If You Truly Desire Black Men

I believe this is a great topic, and there are plenty of layers to this.
The OP especially made a question aimed at married women, and as some of them answered, for plenty of them sex with males (which happen to be black in this case) other than their husbands just happened to be part of their sex lives. However, they still love their husbands and have no plans on leaving them. Notice that cuckolding isn't limited to black men. Sure, lately the idea of the black "bull" has become quite popular, but the term is not limited to them. However, it would be a lie to say there isn't a black men fetish, which has resulted in many of them being sexually objectified.

Of course, this brings up the question why many of those women didn't marry a black man instead. And this question also has many layers. For one, sexual attraction isn't the sole defining aspect on whether you fall in love with someone, and even less on whether you want to get into a serious relationship. So, they might have found themselves attracted to black guys when they were single, but didn't necessarily fall in love with any.
That's one aspect, another aspect is definitely the societal one. I'm sure some of the older women into this lifestyle might have been into black men before they got married, but due to social pressure based on racism, they decided to marry a guy of the same race as them. Ultimately, they grew to love their husbands, so even if they could marry a black guy now much more easily than before, they're already emotionally attached to their current husbands. So, regardless of their preference on men, they won't just divorce them. That being said, I'm sure that there must be cases in which women who married men of their same race, after having become intimate with black men, might have reconsidered their preferences and feelings, and ultimately divorced their husbands in favour of the black men they've become intimately involved with, because they found themselves being in love with them.

There are also plenty of stereotypes, as it's been correctly pointed out in this thread, such as the idea that black men not being financially sound, or not good partners, amongst many other things that are a byproduct of racism. However, I believe that's been changing through generations. In fact, I see a lot less of that type of thinking amongst ******* of the Generation Z, and as you can see, interracial relationships between black guys and white girls are much more common in members of that generation than ever before. Meaning interracial marriages and mixed race ******* will be much more common in that generation and the ones to come.

That being said, I'm not so idealistic as to believe that "love conquers all", but if you're a black male and you fall in love with the hotwife you've got involved with, then try showing some interest. I won't try to pretend to understand the feeling that you're being used as little more than a sex toy. I believe the fetishisation of black men isn't a good thing. But, if regardless of circumstances you still fall for that woman, man, go for it. You're already intimately involved, and you've got nothing to lose. In the worst case she'll turn you down, and in the best case you'll take her from their husband/bf. Indeed, I understand that there's also a moral aspect to it, since meddling in a relationship is generally regarded as wrong, but I find a loophole in this case, since you've already become intimately involved with the couple in a consensual manner. So, the way I see it, you're in your right to try to ask the woman to go out with you, and if things go well, end that marriage.

I really like this topic, and if anyone wants to discuss it, please write to me.
What has stopped you from being with black men?

If you're married to a white man, or a latino male, why have you not taken that next step, and left your husband(s) to be with a black man, that you desire?

Would it be because of your concern of rebuttal from friends, family, or are there no black men of value in your area?

Or are you concerned with the blow back from society, because you bucked the trend of being with a white husband, and decided to be with a black man that has caught your attention?

We appalud you, for desiring a black man, i'm just curious to see, what has stopped you from being with that one black man, that you desire, and want to be with him under the same roof?
Good question
Let’s be honest here, this is a sexual preference and that’s it, there are lots of guys who would prefer large breasts but it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for them. This question is the same as asking a guy that prefers large breast why he doesn’t divorce his wife for someone bustier.

Let’s also remember that cuckolding and hotwifing is exciting for a lot of couples just because they are a couple, the taboo and excitement of doing something together as a couple is a large part of it for some. Breaking up in order to get into a monogamous couple with a black man wouldn’t even be close to the same thing.
Spot on!
I believe this is a great topic, and there are plenty of layers to this.
The OP especially made a question aimed at married women, and as some of them answered, for plenty of them sex with males (which happen to be black in this case) other than their husbands just happened to be part of their sex lives. However, they still love their husbands and have no plans on leaving them. Notice that cuckolding isn't limited to black men. Sure, lately the idea of the black "bull" has become quite popular, but the term is not limited to them. However, it would be a lie to say there isn't a black men fetish, which has resulted in many of them being sexually objectified.

Of course, this brings up the question why many of those women didn't marry a black man instead. And this question also has many layers. For one, sexual attraction isn't the sole defining aspect on whether you fall in love with someone, and even less on whether you want to get into a serious relationship. So, they might have found themselves attracted to black guys when they were single, but didn't necessarily fall in love with any.
That's one aspect, another aspect is definitely the societal one. I'm sure some of the older women into this lifestyle might have been into black men before they got married, but due to social pressure based on racism, they decided to marry a guy of the same race as them. Ultimately, they grew to love their husbands, so even if they could marry a black guy now much more easily than before, they're already emotionally attached to their current husbands. So, regardless of their preference on men, they won't just divorce them. That being said, I'm sure that there must be cases in which women who married men of their same race, after having become intimate with black men, might have reconsidered their preferences and feelings, and ultimately divorced their husbands in favour of the black men they've become intimately involved with, because they found themselves being in love with them.

There are also plenty of stereotypes, as it's been correctly pointed out in this thread, such as the idea that black men not being financially sound, or not good partners, amongst many other things that are a byproduct of racism. However, I believe that's been changing through generations. In fact, I see a lot less of that type of thinking amongst ******* of the Generation Z, and as you can see, interracial relationships between black guys and white girls are much more common in members of that generation than ever before. Meaning interracial marriages and mixed race ******* will be much more common in that generation and the ones to come.

That being said, I'm not so idealistic as to believe that "love conquers all", but if you're a black male and you fall in love with the hotwife you've got involved with, then try showing some interest. I won't try to pretend to understand the feeling that you're being used as little more than a sex toy. I believe the fetishisation of black men isn't a good thing. But, if regardless of circumstances you still fall for that woman, man, go for it. You're already intimately involved, and you've got nothing to lose. In the worst case she'll turn you down, and in the best case you'll take her from their husband/bf. Indeed, I understand that there's also a moral aspect to it, since meddling in a relationship is generally regarded as wrong, but I find a loophole in this case, since you've already become intimately involved with the couple in a consensual manner. So, the way I see it, you're in your right to try to ask the woman to go out with you, and if things go well, end that marriage.

I really like this topic, and if anyone wants to discuss it, please write to me.
Excellent analysis and advice
Excellent analysis and advice
Lots of meat to chew on there. I had a black lover in the past that was a beautiful man inside and out. He was a gentleman, educated (attorney), ex college athlete, fit, hung, and an amazing lover ….basically everything a woman could ask for, and I did fall for him to the point that he and I discussed me leaving my husband, who isn’t a cuck. (Stag/Vixen situation here) in the end I decided that while I was “in love” with this man, I also still cared deeply for my husband and I didn’t want to blow up our family. I stayed, and while I do miss him at times, when the holidays come around or family gatherings take place, I’m definitely glad I made the decision I did.
Lots of meat to chew on there. I had a black lover in the past that was a beautiful man inside and out. He was a gentleman, educated (attorney), ex college athlete, fit, hung, and an amazing lover ….basically everything a woman could ask for, and I did fall for him to the point that he and I discussed me leaving my husband, who isn’t a cuck. (Stag/Vixen situation here) in the end I decided that while I was “in love” with this man, I also still cared deeply for my husband and I didn’t want to blow up our family. I stayed, and while I do miss him at times, when the holidays come around or family gatherings take place, I’m definitely glad I made the decision I did.
Glad you separated "physical pleasure" from emotional long-term committment...
Lots of meat to chew on there. I had a black lover in the past that was a beautiful man inside and out. He was a gentleman, educated (attorney), ex college athlete, fit, hung, and an amazing lover ….basically everything a woman could ask for, and I did fall for him to the point that he and I discussed me leaving my husband, who isn’t a cuck. (Stag/Vixen situation here) in the end I decided that while I was “in love” with this man, I also still cared deeply for my husband and I didn’t want to blow up our family. I stayed, and while I do miss him at times, when the holidays come around or family gatherings take place, I’m definitely glad I made the decision I did.
You made the right decision.
Because it's all a fantasy and the sex is good because it's more animalistic. But very few would marry one.

Note: I wrote 'very few'. VERY FEW . That means that there are exceptions. So please don't tell me about your Aunt Flo or ex wife or neighbor or cousin Martha who married a black man.
What has stopped you from being with black men?

If you're married to a white man, or a latino male, why have you not taken that next step, and left your husband(s) to be with a black man, that you desire?

Would it be because of your concern of rebuttal from friends, family, or are there no black men of value in your area?

Or are you concerned with the blow back from society, because you bucked the trend of being with a white husband, and decided to be with a black man that has caught your attention?

We appalud you, for desiring a black man, i'm just curious to see, what has stopped you from being with that one black man, that you desire, and want to be with him under the same roof?

I want to find black life partner.. future husband maybe 😊 but seems iťs impossible, hehe:) But still I hope one day I will find the right one.. 🖤🍀
When it comes to marrying, socializing and other meaningful things, they (the whites) almost always do that with other races and other nationalities because the whites feel they have more in common with them, find them more American-like and prefer to associate with them than US blacks.
That's utter bullshit.
No it's not. Your type just don't like these things being aired and spoiling the water in the well, so to speak. You prefer your plantation bucks ignorant AF with strong thigh muscles and cocks with the girth of a Louisville slugger and dangling midway down their thighs and with stamina that lasts for hours. But guess what? Imma keep on saying it and if you don't like it, well (no pun intended), cry me a river. 🤣🤣🤣

One of your kin folk send its greetings.