How many actual cuckold marriages survive?

Ours is stronger than ever in every single way and she's been with the same guy for a year now....he's younger really good looking well built....we don't even argue about anything at all! like nothing we are very happy....I'm thinking its because of all this.....I think what makes it all work perfectly is she has him all to herself no interruptions no one to play weirdness with her husband in the room ....just the two of them all alone with each other.... he is a co worker of hers and has know idea that i know....So she has a boyfriend/lover that is unreal in bed with her....he adores her and she loves that....he has his own place she says it's really nice...they make love to each other there and she is extremely happy these days.
I know a lot of couples that try cuckolding will not last ,, I have been cuckolding my hubby for 25 years but only in the last 2 has it been with black men ,and we are as much in love today as we were the first time it happen on our wedding night when I talk him into letting the best man his best friend join us for our first threesome as husband and wife
One thing I might add that gets lost in all of this that no matter what, your wife, my wife, are going to have thoughts going through their heads during this that they might not actually want to share because those thoughts might actually be very personal and they are not obligated to share them.
Trying to eliminate the human equation in all of this like it is purely robotic is folly. I guess what I am saying that in life things like this have risks so entering into this thinking everything is going to be the same afterwards is a bit naive. I'm going to assume once my wife takes a black man as a lover she might have in mind that he is better than me in bed and will want to see him on occasion for her own satisfaction. After me asking her to do this what would I be if I tried to step in and deny her own feelings about another guy in bed when once I was the instigator.
This is very insightful.
I know a lot of couples that try cuckolding will not last ,, I have been cuckolding my hubby for 25 years but only in the last 2 has it been with black men ,and we are as much in love today as we were the first time it happen on our wedding night when I talk him into letting the best man his best friend join us for our first threesome as husband and wife
thats awesome
I believe that cuckold couples are more open and honest with each other than traditional couples
So I’d have to say that the rate of failed marriages in a cuckold relationship is less than in conventional marriages

My wife and I have never been more open and honest with each other and more comfortable. The other day I was fixing her a cup of coffee and I made it strong and I asked if it was okay and she said it tasted "black" and I said just like you take your men huh and she said yep. Neither one of us said a word afterwards, it was matter of fact
This is all strictly me. But the concept of “cuckold/ing” as adopted in current net mentality is one I see as playing only on the onus of its original definition: i.e. humiliation that your wife is being satisfied by another man.
Now, as it appears, “being cuckolded” has been reduced to this thing of exceptional humiliation, which as defined it is, or was; but today when the idea of participation is active, not passive, as in “being cuckolded”, a couple find choice is the discerning factor.
Ignoring the multiple subtleties within how a husband and wife act: expanding concept into mutual sexual agreement, heightening the pleasure of both involved, leaves little room for humiliation. Unless it is part of the play.
Humiliation is another man fulfilling his desires via your wife.
Stimulation is watching your wife fulfill her, your's and his desires.
Let’s define ourselves ignoring anyone else’s base dictionary.
Sex outside marriage is no longer the reason for divorce. The couples are glued together by mutual respect, good communication, fond memories and solid financial background. Swinging or cuckolding has no influence on marriage. If the bond breaks, it's for other reasons. But in our experience, openness and permissiveness brings us closer than ever.
Sex outside marriage is no longer the reason for divorce. The couples are glued together by mutual respect, good communication, fond memories and solid financial background. Swinging or cuckolding has no influence on marriage. If the bond breaks, it's for other reasons. But in our experience, openness and permissiveness brings us closer than ever.

You are so correct. We defined our marriage based on societal norms and once we started down this path we realized that my wife flirting with the idea of being with another man had nothing to do with the state of our own relationship. I am happy we discovered she can have another partner and enjoy him and still be happy in our marriage.

The actual conversation we had on the subject was me saying it would be disingenuous of me to actually believe I could be the only man that could please her and that there were not other men out there she would find better in bed than me.
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I have no hard and fast statistics on the cuckolding phenomenon but my guess is this is best left a fantasy. The minute you bring cuckolding into your marriage it will begin to destroy it. Cuckolding in real life will make a cuck husband much more submissive when done over time. It will turn a vanilla white wife over time into a nympho for bbc and only bbc. As this happens, the white hubby will become more submissive especially if caged which seems to happen a lot when cuckolding starts. After enough time passes the hubby who could of been an alpha before, takes on a very submissive tone to the point of doing whatever the black bull wants including sucking their bbc’s. Before you know it the hubby has changed and the wife sees it. As the wife gets more bbc they start to realize sex is more than the 5 inch hubby can give her and becomes addicted and will cut white hubby off eventually. Once that happens, it’s downhill from there. Divorce is almost always the way after that. That seems to be what I have heard and read from everyone on here. Is there anyone who feels like doing this has made their marriages stronger?
Jewish Proud parents.jpgSCAN0000ay.jpgcuckold couple married for more than 30 years
I have a great fear that this will become too emotionally overwhelming for me. Wife notices it, Usually she just gives me space to work it out myself, other times we talk through it. Those talks are often very painful for me.

On the other hand my best friend and his wife are also in a cuckold marriage. They have some many problems with so much anger, bitterness and distrust, But I can see their marriage will last fifty years, just getting worst every year.
. Lifestyle is not for every couple. Many mature wives want more sex but husbands are on the decline sexually. More recently , women are turning to BBC for sexual satisfactions. Sometimes this fills a need that helps the marraige. Sometimes it becomes an addiction that pulls thing apart. Have seen it both ways especially when wives become lost in some sexual fantasys that become realities.
The lifestyle isn't for everyone, there has to be a love, understanding, communication and trust going into it. You can't just jump into it overnight. It took us awhile to get to the journey we embrace now. I'm just speaking for us, but it helped our marriage and sex life 110 percent. Our biggest regret is we didn't start years ago.
My husband and I have been talking about this for years now.. I used to get upset and couldn’t understand why he wanted to see me with someone else.. now I get it!!! so we are now looking for someone to possibly make his fantasy a reality .. I’m still a bit hesitant but enjoying playing with the idea
We have married since we were 21. She had several affairs before she admitted I did not satisfy all of her sexual needs. We had done some swinging before children. Once, the ******* out of the house she had another affair partly due to me being a workaholic. Partly she wanted to see an old very well endowed lover to see if she could still ring his chimes after three *******. She realized how much she missed his very large cock.

After much discussion, I realized she loved me but needed the satisfaction she received from her friend. She assured me she did not want to replace me. When thinking about it, I became aroused. During sex, I asked her to describe the sex between them. When she saw how hard it made me, she relented. I began to understand how much she needed the feelings a big cock gave her. I asked her if I could watch them. After asking numerous times, they agreed. I was both turned on and humilated. I had never seen her orgasm like that. We went back to swinging with threesums for her pleasure. At one party, a black man took her back to a bedroom. It was an incredible performance. He asked her to come to his house alone. That was 15 years ago.

Since we have become snowbirds, he visits us in Florida. He came for a couple of days recently. They spent two and a half days enjoying sex. I got the guest room. She gets what she wants and in turn I get a happy wife and happy life.