Guys- How many BBCs has your wife or GF fucked this year? Girls- How many BBCs have you fucked this year?

Yes, I keep track of all of my play sessions. Trust me, it’s not easy meeting that many guys given that they all had to go through my vetting process. Now that I have several dozen current playmates it should be easier to reach 100 unique individuals this year since I do allow current playmates to bring friends as long as they can provide current clean test results. I am still interviewing new potential playmates consistently as well. A genuine QOS keeps busy. 🤩🖤 :qos:
Yes, I keep track of all of my play sessions. Trust me, it’s not easy meeting that many guys given that they all had to go through my vetting process. Now that I have several dozen current playmates it should be easier to reach 100 unique individuals this year since I do allow current playmates to bring friends as long as they can provide current clean test results. I am still interviewing new potential playmates consistently as well. A genuine QOS keeps busy. 🤩🖤 :qos:
I'm wondering if your job is as an interviewer, because that's alot of work to not get paid for it. But I guess you do get paid in sex so...
I film my sessions for my content so I do get compensated eventually on the back end. It’s a full time job because there’s a lot that goes into it. My husband had me quit my day job in December of 2021 to focus on being as big of a cum dump slut for black men as possible and I’ve been very busy ever since! I have a ton of respect for the women that are doing even more than I am with respect to content creation and marketing themselves.
I film my sessions for my content so I do get compensated eventually on the back end. It’s a full time job because there’s a lot that goes into it. My husband had me quit my day job in December of 2021 to focus on being as big of a cum dump slut for black men as possible and I’ve been very busy ever since! I have a ton of respect for the women that are doing even more than I am with respect to content creation and marketing themselves.
I love it! Finally a white woman / couple that understands that the black guys on here begging for white pussy are merely uncompensated cogs in the economics of sex. So much twaddle about black superiority, dominance, and masculinity. Its a myth. The fact is white husbands are the gate keepers and white wives make the decisions, and cash the checks.
I love it! Finally a white woman / couple that understands that the black guys on here begging for white pussy are merely uncompensated cogs in the economics of sex. So much twaddle about black superiority, dominance, and masculinity. Its a myth. The fact is white husbands are the gate keepers and white wives make the decisions, and cash the checks.
Uncompensated? That’s rich. Every playmate of mine has the option to use footage from our encounters to monetize for themselves if they so desire. Most are content to get to experience seeding some married white pussy on the side. So your projection is unfounded. There are black male content creators. Some are doing quite well with it. So feel free to educate yourself before spouting off about things you know nothing about.
Who holds the copyright? You do. Who has the application with model release? You do. I’ve read your stuff. You are a business. You don’t pay the guys a penny.
Who holds the copyright? You do. Who has the application with model release? You do. I’ve read your stuff. You are a business. You don’t pay the guys a penny.
Thank you for your insight anonymous internet troll. Time to move along to your next thing you can be offended by for others instead of hijacking this thread.