Do you suspect your wife is fucking black men while on vacation?

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Hotels will not allow locals to enter hotel grounds or guest rooms due to the large number of tourist who get robbed in this way. It is advised not to engage in such behavior with locals. After all use your friggin brains youre in a foreign country, you are the outsider and anything can happen not to mention kidnappings for ransom. I am a descendant of the region and even I have to watch myself as it is believed all Americans are rich and can afford to pay a ransom. Unless you're looking to have some man of fire type ******* to go down calm yourself. FYI some locals find it insulting that foreigners especially whites travel to their nations for sexual tourism and to pass along aids. Be very careful about who you talk to and how you present yourself, being flashy with jewelry only makes you a target and yes wedding rings count. You want some bbc get it from among the hotel guests, getting some weed is no problem, just be mindful that exhibiting sexual desire to certain portion of the local population can be very dangerous in so many ways. As for ******* you don't want to be arrested for that in Jamaica or anywhere else; stop acting like they don't have undercover agents, special police squads, and other agencies looking for people like you. A Jamaican prison is not a place you want to find yourself. Be extremely suspicious about what you do and who you do it with. Don't say I didn't warn you when you learn the hard way.
Oh an while its on my mind, some foreigner invites you to his home country for some fun and bbc in the sun. Be very weary of that;
you whites aren't too bright about things like this and that's exactly how you end up on the news. Know your black man satisfy your knowledge that he has your best interests at heart and is not someone looking to lure you into the horror of your life.
Oh an while its on my mind, some foreigner invites you to his home country for some fun and bbc in the sun. Be very weary of that;
you whites aren't too bright about things like this and that's exactly how you end up on the news. Know your black man satisfy your knowledge that he has your best interests at heart and is not someone looking to lure you into the horror of your life.
your making it sound scary
your making it sound scary
Scary hmmm would you rather experience the horrors of a vacation gone wrong.
You looking to be on the news?
Its reality, its life, youre going to a place where the value of a US dollar is 10 to 1 if not higher
where people work extremely hard for what you can get at the blink of an eye. It has created an industry
where robbing a tourist is a way of life, give aids back to the whites who brought it there is an eye for an eye.
Truth is truth; I don't like tell you these things as much as you don't like hearing them. I love my people dearly
but we have good and bad ones just like every other country in the world and you whites like to go places and act like
you own the country or youre royalty, you tend to treat blacks and non white hotel staff like ******* and forget they are the ones who protect you
from criminals. I have a vast travel experience and am passing it on to you all to make you think about what youre saying so you can be safe and more realistic about you sexual endeavors. I rather you be scared than end up in a Jamaican prison or dead in some untraveled part of some foreign country.