Has the Coronavirus Affected your Play Lifestyle

Cabin fever getting women horny love it! :love: At the very least living in a world where people are ****** to become hermits women can't get hit on as much. So when the opportunity arises the #metoo movement will die as most if not all women will crave being perved if the coronavirus ever disappears? :love: :unsure:
they may be getting horny but hopefully everyone uses common sense and stays home. its just not worth it.
True but you can't tell me that no two people won't find each other and exercise so much restraint they won't fuck in the weeks, months, and possibly years to come? ;)
In fact it would be arousing having women so horny they'd track us down instead. :love: :love: :love: :love: :lips::lips::lips::lips::lips::lips::lips::lips:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:unsure:
Unfortunately, the US now has the distinction of being Number 1! If we had prepared for this month ago, we would not be in this situation. Other counties like Singapour or South Korea started testing and isolated people early on. Now they have far fewer problems. This is what happens when you believe that radio talk show hosts know more than scientists and experts. It's going to be a while before we can play again. If we give up on this too early the virus will just come back with a vengeance. As painful as this is the only option. We've gone out every Friday and Saturday nights for our entire life. We've replaced that with making special dinners with wine at home. We dress up for each other like we were going out. We are grasping for anything to look forward to. Hope all of you are doing well!
It's an order of magnitude deadlier than the flu and just as transmittable. People need to wake up and stop talking about how it's mild for most healthy people. If a young, healthy person gets it they have a rough week or two, that's true. But even for some healthy people it's bad enough to go to the hospital. It incubates inside of them before they show symptoms or even know they're sick. On average they're transmitting it to 3-6 other people. The concern is the mortality rate for at risk populations and that does NOT just include the elderly. Anyone with asthma, anyone who is pregnant, immunocompromised (like someone going through cancer treatment), anyone with a pre-existing condition exacerbated buy the virus (people with heart conditions) is at serious risk. Use your brains. Do you see what's happening in Italy, a developed nation? The hospitals are overrun with sick and dying people. Stay the fuck home. It's all an overreaction and inconvenience until someone you know dies from it, then the narrative is "They didn't do enough."

Can't believe how many posts and days it took before a voice of reason came through...this ******* has given too many people too much time on their hands without the ability to think things through to go with it. you guys ever make it out to B'more after all this dies down and drinks are on me!