How big does the bull need to be for you?

My wife has been fucked by a black man and a white man that had 10" cocks. We did not measure them but they were very big and they claimed they were 10". My wife did love the way they fucked her. However, when I talk to my wife about the men with big cocks, 9 " and above that want to fuck her, she tells me she is not interested because they are too long and they hurt her pussy. My wife did have a couple of big cocks about a year ago at a sex party. The big cock guys and a guy that fisted my wife ended up breaking her pussy so she had to go to the doctor to get it repaired. So now she does not want anything to do with long cocks. She told me that she still loves thick cocks. I know the small thin cocks can not make her have an orgasm. My wife has never had an orgasm on my tiny cock. Luckily for me, I can give her great orgasms with my fingers.
Beauty is the eye of the beholder. Every woman has different needs and wants. As far sizes goes it’s all personal preference. I’ll take a nice thick cock any day of the week over a long one. Thickness is essential for me I like to feel the cock all in me.