talk so much about the grand old party either... I know I have placed some doubt in their minds... and I suspect there are a lot of families like mine
although... 10 years ago the republicans did a good job of recruiting in college's... and I think now those are the same one's revolting... educated and learning!
it will be a very interesting election with both parties so ... disliked... although a lot of the Hillary discontent is propaganda... still it's what they have in their minds... as for Trump... he has his loyal followers... thin he is going to make a big change... and then you have the republicans that are plotting the over throw... the convention is going to be fun to watch!... now will they all rally behind trump?... will they put Ryan or the jerk from Wisc in?.. that would divide things up... and then throw in the libertarian's.... I think they will get a bunch of votes from those dissatisfied with both parties... how will that effect things?... right now it's anyone's guess... I will stick with Hillary... I know most of her issues are propaganda from fox news... and I think she will just be more of the same... but right now more of the same is not such a bad option
I think with Hillary she didn't give much thought to using her own server... just stupid really... but the when she did figure it out she compounded things... and fox and the Benghazi people have gone out of their way to make issues on it.... fox reported last week that they thought Obama was interfering in her investigation... already!.... why should he... like most regular people I don't think there is anything to find... yes she received some and maybe sent some... but fox wanting her tried for treason is a bit far fetched.... and besides... if nothing else... all Obama has to do is what Ford did for Nixon... right after.. Pardon him and bury the mess!
You really need to pay a bit closer attention. If the Democrats have their way with gun control they are going to seriously cripple the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments. Or don't you think those protections are that important?
Maybe you misunderstood my post? I do think those protections are important and no I don't support the democrats gun control proposals. I was just pointing out that Mac's post showed a list of republicans who were suggesting changes to the constitution....by following the legitimate process instead of just federal fiat like Obama & the Dems like to do.
The Democrats in the House today staged a sit-in, preventing the House from coming to order and conducting business. Another fine example of the real Party of No. We can't get our way, so we'll just block everything in the house.

Mac likes to whine about how much the republicans cost us by preventing congress from getting things done....guessing this obstruction is A-OK though.


I liked what Mitch McConnell said in a news conference at the first of this year regarding the economic recovery ... "the reason the economy has been recovering is in large part due to Republicans opposing/stopping Obama's bad policies" ... I had to roll on the floor laughing when he said that because he kept such a straight, poker face when he said it, as IF he actually believed what he was saying. They have spend 7 years doing nothing but obstructing Obama, and when I say NOTHING BUT, I mean exactly that. And, they blame everyone but themselves, as usual.
The Democrats in the House today staged a sit-in, preventing the House from coming to order and conducting business. Another fine example of the real Party of No.
h-h, you GOTZ to be KIDDING ME .... you're almost as funny as Mitch McConnell. What "business" would that be? The Democrats are doing a sit-in because CONGRESS Republicans are getting ready to break for recess without addressing and voting the gun issues ... Democrats are not STOPPING them from voting ... just stopping them from recessing without completing what they started. If Speaker Ryan and Republicans VOTE on the gun issues, their normal business continues (doing nothing for the country) and Congress goes On Break ... that simple. Republicans simply don't want to go On Record as to where they stand on a sensitive, national ISSUE.

I mean, other than opposing to do ANYTHING in Washington, what the devil have the Republicans DONE? It's not like Democrats are reading Green Eggs & Ham on TV or anything. Their "sit-in" will END when the Congress does what it is suppose to do. What in HELL are the Republicans doing to EARN their pay? They know they're on the wrong side (as usual) in their position on the GUN issue ... so what do they do? They kick THAT CAN down the road as well ... probably because the NRA told them to, you think?
"kick the can" ..... "kick the can" .... "kick the can".

Oh, and before I forget it ... where is that new Republican Health Plan they've been promising since back in October, 2015 that they said was COMING in the Spring .... haven't heard anything on that lately.
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