Hillary wont be a friend of gun owners

the fact there is 1.7 million Ar-15's in private citizens hands and for you wanting to ban them... good luck. Also of all you liberal the AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle..... its stands for Armalite Rifle. The guy that invented them...

in 2011 there was 343 people killed in the US by a AR

there was 642 people killed by hammers.

12,000 people killed by ******* drivers

and just over 190,000 people killed by medical malpractice

but yes let concentrate on guns..... smh
pretty certain that Eugene Stoner was the designer of the AR-15/M-16/M-4 Assault Weapon system. And because i feel that this weapon system has no business in non-military/non-law enforcement hands, does this earn me the weird title ¨you liberals¨? I mean i understand that it´s proper form in this country now to label those with differing opinions with some title.
But then, i feel that the Bundy folks most absolutely belong behind bars for their sedition and attempt to take away land that my tax money contributes towards. Same goes for rioters and looters and arsonists who destroy public and private property. So is that ¨liberal¨ too?
We dont want to dictate peoples lives we just want people held accountable for their actions, this includes guns and abortions.

Were saying abortion should be illegal just as killing someone with a gun.....hold both parties responsible.
I don't want to get to involved but you don't need guns for me the people who want them are silly go duck shooting what do you want to ******* any ******* that cannot fight back or any ******* how would you feel if some shooters put you in the forest and said try and run but we are coming after you with our guns. See how you would feel
Your right.....gun owners have changed and so has the firearms industry....not as many people hunting deer, squirrel , turkey, duck , rabbitts and everythung else. The firearms industry is changing with the times. Does that make people bad? So what if they want an AR over a 30-30 marlin. And why would you be bashing the NRA as a gun owner
Because the NRA consistently, since my childhood, has non-stop tried to ram it down our throats that they are somehow responsible for our right to keep and bear arms when in reality they´re a lobby for the big defense system manufacturers. I have the right to keep and bear arms NOT because of some suits whose main aim is the continued legalization of cluster bombs, phosphorous bombs and land mines (this is a fact, btw), but because of free-thinking, braver-than-us individuals long ago, way before all the liberal this-conservative that hogwash.
Know what the NRA really likes? Any fabricated threats that cause folks to fear the loss of their guns. Nothing drums up business like that does. Oh yes, and war. War means lots of business. LOTS! They continue sending me membership stuff years after i woke up and smelled the coffee. Fortunately, they´re all either recyclable or good for lighting my fireplace.
I don't want to get to involved but you don't need guns for me the people who want them are silly go duck shooting what do you want to ******* any ******* that cannot fight back or any ******* how would you feel if some shooters put you in the forest and said try and run but we are coming after you with our guns. See how you would feel
I can understand your sentiment, but in all honesty, a deer i harvest myself is more natural, no antibiotics nor hormones injected into them, steroids and such. I grew up on it and it, to me, it´s delicious. AND any deer i´ve ever taken has never had to experience the same inhumane horrors as the pigs, cattle, chickens, etc. mass harvested in our factory farms. So i actually prefer to fill my freezer with meat i´ve hunted myself. Hope this makes some sort of sense to you, put in this perspective. And i know firsthand that the ******* did not suffer any ill-treatment. Clean shot or no shot. I love nature and have watched a zillion more animals go by me in the woods than those i´ve aimed for. And i don´t get some kick out of being a killer. I appreciate and respect any game ******* i´ve ever taken and do all i can not to waste them.
I can understand your sentiment, but in all honesty, a deer i harvest myself is more natural, no antibiotics nor hormones injected into them, steroids and such. I grew up on it and it, to me, it´s delicious. AND any deer i´ve ever taken has never had to experience the same inhumane horrors as the pigs, cattle, chickens, etc. mass harvested in our factory farms. So i actually prefer to fill my freezer with meat i´ve hunted myself. Hope this makes some sort of sense to you, put in this perspective. And i know firsthand that the ******* did not suffer any ill-treatment. Clean shot or no shot. I love nature and have watched a zillion more animals go by me in the woods than those i´ve aimed for. And i don´t get some kick out of being a killer. I appreciate and respect any game ******* i´ve ever taken and do all i can not to waste them.
Because the NRA consistently, since my childhood, has non-stop tried to ram it down our throats that they are somehow responsible for our right to keep and bear arms when in reality they´re a lobby for the big defense system manufacturers. I have the right to keep and bear arms NOT because of some suits whose main aim is the continued legalization of cluster bombs, phosphorous bombs and land mines (this is a fact, btw), but because of free-thinking, braver-than-us individuals long ago, way before all the liberal this-conservative that hogwash.
Know what the NRA really likes? Any fabricated threats that cause folks to fear the loss of their guns. Nothing drums up business like that does. Oh yes, and war. War means lots of business. LOTS! They continue sending me membership stuff years after i woke up and smelled the coffee. Fortunately, they´re all either recyclable or good for lighting my fireplace.
So true IT happens here they want to ram it down your throat
I can understand your sentiment, but in all honesty, a deer i harvest myself is more natural, no antibiotics nor hormones injected into them, steroids and such. I grew up on it and it, to me, it´s delicious. AND any deer i´ve ever taken has never had to experience the same inhumane horrors as the pigs, cattle, chickens, etc. mass harvested in our factory farms. So i actually prefer to fill my freezer with meat i´ve hunted myself. Hope this makes some sort of sense to you, put in this perspective. And i know firsthand that the ******* did not suffer any ill-treatment. Clean shot or no shot. I love nature and have watched a zillion more animals go by me in the woods than those i´ve aimed for. And i don´t get some kick out of being a killer. I appreciate and respect any game ******* i´ve ever taken and do all i can not to waste them.
Good night it's late in Australia be good
We dont want to dictate peoples lives we just want people held accountable for their actions, this includes guns and abortions.

Were saying abortion should be illegal just as killing someone with a gun.....hold both parties responsible
now you are just spouting bullshit.... for you guys it is all about telling people how to live their lives!
what you just said goes against everything you have been spouting for the past few weeks!
Were saying abortion should be illegal just as killing someone with a gun.....
yet you go out of your way to stop abortions... and now your "miss mason" wants to put Dr's live in danger just for being involved... you people twist minds and get people killed for trying to help women.... and yet if some one kills abunch of women and children... you want to turn your head and ignore it!
But i absolutely respect your thoughts on this subject, as well, and am not trying to alter your opinion on the matter in any way. You are entitled to your opinion on it 100%. AND...NO, i wouldn´t want to be let out into the woods and run down by a bunch of bloodthirsty armed killers. But being confined within the corrugated steel prison walls of a factory farm from birth to death, i feel, is a much worse lot.
still, i totally respect your thoughts.
now you are just spouting bullshit.... for you guys it is all about telling people how to live their lives!
what you just said goes against everything you have been spouting for the past few weeks!
¨We agree that people should have the freedoms to choose and decide on their own whatever they wish without government interference, as long as it harms no others...and falls within the spectrum of what WE determine acceptable¨ LMAO! Like saying that we have the freedom to comply, lol.
pretty certain that Eugene Stoner was the designer of the AR-15/M-16/M-4 Assault Weapon system. And because i feel that this weapon system has no business in non-military/non-law enforcement hands, does this earn me the weird title ¨you liberals¨? I mean i understand that it´s proper form in this country now to label those with differing opinions with some title.
But then, i feel that the Bundy folks most absolutely belong behind bars for their sedition and attempt to take away land that my tax money contributes towards. Same goes for rioters and looters and arsonists who destroy public and private property. So is that ¨liberal¨ too?
My error in maker. I recall it was the ArmaLite rifles company. I also in no way support rioters and looters etc... I also believe in many photos that people had AR's to protect their property In Missouri and in other areas that rioting and looting etc took place in the U . As for the labeling that just appears the norm when talking about this topic.
My error in maker. I recall it was the ArmaLite rifles company. I also in no way support rioters and looters etc... I also believe in many photos that people had AR's to protect their property In Missouri and in other areas that rioting and looting etc took place in the U . As for the labeling that just appears the norm when talking about this topic.
We do it when talking about ANY topic these days, it seems. Peace. :)
Well i dont know why you guys are all worrying about assault weapons...you realize they are not going anywhere anytime soon.
don't be so sure of yourself on that... i'm sure every article you have from the NRA says no.... but they don't have complete control of the country yet.... even gun owners have had enough
We dont want to dictate peoples lives we just want people held accountable for their actions, this includes guns and abortions.

Were saying abortion should be illegal just as killing someone with a gun.....hold both parties responsible.
you need to stick with spouting the 2nd amendment and voting how the NRA tells you to... because I don't think you have any idea what's going on in politics... other than you are looking for another venue to argue about
now you are just spouting bullshit.... for you guys it is all about telling people how to live their lives!
what you just said goes against everything you have been spouting for the past few weeks!

You liberals are so backwards it's pathetic.
Us wanting the right to own gun IS NOT TELLING PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE. Taking AWAY our right to have guns IS. GET A CLUE.