Has the Tea Party ****** the break-up and disfunction of the republican party

The Tea Party have allowed themselves to be pigeonholed by the media. They are for very limited government, returning the power back to the states, and are for a strict reading of the constitution.,they are pro 2nd amendment and support the Bill of Rights. We are inclusive of all people who want to be free of an over reaching, over burdening, over regulated Federal Government. There is nothing sinister about us, I know we are Tea Party members and proudly tell people that.
like shutting things down if they don't get what they want?

government is about give and take.... there is neither in the tea party... if there is they haven't shown it
They tried. Both the Dems and the Repubs are scared of the TP. That's why there is so much gridlock. From your reply I see you bought into the media red herring so I'm pretty sure you cannot be reasoned with. Peace!
From your reply I see you bought into the media red herring so I'm pretty sure you cannot be reasoned with
no I mentioned having a good friend on another thread here... that changed to the tea party.... and with his... logic???? I made up my mind then.... Cruz has further supported it... I have no problem with some of their beliefs.... but I just think from what I see and KNOW of a few they are/have double standards so to speak.... besides like I said before this country was built on give and take.... and I have yet to see them try to work towards that
a lot of this country.... through no fault of their own are now un-employed... mothers with children living in the streets... a lot of people facing real hard times... and to just cut them off like some kind of leaper is just not right..... everyone should have been working with Obama on jobs along time ago... it is the root of all answers... taxes and etc

no I mentioned having a good friend on another thread here... that changed to the tea party.... and with his... logic???? I made up my mind then.... Cruz has further supported it... I have no problem with some of their beliefs.... but I just think from what I see and KNOW of a few they are/have double standards so to speak.... besides like I said before this country was built on give and take.... and I have yet to see them try to work towards that
There are some "core principles" some just cannot compromise and I understand that. Compromise is good, but not when you are being asked to compromise your entire position. That's just our opinion. Everyone has one right
like shutting things down if they don't get what they want?

government is about give and take.... there is neither in the tea party... if there is they haven't shown it

Like changing the Senate rules regarding filibusters of Executive Branch appointments and Federal Judicial nominations, yes, that certainly is an example of Democrats being all about give and take and not shutting things down when they don't get what they want.

a lot of this country.... through no fault of their own are now un-employed... mothers with children living in the streets... a lot of people facing real hard times... and to just cut them off like some kind of leaper is just not right..... everyone should have been working with Obama on jobs along time ago... it is the root of all answers... taxes and etc

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Yeah, the "Shovel Ready Jobs" that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act didn't provide. But that's right, that was passed when the Democrats had majorities in both houses of Congress, there were no complaints then, only now when the Republicans have majorities in both houses and the jobs issue can be demagogued by Liberals. The same reason why Obama is pushing so hard to get stuff done in his swan song, he knows that none of it will get passed and that that failure will be parroted by the media as Republican obstructionism.
gif_Spider&Web.gif "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive". Sir Walter Scott

Poor Republicans ... met and conspired to make Obama a "failure" even before he took his first oath, developed their "Party Of No", signed the Grover Norquist "Pledge", filibustered the President more than practically ALL the other Presidents together, then cried foul when the Nuclear Option was used. They obtained the lowest approval of any congress in modern history, and encouraged exactly what happened to them. Why would they expect to be treated any differently by Obama?

Personally, I hope Trump succeeds in getting the GOP nomination ... it'll be fun entertainment watching the "Party Of No" squirm until November. And to think, I was worried as to who would pick up the "silliness" slack with Palin, Perry, and Michelle Bachmann being gone ... thank you TRUMP. Everything that happens during the elections, between now November (riots, economic collapse, deaths, etc) falls squarely on the shoulders of the conservatives ... "enjoy".

Question ... why is the Pillsbury Dough Boy from New Jersey hanging out with Donald Trump now? Isn't he still Governor of New Jersey? Has anyone informed him his campaign for Washington DC is o-v-e-r? I just saw him on stage, in a meeting that Trump was having, and he was holding a microphone ... acting like he had a big part in the night's activities? Anyone know WHY he's hanging out with Trump now?
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The "tea party" is a farce ... a fake front for the billionaires who own them with a common goal of "reducing income taxes and relaxing corporate regulations". Then the politicians turn around and implement consumption taxes to recoup their income tax losses from the middle-poor class tax payers. These tax payers don't even know what hit 'em as the wealthy ride off into the sunset, time and again, smiling.
Their common goals ... develop a national economy without government oversight, increase "right to work" states. No wonder the likes of the Koch Brothers and Americans For Prosperity pour millions and billions into its BS ideas. Practically every one of the Republican run governors who bought into the state "cut taxes" idea have turned around and implemented "consumption taxes", just as they have done HERE in NC. The tax cuts mostly benefitted the wealthy, and no "trickle down prosperity" occurred for the rest of tax payers. All it does is promote/create corporate profits at the expense of the public good ... PERIOD!
They have no chance of winning the POTUS, so what the likes of the Kochs are doing is taking over state & local governments a little at a time. Already, in NC they are running another Tea Party candidate against an established Tea Party candidate (Renee' Ellmers) because she didn't do what they wanted her to do when they put HER IN in 2010.
Ronald Reagan would probably go into shock to see how this party has "morphed" his ideas.

Folks, when these Tea Party politicians say they want to "shrink government", they're not necessarily talking about lowering the number of federal/state employment, they're talking about decreasing the entitlements by privatizing them, then passing the savings of that on in more tax cuts. They won't say THAT because common people wouldn't vote for them, and they won't quit cutting taxes until the entitlements are OFF the federal books. Why the liberals don't bring this to the front I'll never understand. That's why "trickle down economics" hasn't worked ... they CUT taxes but then they don't adjust adjust spending because they know cutting entitlement benefits (their primary goal) won't be popular ... so the deficit spending and the national debt continue to climb as they take away more and more revenue necessary to run the governments. Many of the state governments have found this out.
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that has ALWAYS worked both ways... but you guys just have selective memory

Selective memory, you mean like when Democrats scream bloody ******* when Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley say that there won't be any debate or vote on an Obama Supreme Court nominee, when Chuck Schumer said essentially the same thing in 2007?


Republican obstructionism.
isn't that what has been going on for the past few years... if I remember right in his first term... he put forth a infrastructure bill.... something that needs to happen anyway... plus would have created jobs and improved the economy.... something every President has done in tough times.... but wouldn't even get a vote... although now I have heard several Republican candidates bring it up as needing to happen... goes back to the say no to anything this president want!
Hope McConnell is smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall.... he has done NOTHING since being there... of course what is there to do when all he has to do is get in front of a podium and say NO.... hopefully he is on his way out!
Hope McConnell is smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall.... he has done NOTHING since being there... of course what is there to do when all he has to do is get in front of a podium and say NO.... hopefully he is on his way out!
If Mitch is doing nothing....well he learned from the master. Harry Reid had over 350 bills sitting on his desk he wouldn't allow to come to a vote at one point.
