Black Independent Conservative vs Blk Community


Real Person
Gold Member
Im a independent conservative , due to my belief in smaller government , anti-abortion for predominantly bad choices and pro-gun rights .
The republican party has it's issues , I dont like how they forget the words of Reagan on being mindful of police being used on American communities.

I hate how Democratic moderates & liberals bent the knee to far leftists aka progressives even in 1999 .
Ive encountered these college white far leftists at 18 in highschool .
After their behaviour and arguments I left the democratic party .
I was mocked by my friends , family and teachers .

I joined the republican party in 2000 but the young republicans I encountered I found them to be cold ,unwelcoming , ignorant , arrogant , rigid , ignored issues about bad policing and I found them extremely hypocritical .
Plus bush jr was a putts, I still dont dig him .

Why am I a conservative?
I was always conservative , believing in god , family .
I alligned with the philosophy of conservativism because its what my grandfather teachings he thought me alligned with .
But I find it difficult to get along with the party though their republicans historically and currently I respect and admire .
Today I see more black republicans and I feel more welcomed into the party now.

I think we can help each other but they need to shut down the worse side of the party before I wear the elephant .
Until then independent conservative and I will align with conservative ideas and stand against crazy anti American bullshit.
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