Politically conservative

What I think he is clearly saying - is that if someone is clearly outperforming in a union it is frowned upon by others - where without a union it may result in promotion. In a union seniority dictates rising - in a nonunion shop performance usually does.
What I think he is clearly saying - is that if someone is clearly outperforming in a union it is frowned upon by others - where without a union it may result in promotion. In a union seniority dictates rising - in a nonunion shop performance usually does.

wrong....unions take pride in their work...always have
used to be if you wanted a quality product you bought union....naturally if you are not union you are going to say something else

How unions help all workers | Economic Policy Institute
Aug 26, 2003 · Unions make a substantial and measurable difference in the implementation of labor laws. Legislated labor protections are sometimes considered alternatives to collective bargaining in the workplace, but the fact of the matter is that a top-down strategy of legislating protections may not be influential unless there is also an effective voice and intermediary for workers at the workplace—unions.

Do unions increase productivity? - economist.com
Free exchange. It is not that union workers are lazy, a favourite canard of the right; at least in my experience, union workers are higher quality than you would expect for the job they are doing. However, unions often offer resistance to new work processes that might increase efficiency, and not just ones that would decrease labour demand.

Union-Made in America | AFL-CIO
Union-Made in America. Working people in unions value the hard work and craftsmanship that goes into the products and services we make and provide. That's why buying "Made in America" products is an important act of solidarity that promotes good jobs in the United States. Every year we update shopping lists and suggested products...
Not all products made in America is union

very few anymore....like I said about the fishing pole company Zebco…...union and profitable....then they found out they could get everything done in china for about what they were paying the light bill here

Obama had the key to that but the right wouldn't support it
My dad worked a couple different unions when I was young got to see corruption at its finest .

that is just your "twisted" version of things now that you are a biz owner......bet your dad didn't actually feel that way.....and if he did why did he stick with the job?

I have seen union people mad at unions because they didn't get this or that...also see some come to work and didn't like unions and left..some by their own choice some by.....
let me give you one example...I was living in Iowa at the time when Senator Grassley was first running for office....and had the support of the biz community because he was so anti union!
why was he anti union?
at one time he worked for Safeway...a good union job and one of the better jobs in town.....got fired over a few issues....went to work at massey ferguson there at that time...another real good union job that most people just can never get....he was a forklify operator......but he would take a newspaper and go the restroom and stay for over an hour a couple times a day...got fired again...blames unions for losing his jobs!
forgot one of my best examples...my damned nephew!
my brother has worked a union job his whole life...and getting ready to retire.....his union job put his 2 sons through college...onr of his sons just happened to make a comment around me about disliking unions...he explained.....I told him he is around biz owners and other like minded people everyday for all day....mind fucked
it was union wages that put him into college!....and now he hates unions...….all because it is what he hears and is preached about all day at work
The union didn't give them anything that they wouldn't have gotten anyways

would they....why are unions now almost non -existent…...and wages now haven't went up in years...wages not even keeping up with inflation...….unions created the standard for wages...that standard no longer around...allowing you to pay whatever you want

hell you might even give them 10 dollars an hour now all on their merit
would they....why are unions now almost non -existent…...and wages now haven't went up in years...wages not even keeping up with inflation...….unions created the standard for wages...that standard no longer around...allowing you to pay whatever you want

hell you might even give them 10 dollars an hour now all on their merit
unions out lived there usefulness we start higher than minimum. If you pay more things cost more
unions out lived there usefulness we start higher than minimum. If you pay more things cost more

most won't pay or give any more than they have to!
unions set the standard on wages and benefits....ever see a union worker qualifying for food stamps or asking for gov assistance

a lot of that all around the country was down......but now that they have got rid of most unions all of that has gone up...and now people want to comp[lain about the gov subsidies we give......had those people got a fair wage with benefits there wouldn't be any of that!