Interracial Normalcy

Basically if I had the attitudes today that I held as an adolescent I'd be hard pressed to find a white girl to date. In my youth influenced by racist upbringing I believed once a white girl went black she was basically done, her reputation was awful and she was not the kind of girl I should be with.

Now in these days if you are uncomfortable with a girl who has had a black sexual lover you are in for a drought of sex. Odds are if you are seeking a sexually active chick she's had some black sperm in her womb at least once or twice. That's not something to be ashamed of like back in the day but rather proud that she's part of a culture that outgrew those small minded racist restrictions.
Agree...I used to see the same thing in 90s.
Now its such a turn around that I feel if a woman hasn't been with A BLACK MAN...then I'm not interested in her!
I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX! I literally SMILE from ear to ear while watching interracially cuckolded Sex between Black Men and Whie Women! I call it my Cuck Boy Smile. Is this really normal? I can't stop. I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX! I can't stop. I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX!
I am completely addicted to interracial sex. I'm a little White male who looks like Harry Potter.
All I watch is interracial sex.
I can't stop.
Nothing else gets me hard anymore.
Only Black Men with White Women.
I have thousands of terabytes worth of interracial porn.
I can't even think of White Women without picturing them with Black Men now instead of me.
What % of us White males are like this now? Is this normal? Is this natural? Help
I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX! I literally SMILE from ear to ear while watching interracially cuckolded Sex between Black Men and Whie Women! I call it my Cuck Boy Smile. Is this really normal? I can't stop. I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX! I can't stop. I LOVE INTERRACIAL SEX!
I am completely addicted to interracial sex. I'm a little White male who looks like Harry Potter.
All I watch is interracial sex.
I can't stop.
Nothing else gets me hard anymore.
Only Black Men with White Women.
I have thousands of terabytes worth of interracial porn.
I can't even think of White Women without picturing them with Black Men now instead of me.
What % of us White males are like this now? Is this normal? Is this natural? Help.
You sound exactly like me. What you have written is a perfect description of me too. Isn't it funny how having a tiny cock makes men behave!
I want to admit and confess to the world that BLACK MEN are more MASCULINE KINGS AND BULLS compared to me, a mere White male. And all I watch is interracial sex.
I was raised in a very mixed race neighborhood in the Bronx, NY. Interracial sex and marriage was common. I never gave it a thought because it was so normal. I saw married people including my parents have sex with others. Out of wedlock ******* were common. As a young boy of 14 or so I was told that I was not allowed to have sex with girls. I was guided to black boys. I thought it was normal. My step dad told me it was normal & right to have black boyfriends & my older sister only dated black guys.
So, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. All, this is normal. We need to accept it and live with reality, Looking at birthrate statistics it sure looks like the world will be black in the future. I see nothing wrong with that. Color means nothing. But, if you look at black men carefully you will see that most are stronger, better fit and you see white women looking at them with lust. Nothing wrong with that either!
When I was younger I was always excited when I saw white women with black men.
Now as I know black men are Alpha and better than white men, I just think it is normal and women should be encouraged to go with black men.