I would like to tell the stories of some of my wife's experiences

Why is it that certain people enjoy putting other people on the proverbial hot seat? I'm not overly shy by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary,I'm more in the category of being quite nervy. However,I do have some oddities in my psyche that can cause me to feel a little uncomfortable about certain things that might go virtually unnoticed by most people. Maybe it's the contradictory nature of it that amuses my hubby.

I'm very much a neat freak. Everything has it's place. Everything should be neat,tidy,sanitary,and well organized.

I'm not entirely comfortable with using crude or raw language to describe a situation or condition,even when it might be the most accurate way to do it. I'm perfectly OK with other people expressing themselves any way they want,and I'm used to men being raw and crude. Not a problem. Say anything you want,any way you want to say it. All I ask is that if it pertains to me personally,that you please not be intentionally mean to me.

I'm sure I've heard and read just about every description that might fit me at certain times,cum dump,sperm sponge,and so on. I'm not insulted,unless I know such a description is used with the intention of being insulting,then maybe,but probably not. I can usually ignore most insults.

There's no denying that I'm happiest when I'm filled beyond capacity with cum and my pussy's stretched to the size of Texas. I can,and have concealed most of the visible details when I'm in that condition. I know how much my hubby enjoys seeing me like that,so I've made a habit not hiding any of the visible details of the aftermath of sex when he's around. That means furniture isn't safe from my honey-dripping,and needs to be covered.:oops: It's not my idea. I just kinda let whatever happens happen when he's around,because he likes it like that,thinking he can help clean up later. In fairness to him,I acknowledge that he does.

I don't always include the crude details of the consequences of the kind of sex that I like,but yes,it virtually always ends in me being a sloppy mess. I can do a lot to contain the aftermath and keep everything neater,and I usually do that when my hubby's away,and not coming home soon. If he's around,or if I know he's on his way home,I'm intentionally messy as a way of creating a show for him.

How much more crude or raw can I be? Would it help if I cursed a little? Damnit! :)
I forgot. He always likes to point out the fact that when I'm feeling my happiest that I always smell like cum. So? Who would really notice that and think it's worth mentioning,besides my hubby?
Hubby here. Yes, I understand, but ya also got to be safe.
I probably should,but it doesn't happen like that most of the time. Most of what we've written about here happened years ago. I'm not as active now as I was during those times. I don't try to tell men what they can or can't do. Most men want to cum inside me,so that's what they do.
A portion of Lisa's rebellious attitude at the time we met was nothing more than her necessarily blowing off steam caused by a hostile breakup with her most recent boyfriend. Her declaration that she was a whore,wanted to be a whore and was going to keep on being a whore was said with him in mind,but she wasn't anxious to back off from it. She liked to fuck and she didn't understand why that was a problem. It wasn't a problem for me,and my being quick to let Lisa know that,was the best thing I had going for me from the beginning. Generally speaking,the timing of my first encounter with Lisa couldn't have been worse. She wasn't in a good mood. My agreement with her whore statement was met with disbelief,but it got her attention. She was skeptical,but curios.

In the days and weeks that followed,Lisa learned what she could about open relationships. We enjoyed every minute we spent together. The getting along part was easy. If she didn't have to be concerned that I would be jealous and throw a tantrum if she spread her legs for another guy,it might actually work. It was worth a try. I knew several couples who had open marriages. I didn't know much about the details of their relationships,but they seemed happy. I was extremely turned on by Lisa and her promiscuous attitude. I expressed my feelings about that often,and was reminded almost as often that I needed to be sure to remember things I said. It was understood that Lisa fully intended to test me.

A few weeks into our relationship,Lisa showed up late to meet me. She had fucked a co-worker after work,an Italian guy who had been flirting with her for months. I had been expecting something to happen,but I was surprised when it did. I hadn't even considered that possibility the day it happened. I was getting concerned because Lisa had always been punctual up until that day. She was smiling cheerfully as she got into the car. She offered no explanation as to why she was late,and when I saw her smiling face,I didn't care to ask. She wanted me to drive straight to one of our favorite parking places. As soon as I stopped the car,she was all over me. I was just beginning to notice something unusual in her mood,maybe nervousness,when she pushed my hand down to her cum-drenched pussy. Our sex was more passionate than ever.

Lisa told me afterward that she had been extremely nervous. She was all in. It was an all or nothing situation from her perspective. She had to be prepared to walk away from our relationship if I reacted negatively. I assured her that I had meant everything I said. She was crying tears of joy and laughing at the same time as she told me there was another Italian guy,this guy's best friend that she might want to try too. I encouraged her to go for it,with him,them,or anybody she wanted.

Lisa always had that temptress trait in her personality. It's often subtle,but sometimes rather bold when she's in a situation that provides her the freedom to openly express herself. I have to give Curt credit for helping her to reach her full potential. Curt and Lisa bonded easily. She was comfortable telling Curt almost all of her most intimate thoughts and feelings. Curt was several years ahead of Lisa in life experience. His perspective was unique,and it was one that fitted and complimented Lisa's. He was a total voyeur. He thoroughly enjoyed watching Lisa and coached her constantly. She was open and honest with him about her aspirations,her interest in erotic dancing,her desire to make men want her,and her fantasy of being a groupie. The detail they discussed relative to her dancing,dressing,body language and such things is astounding to me. I'm sure I haven't heard it all,but I see the end result. It blows my mind! She's often acting,or so she says. I understand why she says that,but,it's not really acting and it hasn't been for a long time. It started as acting,then it became something that's more genuine than acting. Curt coached her to move and act to please men,particularly black men. She practiced so much that it's more of a mode that she goes into,a man-pleasing mode. When the time and situation is right for it,it's automatic. Maybe she's conscious of certain things she does sometimes,but I know it's 99% natural for her now.
It was mostly due to the environment where Lisa grew up that she was slow to realize the significance of the interracial aspect of her sex,and once she did,I think her attitude about it was still unusual. There had been a very small number of black people where she grew up,and Lisa hadn't seen them as being different. She was aware that racial strife existed,but she thought of it as a distant and past thing that really wasn't a factor anymore,because she hadn't seen any evidence of it in her life. She was barely twenty years old when she got involved with the black men who lived in the apartment next door,and it happened simply because they were there. Once she realized that there was something significant about being a white woman in a group of men who were all black,it became an additional point of stimulation for her. She saw it entirely from an erotic angle. She had discovered that the contrast of their skin color was a turn on for her,and she was convinced that there was some truth behind the cock size thing. Although she didn't fully understand the taboo of interracial sex,it somehow seemed extra naughty in a good way. She was being treated exceptionally well too. She was aware of the male/female ratio on and around post,and figured that was as much an advantage for her as it was a disadvantage for the men. Curt was overtly protective of her,but she felt like there was more to it. It came up in some of our conversations when I would come home. Lisa has always been attractive and sexy. Throughout her teen years,she had always gotten her share of attention. That's the point she explained to me. She got her share of attention,but that was all. It wasn't like she was the only hot-looking girl around. She was getting far more attention than she had ever gotten in her life! She was on cloud nine and enthusiastic about having gone black. Those black guys gave her the boost of confidence that she needed to finally dance in front of men. She gained more momentum after she started dancing for them,and it's like the rest is history.

It's easy to look back now and think that almost everything that's happened since that time was predictable. Maybe some things have been,but there have been a lot of surprises too. Good surprises.
Early in the time when we lived beside Curt,I told Lisa that I would like everything to be as close as possible to being the same when I was home as when I wasn't. She totally understood what I meant and did her best to make it happen, It was virtually impossible at first,but after a few months went by and the situation became more settled and "normal",my being home didn't seem to make so much of a difference anymore.

Curt and I were tight. We had a good understanding and communicated well,often with few or no words at all. We both watched Lisa as she interacted with the young men,both as inconspicuously as possible. Lisa was keenly aware of how closely we watched her,but not in a way that caused her to be uncomfortable. On the contrary,she enjoyed all of the attention she was getting,including,or possibly especially from Curt and me. She was always putting on a show to one degree or another. That soon became a big part of her personality,a very enjoyable part for all of us.
Having never lived in such a hot climate,Lisa found her first summer in Georgia challenging. The intense heat and the inadequacy of the air conditioning of the apartment building gave her more reasons to wear little to nothing. Added to that was the fact that she spent a lot of time dancing on that table. She was always near naked and she took a lot of showers. It was a very hot summer. I don't think any of us were without sympathy,but there was no denying that Lisa's wet look was pleasing to male eyes. Virtually every comment she made in reference to the temperature was answered with comments acknowledging how hot she was,in the other sense of the word.
As I try to recall some of the events I've shared with Lisa that I can write about,I find that it's often the moments and visions of watching her walk,or strut on occasion,and on her expressions that are most prominent in my memory.

As those who are middle-aged and beyond will understand,our lives together can be separated in stages relatively easily. The first stage lasted about a year and a half,our meeting,dating,and marriage. We moved into the apartment in Georgia near the beginning of the second stage of our lives as a couple. Lisa was nineteen when we moved in there,and turned twenty a few weeks later. We were both as prepared as we could've been for what we had,or thought we had ahead of us. I knew what I had to do,and my expectations were confirmed. We both expected that Lisa had the worst part of that stage,and that her biggest challenges would be loneliness and boredom. Something unpredictable,our new neighbors across the corridor from our new apartment,changed Lisa's future for the better in a lasting way.

At twenty years old,Lisa was an adult. She wasn't particularly vulnerable if compared to other young women who were her age. She wasn't as shrinking violet either,but she had never been out in the world,completely alone,away from friends,family and everything that was familiar to her. She was understandably lacking in confidence and a little scared,though she wouldn't have admitted it the time.

That said,Lisa was a naughty girl. I encouraged her to be as naughty as she dared. We talked about the possibility that she might hook up for some sex with somebody,but being totally unfamiliar with the area,neither of us could imagine what opportunity might arise. What happened there was far beyond anything we could've imagined. Even a few months into it,as Lisa counted her lucky stars,the enormity of the situation still wasn't clear. The progression of the situation was somewhat gradual,though it didn't seem to be while it was happening. Lisa gained confidence with every day,week,and month that passed.

Some of the visions that are most vivid in my memory are those of watching Lisa walk around the apartments,up,down and across the corridor and on the balcony. She often wore only thong panties and the skimpiest tank tops and crop tops imaginable. When she was fully dressed,she often wore denim shorts or gym shorts that never covered more than two thirds of her ass,or skirts that were so short that they were barely skirts. Lisa has always been conscious of her tits as an asset that most men can't ignore. They're bigger than average,but not huge. Much of the reason that they look so damn good is in the way Lisa carries them. Her natural walk is cute too,but as time passed,Lisa put effort into exaggerated hip movements that are lethal! I didn't get enough home time to see anywhere near as much as I would've liked to see during that time,but what I did see was HOT! Lisa's being filled with black cocks day and night and all the positive attention she got during that time did wonders for her confidence and maturity. Curt's coaching her was a vital part too. What I saw a relatively short time later,while we were in Germany was a full-grown woman who had been broken in right!
The natural sweetness of Lisa's personality was on display along with her physical assets. She easily fell into the role of being everybody's sweetheart. She really liked those guys,so it didn't require pretending. The sexual energy was always present in the atmosphere as well as much of the conversation. That was the result of some intense hormonal activity. Lisa ate it up,taking advantage of all the opportunity she had for kissing,fondling,groping and beyond. She was thrilled beyond description then,and she still says that it couldn't have been a better situation for her. It was especially great if compared to what she had expected that time to be like.

Lisa's a little embarrassed now when we talk about the earliest times with Curt and the crew. She thinks she tried too hard at first,charging too hard to move things in the direction the situation was already going,instead of being a little more subtle and patiently letting it happen. Even if she's right,that didn't last for long. She learned quickly and got her seduction technique down to an art. Everybody enjoyed her being there. Everybody got what they wanted and needed. It's not an exaggeration to say that there was a sporting element to sex during that time. Lisa's and the crew's needs matched perfectly,and I know that her attitude was appreciated. It didn't matter how many,how hung,or how frequently they came at her,she was always ready. It was,"Don't worry about me. I can take it." She could,and she did.

Maybe to some degree the result of her exposure to the military,Lisa had a strong sense of duty and commitment. She expressed it in words and showed it in her actions. She was proud that she took care of the men who took care of her. According to Lisa,that's how it was supposed to be. No doubts. No question. That how it was,period.

One of the duties at the top of Lisa's list of priorities was getting Curt up when it was time for him to get up. He was a fire paramedic,and his schedule changed often. If he was sleeping up to the time he had to get up to go to work,Lisa would go into his bedroom to get him up. She always went in a little early,because that process usually took forty-five minutes to an hour to play out. I like to think back on how she looked when she came back to our side of the corridor,smiling as she knew I was waiting to confirm that her panties were wet.
The entire situation seemed fluid from my perspective. Lisa says that in the latter half of her time there that things kinda settled down,but I never saw evidence of a discernible routine. I suppose it depends on what you're used to. It seemed to me that the momentum continuously shifted,but never waned. There were times when certain guys were so hot on Lisa that she became visibly worn. She says now that those times were the best of the best for her. I know she means it,because I remember the flip side of that. If she wasn't being worn down to the point that she couldn't do anything but take what was being put to her,she was being aggressively provocative until that happened again. That's what I mean about the sporting element of Lisa's sex as it was then. In fact,I remember the term "sport fuck" being used.

In the conversations we've had about it recently,when I've suggested that she approached sex somewhat like a contact sport,she hasn't agreed. She admits that she can understand why it might have looked like that sometimes,but she says that it wasn't like that. Lisa's persistent in her efforts to keep virtually all of our intimate conversations on the lightest note possible. She tries to avoid being overtly philosophical. If she's having a hard time doing that,she usually says so.

That was the case when she said this. I might not get her exact words down,but I'll do my best to get it as close to word for word as possible. "I understand why you say that. I remember the term sport fuck,and I might have used it myself. I probably did. I'm not saying that what you're suggesting's without merit. I just don't think it was significant,and to accept that it was would be a shallow way of looking at what all that was happening meant to me. Of course it was physical. I was totally into it,and the physical aspect of it was obviously a big part of it,a very enjoyable part of it.(big smile) I had to be in excellent condition to do what I did. Of course I was receiving a lot,but I was giving too.(laughing,then more serious) There was more going on in my head than what was happening physically. People say sex life in reference to the sexual part of their lives,indicating that there are other important parts of their lives that are separate from their sexuality. That's been true for me as well during most of my life,but that's not how it was then. At that time,sex was my life. I lived for sex. That's all I had then. It wasn't tragic. It was a wonderful opportunity. I had my relationship with you,but you were committed to doing something you needed to do for yourself,so we were on hold. When those black men ended up being there,everything came together and it was almost magical,wonderfully indescribable. It was clear to me that it was meant to be. I know it looked liked I was greedily getting everything I could from them,and that's because I was. What was even more important to me,but maybe not as easy to see is how I was giving myself to them. There was nothing I wanted more than to give them everything I had. I needed to be wanted,and I was totally into it. It wasn't like a sacrifice. I wasn't being denied anything. On the contrary,I had it all! I could go on and on,but I feel like I'm already rambling. Do you understand what I mean about the giving,and why it was so important for me?"

I'm not sure if I fully understand,but I'm trying,and I respect Lisa's point of view.

I still think sport fuck's happen.
After Lisa read that,I got kudos for my ability to quote her accurately. So,I'll try again.

"If it's not word for word,it's very close. I think you only pay close attention to what I say when it's about sex. It's OK. I know that. I can take it. I have said that a lot,haven't I?"(laughing)

"I don't know how well I explained how I was with the crew at Curt's,but since you were quoting what I said to you,you did as good as I did. I just don't think what you saw me doing there was enough to know what was going on,the full picture. I felt different then. Maybe I was needy. That's not the perfect was to say it either,but something like that. I was very emotionally dependent on those guys as a group,and even more attached to Curt and a couple of others individually. Maybe it sounds silly to say it like this,but I was really devoted to those guys. I needed something to hold on to then. I knew that much,but that's about all. I'd had that groupie fantasy for a while,but it wasn't like an obsession. It was after Victor left and Curt was looking for a new roomie to share the rent that the idea of becoming a groupie became a real possibility in my mind. No,more than a possibility. I identified with it and became determined to do it. I found my place in life for that time. I was extremely excited! It felt right,perfect. I knew I could make it happen,and that I could be really good at it. After those guys started coming around,I realized that my prospects didn't just include black guys,but would all be black guys,WOW! Everything fell right into place. It was the right place and the right time for me. I had been more naive than I had realized. I was learning a lot about myself and life at that time. Honestly,I was growing up."

"If you want to discuss times in my life from the angle of physical and visual verses psychological,so you can write it on the thread,I can simplify it for you. There's always a psychological component to any sexual situation,but if you want an example of something that was virtually all that it appeared to be in the visual sense,I can help. We both wrote about what I was doing in Germany. What happened,and what you saw was me being an indulgent slut. It was much different than when I was with Curt and those guys. Our marriage was a bigger part of my life then,and I was already a mom. I liked all those men and some were close friends,but I wasn't emotionally attached to them in the same way I had been with Curt and the crew. It was pure sex,and what you were seeing was virtually all that was happening. I was mature enough to know exactly what I wanted,and I was being opportunistic. All of that was almost entirely physical."

"You can include what we wrote about my vacation with Andy as being very much what it looked like. I had been with Curt and the crew for a couple of years by then. I had my support structure,my base at home with the crew. I was a cocky bitch. Andy and I were close,and the opportunity I got to dance on stage was emotional because that was something I had wanted so much. Besides that,it was mostly physical,pure sex. I liked all of Andy's homies and bros. They rocked my world,and gave me some wonderful memories,but I wasn't there for long enough to become really attached to them. I wasn't so needy anymore either. I was an accomplished slut by then."(big smile)
It was mid-morning on a weekday in the fall when Curt and I stood in the hallway between the two bedrooms of his apartment watching what was happening in the bedroom. The door had purposely been left open a few inches,so we could see it happen,and we stood back far enough that we could both see without being so obvious as to interfere with their sex.

The guy had been around for several months,apparently long enough that he was finally comfortable enough to put his shyness aside and fuck Lisa while we watched. Lisa had told us that he was the biggest hung of all the guys since the whole thing had started,about a year earlier. There had been some humorous comments by some of the other guys about him making them look bad,because they felt inadequate compared to him. Lisa was guarded about just how much of a size queen she had become. She was straight with Curt and me,but when the subject of cock size came up in conversations within the crew,she smiled,laughed,and refused to comment.

Curt was on nights that week,and this guy had been on duty the night before and had the day off. Lisa,Curt and I had gone out for breakfast,then returned to Curt's apartment. The guy had showed up unexpectedly shortly after we got there. He knew that we like watching Lisa fuck,and had been present several times when others fucked her out in the open,but he had always insisted on being behind a closed door with her until that morning. The TV was on,and Curt and I were talking. They had been standing in the far corner of the room from where we were sitting. He was half sitting on a bar stool,half standing. Lisa was in an aggressive posture up against him,nodding her head as she looked up into his dark face to indicate she wanted an agreement from him in regard to something. I guessed what she was up to,because I knew she had been trying to convince him to loosen up and take her in the open.

She was on her back. We watched from a forty-five degree angle from her lower left and didn't have a clear enough view to see the initial penetration,but I knew the exact moment it happened because I saw her already-spread legs ******* spread wider as the first inches of the huge black shaft slipped into her pussy.

Lisa's known for putting a little extra into her walk and some of her body language,but she never lets on or fakes anything when she's fucking. Every sound she makes during sex is purely genuine and virtually always involuntary. When I heard the short,high-pitched sound she made as the first half of his cock followed the tip inside her,I remembered how sore she was. I had just arrived the day before,and hadn't yet met the two newest arrivals. According to what Lisa had told me,they were both above-average hung too,and had been fucking her like she was their first and last.

I might have felt sympathetic,had I not known that how much Lisa enjoys being sex-sore,both because of the heightened sensitivity that goes with it and the positive mental effect it has on her,being a reminder of how she got sore.

What we watched for the next few minutes could be categorized as a quickie,according to the time in which it happened and the simplicity of it,but it was super hot. Lisa was near orgasm before he got his cock completely inside her. She was spread necessarily wide to accept his cock inside her and appeared to be climbing up onto his cock upside down. Lisa's orgasm went full-tilt as soon as he began emptying himself into her,and the sounds they both made,although not loud,made my heart pound so hard I could feel it. I only saw his cock for a second as he rolled off of Lisa. It looked to be a foot long and thick,even as it was going limp. Lisa,conscious that we were watching,and always considerate,laid there for a long moment,legs wide apart,feet flat on the bed,and knees up,giving us a view of her gaped pussy as the telltale thick stream of viscous white liquid that was puddled in the bottom of her female canal slowly made it's way out and streamed down to the cheeks of her ass. I'm lucky to have seen similar scenes many times,but that particular time left a clear picture in my mind that has lasted half a lifetime.
At Curt's,whenever it was Lisa's time to initiate something,her modus operandi was to pair up,or sometimes triple up with her prospective lovers in a corner,out of the center of activity,but still in the open.

Once assembled,the nucleus of the crew remained intact,even though it evolved slowly over time as the guys came and went. Lisa was at the center,and I dare say that there would never have been such a crew as it was if Lisa hadn't been there. Her status was overtly sexual from the beginning,and that was the main reason that the crew came to be. Virtually everything was out in the open and kept as simple as it could be. Curt always had the last word,and the rules were few and simple. Don't mess with anything that doesn't belong to you,and don't do or say anything to Lisa that she won't like. That's really all it took to get along there.
After reading the last few entries I wrote,Lisa told me that I might be repeating some things I already wrote about. I apologize if I am. She also asked me to explain that she hasn't been in a writing mood recently,and to tell everybody that she'll be back at it when the mood hits her again.
Lisa had only been wearing panties and a skimpy top in addition to her high-heeled sandals when she got up onto the octagon table to dance. She had been butt-naked except for the heels since the second or third song. She had danced through several more songs,looking wildly beautiful as the strobe lights illuminated her sweaty body in kaleidoscope colors. It wasn't cool enough to be comfortable in the room at floor level,and it was much hotter for Lisa as she danced near the ceiling.

One of the guys took her hand to steady her as she stepped down off the table. Just as I handed her a towel that Curt had tossed to me,I heard a guy say,"Lisa,you make me want to fuck your brains out!" With that,Lisa's smile widened and her eyes lit up. She seemed to be suspended in her thoughts for a second or two,looking into the young man's eyes before practically lunging into him and going for a breath-taking lip lock. A minute or two later,they were headed into the extra bedroom.

I finished my beer and excused myself. Then,I went across the corridor to our apartment to wait for Lisa to come home.
Now 56,Lisa could easily pass for 10 years younger than she is. I doubt that most men who get a good look at her are thinking about her age at all. That's probably the last thing they're concerned with.

If I had to chose something to be critical of Lisa for,I would have to say that she's sometimes too concerned about her weight and measurements,and unnecessarily so. She's always had an athletic build,and she still does. A few years back,if she would've been five pounds lighter,she would've been skinny. She's gained a few pounds now,and sometimes she seems frustrated that she can't get her weight back down to what it was before. She doesn't need to,and she doesn't need to worry about it. She's very near ideal for her age and height according to medical guidelines,and she's as near perfect as she could be for most men. Her butt caught up with her tits to balance her out very nicely,a positive point with most men,especially black men. Her waist is thicker by a couple of inches,but there's nothing there to worry about. There's no belly hanging over. She still looks hot in the bare belly tops. Most women can only dream of wearing those in their 50's. I'm suggesting that she get her navel pierced and hang the spade in it like she said she wanted to.

She's been coming home later when she rides her bike to the park,and her panties are always wet when that happens. I've watched her playing from a distance,too far to see much,but it's still exciting. I'll wait for her to fill in some details when she's in the mood to write again.

After thinking about everything that's happened in her life for the past several months,she's decided that she was,in her words,"more of a whore" during our time in Germany than at any other time in her life. She says that she's always been "there" in her mind,but it was at that time that she had the luxury of living it to the hilt. When I asked how it compared to her time with Curt and the crew,she said it was very different. She belonged to the crew. It was much more in an emotional sense,and part of her growing up,a formative time in her life. It was much more pure sex in Germany.

I'm thinking I'll try to write more about the time in Germany while I'm waiting for Lisa to get back in a writing mood. I have more first hand knowledge about that time anyway.
Hi Everybody! Lisa here again. I kept getting brain freeze the last several times I was trying to write. Maybe I'm in a writing mood now. I don't know. I have some things on my mind that I want to say,so maybe.

I spent some time thinking about the question I was asked about whether I prefer two men. Two has been a good number for me many times,and it was the men's idea every time. It's always with men who do other things together too. Most of them worked together,but I've also been with men who're ******* relatives. I think that's the biggest reason why they're comfortable doing it and the reason why they always do it so good for me. I don't know if I can say that I prefer sex with any particular number of men,but two usually get it done really good for me. I like trains,a lot! Gangbangs can get complicated too easily,but if they come one or two at a time,,,,,,,,,,,MMMMMMMMMMMMM! Maybe my hubby will write more about some of those that happened in Germany. If he doesn't,I will.

The next item is something that's very odd to me. I won't try too hard to explain,because that will get me going in circles again. I don't completely understand my own feelings about what I'm going to say,or why I'm writing it on here. It won't be the first time I've written something on here that would make my shrink's head spin. That is,if I had shrink.:unsure:

It's kinda two separate things,but they overlap. In my mind they do. I'll get on with it. The first is about all the stories,all lies,that the gossips in Germany were telling about me and black men. None of them knew anything at all,nothing! All those stories were made up by people whose intent wasn't to flatter me,and that's saying it mildly. The sources of the stories and the context in which they were told really pissed me off. During the time when those stories started going around,I had two young black guys who were my best friends. Yes,we were fucking,but nobody knew that for sure. Most of the stories weren't about them and me anyway. They were about all kinds of wild things that weren't happening,not then.

I don't know when it started. It wasn't like suddenly I changed my outlook or my feelings about the wagging tongues,but I started liking that I was the subject of stories that involved sex with black men. I know I thought it might increase the likelihood that black men would approach me. It was eventually a factor in some positive things for me. That didn't happen for a long time,but once it happened,it kept happening,even after we left Germany.

OK. The other thing's about something I've read some stories and opinions about on this site and others about pregnancy,specifically,white women being pregnant by black men . I can't relate to most of the opinions I've read,but it has been something I've had to think about. I've always taken precautions to prevent being impregnated by anyone other than my hubby. Let me try again. I've always meant to take precautions,but I've been guilty of being forgetful. There have been,not one,but several times when I missed my period or it started very late. I've been all but certain that I was pregnant on several occasions when it would undoubtedly have been by a black man. It wouldn't have been intentional,but it's been a very real possibility for me. I don't want to elaborate on my feelings or how I differ with other opinions. I'll just say that when I've thought I was pregnant with a black baby,that I knew I wanted to have a healthy baby. I never considered terminating my pregnancy,and I would never have considered giving my baby away.
The two young black guys were fucking me like crazy while I was pregnant. It was always in private. We never did anything conspicuous in public. We were careful not to,because it was such a strict command at that kaserne. Of course there were still stories going around that I was pregnant by one of those guys and that I didn't know which one. I found humor in that. My pregnancy was planned. It went as perfectly as it could have. It was really much better than planned. I never thought I would be horny like I was when I was pregnant,and I don't think I would've thought that men would still be wanting to fuck me. After the morning sickness was over I got really horny and stayed horny. I got fucked really good for the whole time I was pregnant too. If they could've gotten me more pregnant than I already was,they would've!