Has the Coronavirus Affected your Play Lifestyle

It never hurts to look beyond the chain mail video and look into the facts on your own. Studies have found that wet markets are healthier for children when they are not eating food Supermarket manufactured food that is high in salts, sugars, and preservatives. Wet markets are common all over the world. In China, the wet market merchants purchase their products from the same wholesale suppliers and Supermarkets. These are small merchants so as opposed to Supermarkets the meat and produce are fresh every day.

You are correct that when wildlife is introduced into the wet markets. The taste of exotic animals is not unique to China. There is a huge market for exotic meats in the US. You can get overnight deliveries for Bobcat. rattlesnake, muskrat or whatever you want. Many restaurants serve exotic species on their menus. Most wet markets are not wildlife markets and confusing the two is dangerous. According to the United Nations, gray areas in the wildlife trade, which mix legal and illegal species, as the Wuhan market at the probable start of the coronavirus outbreak did, can be more dangerous than black markets. In black markets, everyone knows it’s illegal. In gray markets, law-abiding consumers can confuse availability for legality.

This is a wildlife problem, not a wet market problem. China has shown that they are willing to take strong steps to stop this virus, and new cases are now down to 0. We, on the other hand, have been in denial. We think this is no big deal just the flu. Like every problem, we encounter it's always the other guy's fault! We are just now beginning to take this seriously. We should have been preparing for these months ago. The results of this mixed message and outright lies on the part of our national leaders have led to panic buying, aggressive behavior, and loss of freedom. The cost to our economy will be enormous. This is the problem when you base decisions on lies, and conspiracy theories.

Excuse me, but who do you think you're talking to? You don't know me or what I may have or have not looked into. I posted the video as a plausible explanation for the jam that the world is in today. And that's just what I think it is too. And a very good one at that. You're not addressing some uneducated simpleton. I'm smart enough to not just be re-posting and spreading a bunch of nonsense that you can find all over the internet. So don't come off like you're preaching to me and telling me what's what. I'm the last somebody to believe in a 1,001 conspiracy theories. But, I do pay attention to the fucking facts when I'm presented with them. The facts are extremely important in my line of work, and I have a great respect for them. And, it's good to verify from multiple sources if you can.

And who said other wet markets can't be found all around the world, or only are made up of wildlife markets??? I didn't. I didn't say that. I already know that. You're not telling me something I don't know. Like you're "educating" me or something. Somebody puts the facts right in front of people's faces and they still find reasons to just not "get it" (because their agenda just won't let them), and then they start putting words in your mouth or expressing opinions about positions that you don't hold and never took. This is a wildlife problem, not a wet market problem you say??? Well . . . eeerrrrr . . . the point is that the two go hand-in-hand in China . . . and as long as that's so, they need to shut them down! In fact, that's one of the first things they did with both the SARS and the COVID-19 outbreaks. So, since you're so keen on how the Chinese handle everything, then you yourself ought to take note of that then. They themselves shut them down. Keep 'um that way to prevent this from happening again I say. Or, if you do open them again, bring in greater regulation and control. Restrict what can be slaughtered and sold, and make sure these places are sanitary.

And I wouldn't go patting China on the back anyway for what they've done. Yeah kudos for seemingly getting it under control, but there would have been no need to do that in the first place for either the SARS or COVID-19 outbreaks if they hadn't happened to start with! And now the whole world is dealing with it! And when you talk about "we" have been in denial and "we" think it's no big deal and just like the flu, well you're not talking about "me". But yeah, maybe our dumb ass Commander in Chief who called it hoax, then turned around the other day and said he knew it was a pandemic a couple of months ago before the World Health Organization called it that way :rolleyes: The denial and the conspiracy theories and the lack of preparation start with him and his administration . . . oh great leaders!
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How often has a global pandemic to originate in a certain geographical area before restrictions to isolate these kinds of risks are implemented?

Is the damage to life, health, economy and personal freedom already high enough or to we have to wait for a 3rd and even more desasterous pandemic?
Flew to Florida from Toronto, this morning. Seems like everyone is carry-on with life. Hear familiar concerned citizens taking about the virus on the radio. On my way back, driving, a snow birds car, to his home in Canada. Taking a rest in a parking lot at Brands Mart USA. Gees, only 22 hours to go! Hopefully, I can get a refund for trip booked, next week to Germany?
And that’s why it will spread. People aren’t listening
And that’s why it will spread. People aren’t listening

God forbid people start dropping by the hundreds on a daily basis like they have been in Italy . . . more people have died in Italy from COVID-19 than in China . . . China has a population of 1.4 billion while Italy's is only at about 60 million!

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I just got off a conference call for work and one of the participants there, his brother who is 30 has this virus and he says the virus is very tricky in that it doesnt affect the kidneys or liver and that even the ******* pressure is normal but his lungs are basically grasping for air and his brother is suffocating to death. They had him on a ventilator working at 100% capacity and he still couldnt breath and was still fighting for air. He said they gave him an anti malaria ******* and now he is on ventilator still but at 50% and they feel the worst is behind them. Take this virus seriously, its nothing like the flu and it doesnt care your age or race or sex. Make the sacrifice and just stay indoors
For us it has we where just getting to point of going out n looking for blk men to let the wife flirt around with to get comfortable and eventually add a third
I haven’t been with anyone new for three weeks. I have been with two of my three regular partners, but we have decided to pause until the pandemic passes. I have been having online sex for years with two exes who are overseas, and obviously that will continue. I also asked my husband to order me a new vibrator that theoretically can be controlled by any phone anywhere.