Fuck with real savage African tribes

Where is Senegal ?
In Saly for sure, but close to Dakar are relaxed places, a few years ago Casamance was to be avoided as per separists militias, but it's been pacified for a while now, Senegal is one of the most peaceful and tolerant African countries ( appart for gays but that's Africa..), ******* is not illegal there unlike other African countries
Western African countries are safer generally, at least 4/5 of them, Senegal: very safe choice, Gambia is enclosed in Senegal but it's English speaking
Pfff... possibility to get HIV/AIDS in some countries is bigger, in other ones is less...

For example HIV/AIDS have 0,16% of UK population, the same rates has Senegal or black. And there's "high risk" countries like South Africa or Botswana (15% or more), but in Europe in Ukraine theres 5% of population, but on Eastern Ukraine these rates are above 60%. So you can catch HIV/AIDS anywhere.
Very accurate !

Been there a few times.
We did go down once and enjoy the country although we did use condoms.