How did you make the decision?

We all enjoy this lifestyle and have our own perspective on how to enjoy it. Many of us are ok with posting images and video with our face and are open to being “out there”. Now I understand that if you are a content developer. I’m curious about those of us who have an every day vanilla life? I of course share my face and pics with those I am potentially going to meet but I am afraid of the this day and age where it’s so easy for others to capture your image and do whatever they want with it. Post them wherever they want. Years ago I had a guy on Dark Cavern who took my dick pics and created his own profile with them.

I am a business professional who works for a very large well known world organization. I would be afraid of my images or videos showed up somewhere where it could affect my career development and growth. In addition, my ******* or friends who aren’t aware of my proclivities 😎 finding out. I know that’s why I have chosen to be more discreet but I’m curious about those of you who post images and videos with your face or distinguishing tattoos or scars, how did you reconcile that? How do you come to the decision that you were ok if Aunt Josephine found out? Or your boss? Your clients? Your ******* or *******? Etc. Just curious about the thought process you had in making your decision.

Una vez más, no estoy juzgando, déjame ser claro. Solo tengo curiosidad porque aquellos de nosotros que no compartimos fotos de rostros generalmente se consideran no auténticos. Así que he ido y venido al respecto y quería escuchar algunas perspectivas. Gracias de antemano por el diálogo. Todos se divierten.
Somos pareja swinger bisexual los dos de Cuba donde la sociedad no es nada tolerante con nada más que las relaciones tradicionales así que vivimos socialmente como pareja hetero porque además mi actual pareja es una doctora con un cargo importante y yo soy doctor en pedagogía y profesor universitario así que si nuestro estilo de vida sexual fuera de conocimiento público todo eso seria despojado