Hubby is Afraid Now!

That is NOT the simple part, it is actually the HARDEST part, because one side of the table doesn't seem to feel vindicated, and the other side of the table doesn't seem to understand ... its easier to get harsh with language, point fingers, toss up the hands and walk away because neither side feels they should GIVE an inch ... not everyone that is black or white WANTS this resolved. And THEY are the ones that teach the little ones to carry on the hate. Its got to start at a very early AGE. The young ******* growing UP need to look at the older folks and shake their OWN heads and say DAD, MOM ... you're WRONG, its NOT like that anymore.
My point is, it’s easy to acknowledge a fear and hard to do the work to overcome what has been acknowledged. I think I say that...
BLM is only a new form of protest, we never had civil rights even to today man , I was raised not to hate someone because of their skin color or of their actions. If so Holy Hell would have turned up. You said sit and talk about it to ty and understand. Did George Floyd death and countless other teach you that there is something Very Wrong here in the Year 2020 and not 1960 as you put it or 1918 or 1921 or 1968 or 1982 or 1996 .
My point is, it’s easy to acknowledge a fear and hard to do the work to overcome what has been acknowledged. I think I say that...
Of course, its NOT just about fear, if it was, then it would be much simpler to resolve. Read some of the posts from last week ... one thread in particular in which several black posters admitted that YES, it IS about revenge to a certain amount. The OP of that thread was a black male who simply asked "is it really about revenge?" ... maybe you should read that thread.
MacNfries I will leave you with this, maybe then you will understand what's happening thane and now . Question why is the KKK and other groups of fine people including the young thugs not labeled as Terrorist Group ? Please help me understand
You said sit and talk about it to ty and understand. Did George Floyd death and countless other teach you that there is something Very Wrong here in the Year 2020
Absolutely, and you noticed quite a few white people marched in those marches ... a lot of white people. A lot of white people helping tear down the statues. We're not disagreeing with YOU ... we ARE agreeing with you. But, you prefer NOT to discuss it but to continue extending your frustration and anger ... exactly what I'm talking about. It wasn't white citizens that gunned those men down ... it was our law enforcement of which SOME were actually black police officers.
Of course, its NOT just about fear, if it was, then it would be much simpler to resolve. Read some of the posts from last week ... one thread in particular in which several black posters admitted that YES, it IS about revenge to a certain amount. The OP of that thread was a black male who simply asked "is it really about revenge?" ... maybe you should read that thread.
I mean I can read it. At the end of the day a ******* film was showed in real time. And that ******* film made people have to face many things in short order they weren’t ready to face in real time. Opinions on he matter belong to those who have them. But what is fact, is George Floyd was a launch point that would have elicited the same reaction if the Jasper,Tx lynching could have been broadcasted in real time in the later part of the last millennium
MacNfries I will leave you with this, maybe then you will understand what's happening thane and now . Question why is the KKK and other groups of fine people including the young thugs not labeled as Terrorist Group ? Please help me understand
I wish I could give you a correct answer ... right now with our current leadership, the KKK & Nazi groups are quite happy ... they have violence and a president that won't put them down.... go VOTE in November ... get your friends to vote. That's what I'm doing.
So the general consensus has been to start a relationship and get to know these guys beforehand so everyone feels comfortable when we meet. Here is the vexing part of this for me... my fantasy is to meet a black STRANGER and sleep with him. So the issue is how can I feel like the guy is somewhat of a stranger if I have had weeks or months of conversations or meetings with him. I just want to know the bare minimum like mostly physical stuff and sexual preferences. I want the excitement of the meet. I feel like if I “get to know” him too much it will ruin it. But then of course others talk about the safety issue of it all. I don’t know... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔😬:unsure::rolleyes::(
I mean I can read it. At the end of the day a ******* film was showed in real time. And that ******* film made people have to face many things in short order they weren’t ready to face in real time. Opinions on he matter belong to those who have them. But what is fact, is George Floyd was a launch point that would have elicited the same reaction if the Jasper,Tx lynching could have been broadcasted in real time in the later part of the last millennium
... and your point? As I said, there were many white people MARCHING in that crowd and still ARE marching. We're showing our support, those of us who don't mind risking the virus or injury.
There's no way we'd meet anyone right now even if we were looking, fuck this *******. There's a few black racists here too, particularly in ChiRaq
my fantasy is to meet a black STRANGER and sleep with him. So the issue is how can I feel like the guy is somewhat of a stranger if I have had weeks or months of conversations or meetings with him. I just want to know the bare minimum like mostly physical stuff and sexual preferences. I want the excitement of the meet. I feel like if I “get to know” him too much it will ruin it. But then of course others talk about the safety issue of it all.
And some fantasies are not to be experienced sometimes ... at least at THIS time in your life. If your husband has issues of fear, then you get that resolved FIRST ... unless you simply feel your fantasy is more important than your spousal relationship. Thing is, right NOW ... with the covid-19 continuing to accelerate again, this is NOT the right time to be doing this. But that's MY logic ... your desire may be too overwhelming to ignore.
So the general consensus has been to start a relationship and get to know these guys beforehand so everyone feels comfortable when we meet. Here is the vexing part of this for me... my fantasy is to meet a black STRANGER and sleep with him. So the issue is how can I feel like the guy is somewhat of a stranger if I have had weeks or months of conversations or meetings with him. I just want to know the bare minimum like mostly physical stuff and sexual preferences. I want the excitement of the meet. I feel like if I “get to know” him too much it will ruin it. But then of course others talk about the safety issue of it all. I don’t know... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔😬:unsure::rolleyes::(
Yo, is anyone else having a hard time that this particular Latina couldn’t meet a strange black man and or develop a friendship with one in an instant? I don’t know, this seems kind of odd....
I wish I could give you a correct answer ... right now with our current leadership, the KKK & Nazi groups are quite happy ... they have violence and a president that won't put them down.... go VOTE in November ... get your friends to vote. That's what I'm doing.
The Clan was a democratic group, and you know it you worthless unverified fuck!
I don't agree with tearing down the statues, shocked you didn't it, put them in a museum to teach future generations, frustration yes if you grew up watching your God fearing parents relatives and friends being treated like ******* Yes. Anger, yes that there are still Wicked and Evil individuals who try to use trickery to distract from what's really is going on here today in the year 2020 . No one is against White People that are living their lives peaceful, BLM , taking a knee, peacefully protesting all of these things would not be happening IF What ?????? Help Me Understand Pleaseeeee,I'm crying out to you for Understanding.
So just as he was finally coming around covid hit. Then the protests followed.. so while I support the protests and even attended a few, he is now scared of doing the cuckold thing because he believes the guy will fuck me and then beat the ******* out of him. I just ever see this playing out.. I am so frustrated, mostly sexually frustrated.
That’s absurd