Photos of Conservatively dressed women-hot for bbc

Went out last night and this how my wife dressed for me. Brand new heels, first time wearing them. Interesting note on that we went to a store and was picking up a few things and we were in different parts of the store, when I caught up she was grinning big, I said what's up? She said this guy had just stopped her and told her he loved her heels and was eyeing her feet and that he had been making loops around and kept coming by her checking her out. And he almost passed the asile we were on by did a double take and came down it and was looking. We walked off the aisle and here he came again. He was a black guy, looked like in about his 40's, and he was eyeing her up and down. I told her she needed to be flirting back! Just thought that was very interesting.
Your wife is incredible!