Breaking The Chains Of Fear For that Darkness is Your Friend It will Help you truly Overstand the Light


Hi Beautiful Souls I am DaddyOh right now I am Treading a journey into my dreams and desires taking one step at a time its new physically but not mentally because I always had this desire that I would push back inside me because old beliefs and pattern that would condemn my desires but every time I flee from it, it catches back up with me so after yrs of neglect I decided to nurture that seed that has been fighting for expression and so I am here to walk this path I am here to kick down my fears and programming and experience what I could only imagine every day I am here to flow into what naturally align into mind no matter how much I decline and try to hide or deny I can not turn a blind eye any more F6HcEPcbUAAPxFb.jpeg
Hi Beautiful Souls I am DaddyOh right now I am Treading a journey into my dreams and desires taking one step at a time its new physically but not mentally because I always had this desire that I would push back inside me because old beliefs and pattern that would condemn my desires but every time I flee from it, it catches back up with me so after yrs of neglect I decided to nurture that seed that has been fighting for expression and so I am here to walk this path I am here to kick down my fears and programming and experience what I could only imagine every day I am here to flow into what naturally align into mind no matter how much I decline and try to hide or deny I can not turn a blind eye any more View attachment 6474320