Black men wearing their socks

There might be some psychological explanation for this behavior. I'm not a psychologist but maybe the black man has a phobia against being totally naked with a human. Just a thought.
There might be some psychological explanation for this behavior. I'm not a psychologist but maybe the black man has a phobia against being totally naked with a human. Just a thought.
Hmmm maybe getting too deep. It just doesn't occur to them as often as stated that many just don't take care of the feet. Get to the nail salon guys! I notice a lot of my friends want to go and I still have my underwear on and they want to just pull it over my ass cheek. Ahhhh no give me a second to take it off.
Hmmm maybe getting too deep. It just doesn't occur to them as often as stated that many just don't take care of the feet. Get to the nail salon guys! I notice a lot of my friends want to go and I still have my underwear on and they want to just pull it over my ass cheek. Ahhhh no give me a second to take it off.
Noted on the socks. Guilty.
Of course there is the possibility they simply seek to keep their feet warm. I remember many nights in my youth before i started wearing nylons or panty hose naked except for my Bobbie socks. Cold feet can distract from whatever your doing.
My preference is socks off as well but I can make an exception that if we’re in a hotel and you don’t want your feet on the carpet totally understand. I cannot stand the feel of some hotel carpet on my feet, so wouldn’t want to put the other person through that as well. Plus, I sometimes find it sexy when a gentleman, especially with nice build, is wearing nothing but a nice pair of kicks rather that bare feet.
So tell me gentelman what is it about fucking that says you have to keep your socks on! I hate it! I see this hot picture or video of some serious passionate fucking and as it pans out -here comes the black socks or worse white footies. You’re killing me! Please take your socks off. If you want me to dress up for the occasion then you got to play your part too and take off the damn socks.
Your feet have to stay warm during sex as well. :D
So tell me gentelman what is it about fucking that says you have to keep your socks on! I hate it! I see this hot picture or video of some serious passionate fucking and as it pans out -here comes the black socks or worse white footies. You’re killing me! Please take your socks off. If you want me to dress up for the occasion then you got to play your part too and take off the damn socks.
The only reason why they probably wear socks is because their feet are ugly as hell!
So I'm a coordinator for a gangbang crew and honestly think it has to deal with the environment (cold hotel room, cold house, or shitty carpet) and just a hurry to start fucking. Guys don't think about it but it becomes noticeable afterward when editing the video. Have noticed plenty of white guys in GB wearing socks as well.
So I'm a coordinator for a gangbang crew and honestly think it has to deal with the environment (cold hotel room, cold house, or shitty carpet) and just a hurry to start fucking. Guys don't think about it but it becomes noticeable afterward when editing the video. Have noticed plenty of white guys in GB wearing socks as well.
Then you need to tell them- get your ass to the nail salon and get your feet fixed up then we will turn the heat up to 70 before we start so your tootsies aren't cold. But none of you are gonna wear socks!
I have to say it's a thing that bothers me more than her... A super hot woman wearing stocking fishnets and sexy high heels + a black guy with white socks = a ruined picture :mad::mad:

Add to this equation a dirty sock with a hole 🤮🤮

Ha, ha...have been known to keep my shoes on, no socks, when I needed to brace up against the way and throw my weight around a bit more!!!
So tell me gentelman what is it about fucking that says you have to keep your socks on! I hate it! I see this hot picture or video of some serious passionate fucking and as it pans out -here comes the black socks or worse white footies. You’re killing me! Please take your socks off. If you want me to dress up for the occasion then you got to play your part too and take off the damn socks.

And what kind of a "Alpha" male still wears white footies? This is so unattractive. There was one guy who meet us in a 5 star hotel wearing JORDANS! What was he 5? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I was in evening dress, my husband equally dashing and this guy shows up in Jordan's. 😖🤮