do white women prefer american black men, african men or nigerian men?

white women prefer american black men, african men or nigerian men?

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I prefer my black men as black as possible. Don't really find the attraction toward brown (i.e. Indian) or Arabic, who very often are playing along pretending they are black for the purpose of scoring a fuck. But that's just me.
Hehe. Definitely has a grain of truth in it, BUT where`s the difference between those ("brown") and black men then? Don`t black men want to "score a fuck" too? *LOL*

But i see you have your preference and i appreciate that. ;)
It can be a great mistake to generalise about any group of people so take the following comment in that spirit. Not all American black men are the same.

The difference I found with African males is that they any 'aggression' would be matched by friendliness, assertiveness with a smile, no chips on their shoulder, far greater determination and willingness to persevere, a rejections will be greeted with a friendly shrug, (while they quietely work to find another way to bed you)!

The cultural attitudes and expectations of Africans is very different. Africans look for opportunities and don't talk about 'their rights'.

There are great tribal differences. A white woman might feel physically intimidated just being in the close proximity of an African of Zulu/Luo descent rather than an African of Shona/Ndbele descent.

Africans consider sharing their sexual partners as the normal and usual way of things. Many have multiple wives, while some consider they have no chance of ever marrying anyone and seek sex anywhere and everywhere...even more than married men :)

The concept of cuckolding is a strange one in an African culture when wives are 'freely' offered to friends and family members who are still single, or revered older family member such as uncles. Bear in mind that many Africans take their christian beliefs very seriously, and many are happy in one on one relationships and don't do any of the above.
What a load of *******,where in the hell did you pull that out of,must have been your ass,since it's covered with crap.
Wow so the basis of this thread is sterotype massive groups of people. Because that doesn't sound like an awful idea at all.... not one bit...
This whole thread is stupid. I just love how white people feel so comfortable classifying blacks. One guy even said there is a ethnic group that closely resembles neanthertals. Never mentioning it's been scientifically proven that Europeans have at least 4% Neanthertal DNA.
What a dumb comment.
Not when so many people claim they are African when in fact they ae American and have no current connection with Africa at all.

How many white Americans describe themselves as French, or German oo Polish just because their ancestors came from those countries.

It is divisive to make such claims and you should enjoy just being American.
This whole thread is stupid. I just love how white people feel so comfortable classifying blacks. One guy even said there is a ethnic group that closely resembles neanthertals. Never mentioning it's been scientifically proven that Europeans have at least 4% Neanthertal DNA.

Don't dispute that either. How would you describe the Luo?
I'm pretty sure I'm Canadian, not Caucasian. I love my Swiss ancestry, don't get me wrong....but I was born in Canada.

You're mistaking nationality for race. Canadian is nationality.....move to another place and you've changed your nationality. Race is something you CAN'T change! Caucasian is a race.
You're mistaking nationality for race. Canadian is nationality.....move to another place and you've changed your nationality. Race is something you CAN'T change! Caucasian is a race.
"Race" is an "ancient" concept. Now that we (humans) know far more about genetics it is proven that "race" was a misconception and "races" do not exist within the human species. So, basically it is just the color of the skin. ;)

And for nationality... i wonder if you change it simply by moving around.

How many white Americans describe themselves as French, or German oo Polish just because their ancestors came from those countries.

...or Irish/Scottish just because they appear to have red hair without even spending a thought on their ancestry. *LOL*
"Race" is an "ancient" concept. Now that we (humans) know far more about genetics it is proven that "race" was a misconception and "races" do not exist within the human species. So, basically it is just the color of the skin. ;)

And for nationality... i wonder if you change it simply by moving around.
What is this misconception you talk about. It's simply what many call a social construct. Genetics gave us much more insight and the general consensus about race was adjusted. Compared to the ******* world it makes no sense - In real life tho, people experience the reality of what we still call race day in day out.

While skin tone says nothing much genetically the archaic, NOT ancient, notion still has a big impact. Much of it due to ethnocentric behaviour both humans and plants posses. And yes we humans do simply look at pigment when determining in and out groups.
To expatdad (and ohiobbc),

I really wonder if you have ever been to any African country? Since what you say is both not true and very generalizing and discriminating. For your information: not all (former) tribes are in all countries since Africa as a whole is a pretty big place. Most of the People in Ethiopia do not look like most people in Egypt or Most people in Ghana etc. So saying that all black people look alike since they are all from Africa is definately not correct. Secondly saying that people are stupid because they come from a certain area??? Are you still living in 1800?. My last two partners were Igbo (Nigeria) The first one had three companies in import and export and the second one was an equity banker in the UK. If you (expatdad) want to fantasize about black men fine, but please stay away from stupid comments.

But I have not said any of these things. Quite the contrary I have highlighted the differences that apply among different tribal groups. I have been to several African countries. The Africans I have met have generally been very inventive and were often skilled craftsmen
(...) And yes we humans do simply look at pigment when determining in and out groups.
Really? i don`t! Just because there are opinions in some groups of politics, the media or devised by someone`s upbringing doesn`t mean that`s ALL humans and we are ALL resistant to learning and EVERYONE has their eyes closed to the hard facts.
(...) It's simply what many call a social construct. (...)
Exactly. A social misconception then. But any social construct depends on society and society is constantly changing and depends on its individuals. It is not what it is, it`s what we make it.
(...) Genetics gave us much more insight and the general consensus about race was adjusted. (...)
Right. It was adjusted to the absence of different races within the human species.
(...) What is this misconception you talk about. (...)
Races are defined by groupwise genetic difference in a way that EACH individual member of one race group is genetically closer to ANY member of the same group than to ANY member of the other racial group.

An example from the ******* kingdom would be lions and tigers. They are capable of creating offspring "interchangeably", hence belong to the same species. Yet you would not find one tiger that is genetically closer to a lion than to any of the other tigers. (At least that`s what scientists assume at this point, as they haven`t found one tiger-lion pair yet that would break the race definition, and all of them show quite diverse genetic differences. ;) )

With humans this is totally different. You will find many, many triples where two individuals belonging to supposed different groups are genetically more similar than another member of the same supposed group as one of the former two. For instance, you may observe two black men being genetically more different than one of them compared to a particular white man, taking the overall set of genes into account.

Of course the two black men will share a small set of genes that`s responsible for their type of skin complexion, but that`s only an insignificant small number. Would that be enough to call it a race, we could define an arbitrary number of race groups depending on what particular genetic portion we are looking at. This way we could "partition" the human species into different races simply by definition, for example...
  • brown eyed race vs.
  • blue eyed race;
  • "black" skinned race vs.
  • "white" skinned race vs.
  • "yellow" skinned race;
  • brunette haired race vs.
  • blond haired race vs.
  • redhead race;
  • lactose intolerant race (if intolerance has genetic reasons) vs.
  • lactose tolerant race;
  • ... (you can find many more examples, just be inventive! ;) )
This would lead to "overlapping races" what i think obviously makes no sense at all! ;)

You can be from Africa and be white or even Indian descent and cock is cock only the driver makes much difference. My wife has had men from India, various parts of Europe, various Africans and South America and the Caribbean and many Americans. There is no real difference in cock or cum or balls but each and every one had a different attitude and personality