Pandemic Pushes Porn Practices

James Moody

Gold Member
Real Person
We're all here for sex in one form or fashion. Probably the most consistent characteristic among us is that we are into porn. Many of us produce it (see the bazillion Media posts) and most of us watch it. Some threads I've read would indicate our collective preference is for amateur vs professional.

In any case, this article I saw about COVID-19's impact on porn industry production is pretty insightful. Many of the issues are the same ones we face - like it or not. When we meet up, we're engaged in a sex production. There are 'actors' we may or may not know and a 'set' that may or may or may not be hazardous. It just may not involve cameras. I've got no point to make here - just kicking around a topic that touches us all. As you read it, think about how it affects your own hookups - or lack thereof - past, present and future?

My initial reaction was about testing: do we want to know if our meet-up partner has been tested for COVID-19 just as much as an STD? Isn't it more complicated (COVID testing)? Testing for dissemination of COVID in semen or other sexual fluids is still too limited to know conclusively what's what. And what if I've been dying to hook up with someone for these months and we finally get a chance in a week or two? Will she (or he) even be able to get tested? And if negative, what about the idea that she/he could get COVID 2 minutes later from someone or something?

I'm inclined to take the chance but I know part of that inclination is because I'm horny as hell at the moment...
Good post. Real world stuff. Nice to see some of this here from time to time. By the way, probably as much s 90 percent of the media you see posted here that you credited the posters with producing is pirated material, people posting other parties' pics and videos they got from elsewhere on the net. I have no clue why the mods don't put an end to this.

I digress. On now with the COVID-19 discussion.
It's certainly a situation that parallels the lifestyle, as you alluded to it, we exchange bodily fluids, and in the process may put ourselves and others at risk. The only way one can be fully safe is to abstain, but as more and more states keep re-opening, people are going to take the chance and continue playing with folks. It's a sad reality of life. The only thing we can do is be wiser as to whom our play partners are. For us, we are thankful that the Talent Testing Full Panel now includes the COVID test, or you can opt just for the standalone COVID test ($75), so that's likely the move, at least for the immediate future, as far as choosing whom we play with.

Either way you slice it, definitely all about being smart with your choices, until such time as a vaccine is developed. Play Smart.
Thnx for your insights. Is the TTFP available outside the industry? If so, how do we non-pros get access?

Yes, the Talent Testing is available outside the industry. Just sign up on their site. Where it asks for stage name, just enter "N/A" and where it asks for agent, just select "None". Many people in the lifestyle use them for their testing, as the results are back in 24 hours, and they are private. Many of the couples we play with are fully insured, but rather go outside of their insurance for STI testing, as they like to keep that separate from their insurer. So for them, Talent Testing works and is fast/convenient.
Yes, the Talent Testing is available outside the industry. Just sign up on their site. Where it asks for stage name, just enter "N/A" and where it asks for agent, just select "None". Many people in the lifestyle use them for their testing, as the results are back in 24 hours, and they are private. Many of the couples we play with are fully insured, but rather go outside of their insurance for STI testing, as they like to keep that separate from their insurer. So for them, Talent Testing works and is fast/convenient.
Thnx for the knowledge!
Yes, the Talent Testing is available outside the industry. Just sign up on their site. Where it asks for stage name, just enter "N/A" and where it asks for agent, just select "None". Many people in the lifestyle use them for their testing, as the results are back in 24 hours, and they are private. Many of the couples we play with are fully insured, but rather go outside of their insurance for STI testing, as they like to keep that separate from their insurer. So for them, Talent Testing works and is fast/convenient.
What James said. Thanks for sharing.