Just curious

We think communication is of great importance. Everyone is different, but we don't want to share something this important with someone who will not put in the effort. It really makes for a more comfortable situation all around. We're all putting in a good deal of work to weed out fakes and flakes. It would be nice if finding someone compatible were as easyas snapping fingers, but it's not. Always appreciated when someone puts in the extra effort.
It’s the internet not grammar school
What ever education you have doesn’t make you better than the next person ijs

I'll resist the urge to correct your mistakes because I don't think you'd appreciate the irony.

Without actually being in the room with someone we can only form an opinion of them based on a minimal amount of information. On an internet message board all we have is the avatar they choose to represent themselves and the items that they post on that message board. It's not grammar school; it's life.
Not trying to put anyone on blast but I’m curious how people feel about communication skills?

Personally, if I’m talking to a couple or female via email or text and they can’t compose an intelligent sentence, my interest level drops. I’m nowhere close to being an english professor, however I think most know the difference between their/there, since/sense, etc. Or it’s all ebonics and text speak.

Just curious as to the thoughts of others, or am I just boughie also known as siddidy lol.
We definitely gravitate towards people who communicate well. In part, we are not into the lifestyle for numbers of men, but quality people that largely align with our interests as well. We do the few lovers, repeat/long term kind of relationships...not the one and done type, and when you are regular lovers there are dates, dinners, maybe overnights....and all that requires more than a big cock. The big cock is certainly important, but we would rather wait for the right guy than just rack up numbers....so yes, we are picky...
As a teacher I cringe when I read some of the posts on here. Misspellings, lack of punctuation, horrible grammar...... makes me want to take out my red pen and mark up the screen. I understand that we don't all have the same level of education so I generally let it slide. But some of it is just plain laziness.

Some posts I have a difficult time understanding. I agree with you but look at the population that you're dealing with here. We aren't discussing economic literature so I just try to tune out the unintelligible.
I'll resist the urge to correct your mistakes because I don't think you'd appreciate the irony.

Without actually being in the room with someone we can only form an opinion of them based on a minimal amount of information. On an internet message board all we have is the avatar they choose to represent themselves and the items that they post on that message board. It's not grammar school; it's life.

Very well said
Thank you all for your input on the topic. I want to clarify that I in no way correlate bad grammar with intelligence. I just feel, as others have also expressed, that if you can’t take the time to put in effort to communicate properly, it makes me wonder if there will be conversation that we can both enjoy before, during, or after the encounter.

My sincerest apologies if my topic offends or excludes anyone here. Just wanted to start a discussion.

I was raised to never think or act better than anyone else. I was raised to see each person as a human being, no matter race, creed, color, or lifestyle. However, as a black male in this society, I was raised to always represent myself in a way so that I’m not looked down upon based on my color or social stigmas.
Thank you all for your input on the topic. I want to clarify that I in no way correlate bad grammar with intelligence. I just feel, as others have also expressed, that if you can’t take the time to put in effort to communicate properly, it makes me wonder if there will be conversation that we can both enjoy before, during, or after the encounter.

My sincerest apologies if my topic offends or excludes anyone here. Just wanted to start a discussion.

I was raised to never think or act better than anyone else. I was raised to see each person as a human being, no matter race, creed, color, or lifestyle. However, as a black male in this society, I was raised to always represent myself in a way so that I’m not looked down upon based on my color or social stigmas.
Well, your last sentence makes a good point for some as a reason to be in a lifestyle correlated to this site`s theme, when you look at it from a psycho-social point of view. i always wanted to write an article about these sorts of things from what i have found out based on my (semi-scientific) research, but i never really knew how to approach this topic at all, or where or how to put it down in a way that it is reasonably short and easy to understand. :unsure: But i think it would be an interesting read for some, and maybe explain a few things? Maybe i`ll need a co-author to help me out with it. :help:
can’t compose an intelligent sentence,

No ill feelings, just a different perspective:
  • We are anatomically modern for more than 100K years.
  • We are going back factors to that...
  • Privileged countries gained relatively high literacy levels just decades ago
  • Chances of humanity surviving literacy = 100%
Fucking someone illiterate should be gratifying experience : they deserve to be fucked for being illiterate :)))
We are all illiterate in one field or another, be that skills, knowledge, experience, whatever, so I guess we are all deserve to be fucked then...
It would be sad, but offspring of millions of generations of illiterate apes "flung themselves and their machines into interplanetary space".
So quite a feat for grand ******* of a bunch of hooting monkeys : ))))))
Hooting and humping monkeys... :rolleyes:
I personally hate it when I read a post with improper grammar or capitalization. It takes so little to make yourself seem educated it's really not that hard. If you can't complete a sentence on here or on any post, what makes you think I want to have a conversation before I let you fuck me? Short hand is one thing but continual slang with the wrong verb tense is something else. Good luck!!