If You Truly Desire Black Men

Also a lot of black guys are getting into this lifestyle very young without life experience....

So they can’t process why a woman would have sex with them , but doesn’t want a relationship with them....

Unfortunately this is becoming more common.....
More so a fetish
What has stopped you from being with black men?

If you're married to a white man, or a latino male, why have you not taken that next step, and left your husband(s) to be with a black man, that you desire?

Would it be because of your concern of rebuttal from friends, family, or are there no black men of value in your area?

Or are you concerned with the blow back from society, because you bucked the trend of being with a white husband, and decided to be with a black man that has caught your attention?

We appalud you, for desiring a black man, i'm just curious to see, what has stopped you from being with that one black man, that you desire, and want to be with him under the same roof?
It’s because most of the married woman who are into the” lifestyle”are not interested in leaving they’re husband just so they can go be exclusively with “one guy”
They mostly already have loving husbands and the benefit of being with whoever they want sexually is the huge benefit of being married to him

I totally understand and respect where your coming from, but your question is kind of an oxymoron, the whole point of hotwifing is being with other partners “swinging” not settling down with one partner who is probably not ok with her being a hotwife anymore.
love how you wrote, “otherwise I may have”

so close to engaging in interracial sex, holding yourself back, but wanting it...that’s all so erotic
She didnt say she is not being engaged in thaIR. She said, she cannot marry out of her world. Sex, ir or not, is not all that is... though astronomers, biologists, math freaks, hotwives and we all think otherwise (sometimes)
@emcee, don't listen to him, family is everything.

Yes, because she should allow herself to be boxed in, from being with a black man, because she's so concerned about her families racist rhetoric.

It's 2021, liberation is a hell of a *******, she should embrace her libration, and be free to be with any black man that she so desires.

Yes, because she should allow herself to be boxed in, from being with a black man, because she's so concerned about her families racist rhetoric.

It's 2021, liberation is a hell of a *******, she should embrace her libration, and be free to be with any black man that she so desires.
By all means you should set out to get as much white pussy as you can and fully embrace the pleasures of interracial taboo, I hope you have the time of your life, but it sounds like your stuck in the fantasy of the fetish, when it comes to hoywifes ect. You can have passion filled nights and loads of fun but when the next day comes the facts are the facts, and the fact is your a fetish to her not a potential partner. You can’t be mad at her for not wanting to be with you in real life, after all you were taking part in the fantasy too, you were never a long term option to her, anymore than any of the other men in her “swinger” “fetish” life.

I couldn't have said better myself.

There was a reason that i made this thread.

And by the answers that were quickly posted up, and again, it quickly validated my position.

Apparently, they seem to be oblivious to black men like ourselves, who make six figures annually, and the married ladies on here, who claim to desire black men, don't really desire a black man.

They have relegated a black man to being a dick, and are here apparently, only for a married woman's pleasure, when we can offer so much more.

It's very humourous yet puzzling to see why white women would prefer to be married to white men, because those white men are nothing more than a meal ticket.

Yet, those same white men seemingly don't care to be used by their wife ( wives) in that manner.

And at the same time, black men like ourselves are very financially stable, and paid for our homes with cash.

But those backward thinking women, seem to still be of the mindset that black men can't offer them anything other than good dick on a regular basis.

Good luck to those white men, who are being used for a saftey net, and not real, deep seated love, respect.
I think your right, to an extent. The women on HERE are only looking for a black dick. The same way that black men on here are looking for a white pussy. Not because they wouldn’t have a relationship if they weren’t already married. But they are on HERE because they ARE married. This lifestyle is about sex with someone OTHER then their husband. For women that love their husbands (for many reasons) but want something extra.
What has stopped you from being with black men?

If you're married to a white man, or a latino male, why have you not taken that next step, and left your husband(s) to be with a black man, that you desire?

Would it be because of your concern of rebuttal from friends, family, or are there no black men of value in your area?

Or are you concerned with the blow back from society, because you bucked the trend of being with a white husband, and decided to be with a black man that has caught your attention?

We appalud you, for desiring a black man, i'm just curious to see, what has stopped you from being with that one black man, that you desire, and want to be with him under the same roof?
In reality how many women would want to ruin their marriage for a bit of sex?