Long-term Chastity

Outside of a Belt or a piercing I've found you can slip out of a chastity cage .
I'd like to know if anyone can tell me of one that is secure & comfortable for long term use .

Also I'd like to add ... It is a joke about NOT being able to cum
YOU CAN cum in chastity .
Outside of a Belt or a piercing I've found you can slip out of a chastity cage .
I'd like to know if anyone can tell me of one that is secure & comfortable for long term use .

Also I'd like to add ... It is a joke about NOT being able to cum
YOU CAN cum in chastity .
same with out a Prince Albert I could sneak in and out of most cages
You use your terminology. Nobody sees anyone as the dictator. If I say "All white men should be in chastity", it would take an idiot to think that this was an enforceable mandate or something that could ever be put into law. I am not going to step out of my fantasy to explain to morons... "Hey, this is just a fantasy, but wouldn't it be hot if... etc".
Sure, fantasize however you want. And turn every conversation that could be about living this way for real, and include people who do it in real life, sustainably, into a bunch of sweaty fantasy talk between single men. Just don't get butthurt when people say things like, "that's not how it actually works for us," in response to posts that use the words "all" and "must," and consider your fantasies extreme and unrealistic.

This place may be where you come to fantasize, but we come here to discuss things with others who are actually in the lifestyle and similarly minded. The rules in our situation are made by my wife, not "white cuck losers" online. We're not shaming. Fantasize all you want. But if you insist on projecting those fantasies on literally everyone else, you should expect to be called out.
Outside of a Belt or a piercing I've found you can slip out of a chastity cage .
I'd like to know if anyone can tell me of one that is secure & comfortable for long term use .

Also I'd like to add ... It is a joke about NOT being able to cum
YOU CAN cum in chastity .
That's why my wife had me pierced. We've found the most secure to be cages that incorporate my Prince Albert piercing. Most days I'm in an eBay knockoff of the very cool Rigid Chastity design, and there is no pulling out.

You're right, with enough effort, I can cum while wearing it, but it's a disappointing experience, similar to a ruined orgasm, and it's tough to do without my wife's help. It doesn't do anything to counteract any of the other effects of long-term chastity, and my wife is more than happy with the results. She had me spend a chunk of my bonus last year on a real Rigid device, but we're still waiting for it to arrive. They estimated a 6 month wait and we just passed 9 months. Hopefully soon!
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Sure, fantasize however you want. And turn every conversation that could be about living this way for real, and include people who do it in real life, sustainably, into a bunch of sweaty fantasy talk between single men. Just don't get butthurt when people say things like, "that's not how it actually works for us," in response to posts that use the words "all" and "must," and consider your fantasies extreme and unrealistic.

This place may be where you come to fantasize, but we come here to discuss things with others who are actually in the lifestyle and similarly minded. The rules in our situation are made by my wife, not "white cuck losers" online. We're not shaming. Fantasize all you want. But if you insist on projecting those fantasies on literally everyone else, you should expect to be called out.
We are not allowed to verify or be in the real areas. Those who enjoy the same fantasies and fetishes respond favorably. Those with something too big stuck up their asses won't.
Outside of a Belt or a piercing I've found you can slip out of a chastity cage .
I'd like to know if anyone can tell me of one that is secure & comfortable for long term use .

Also I'd like to add ... It is a joke about NOT being able to cum
YOU CAN cum in chastity .
You are 100% correct about being able to cum in chastity. The chastity may take the erection away but not the urge to cum.
We are not allowed to verify or be in the real areas. Those who enjoy the same fantasies and fetishes respond favorably. Those with something too big stuck up their asses won't.
Again, fantasize all you want. Just don't get butthurt when people call you out on your unrealistic, one-size-fits-all mandates. I'm not sure what got your delicate feathers so ruffled in the first place. You come on here proclaiming that people like yourself should be bred out of existence, but whine about not being able to verify, and I'm too mean for saying the majority of people in the lifestyle don't live the way you insist we "should" or "must?" Methinks thou doth protest too much.
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Again, fantasize all you want. Just don't get butthurt when people call you out on your unrealistic, one-size-fits-all mandates. I'm not sure what got your delicate feathers so ruffled in the first place. You come on here proclaiming that people like yourself should be bred out of existence, but whine about not being able to verify, and I'm too mean for saying the majority of people in the lifestyle don't live the way you insist we "should" or "must?" Methinks thou doth protest too much.
😂 I don't get butt hurt, you do!!
I was just explaining to you how much of an idiot you look like.
😂 I don't get butt hurt, you do!!
I was just explaining to you how much of an idiot you look like.
I suppose I just misinterpreted your posts. It definitely seemed like you felt slighted when I called the BNWO people "weirdos" and were complaining when you talked about how you aren't allowed to get verified, about what you perceived as kink-shaming, and about being reminded that your blanket fantasy statements don't apply to real people. You make it a point to say "there's nothing more stupid" than those things, and I "look like an idiot," but I'm sure you totally weren't whining and griping. My mistake.

Now, let me explain what YOU seem to similarly misunderstand. I am not asking you to "step out of your fantasy" to explain to me that it's fantasy. That is infinitely apparent by how ridiculous and nonsensical your absolute rule mandates are. They will never be anything BUT a fantasy. But why do YOUR sexual fantasies involve ALL white men? Isn't it more exciting to learn about what things actual people in this lifestyle do, and fantasize about those or similar things happening to YOU? How in the world are you going to come in here and preach about acceptance for other people's preferences and profess how stupid kink shaming is, while simultaneously talking about how an entire demographic should be marginalized until they're extinct? It's too bad you think I look stupid. I don't care. I miss being able to come here and talk to real people about real adventures and realistic individual goals and fantasies. Saying "all ______ must ______," what I think is incredibly stupid, and it's driving real people away. When someone challenges those notions and asks, "must? According to whom?" Crickets. Because the answer is simple: "sociopathic creeps online, and no one else." If you ask, "they must? What if they don't?" The answer is, "uh, then my extreme BNWO fantasy wouldn't be real!" It wouldn't? Aww, man, that would really be a shame, wouldn't it? Cry me a fucking river!

So yes, when I see people say "all white men must be chaste for life and ****** to dress like little girls," or "all white women need to be black bred" (nevermind that this would dilute supposedly 'superior' black genes in the first place, and bring about extinction of black people as quickly as whites) I will always point out how ridiculous that ******* looks to people in actual cuckold and/or interracial extramarital relationships.

If it's how YOU and your significant other (if you ever manage to quell your porn addiction long enough to find one with compatible sexual interests) want to play, that's great. I fully support people doing what makes them happy together, whether I share their fantasies or not. Do what makes you happy. But saying "every _____ must do _____" is incorrect 100% of the time when talking about sex. It's sociopathic, idiotic, and makes forums like these infinitely less enjoyable. If you expect everyone else to make room for your fantasy, don't thrust your fantasy's stupid rules on everyone else.
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I suppose I just misinterpreted your posts. It definitely seemed like you felt slighted when I called the BNWO people "weirdos"
Yes, you have a serious reading comprehension problem, lol. I was not offended at you calling us weirdos. I said, myself, that we're weirdos. I was amused that you think yourself less weird. How could you miss something stated so obviously?
You're a weird dude who gets turned on by black men fucking your wife. Yes, you're a nut. We all are.
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Yes, you have a serious reading comprehension problem, lol. I was not offended at you calling us weirdos. I said, myself, that we're weirdos. I was amused that you think yourself less weird. How could you miss something stated so obviously?
You're a weird dude who gets turned on by black men fucking your wife. Yes, you're a nut. We all are.
Please. We've never once claimed to be normal. We're into niche kinks for sure. That doesn't make people who thrust their fantasies on other people any less obnoxious. I'm not telling anyone what to fantasize about. I'm just saying it's extremely lame when people who aren't even involved (especially ones who claim they'd be submissive if they were involved) try to make a bunch of rules for the people who actually are.