Black fraternity, white pussy

I’m in the wrong place. Went to a local college’s party this weekend with a friend, fully intended to hookup with some college guys in a frat and make the rounds at the party. I don’t think their frat was official but had a pretty decent off campus. Figured a couple white girls would be easy but most of the guys were to respectful and totally not pushy frat
I’m in the wrong place. Went to a local college’s party this weekend with a friend, fully intended to hookup with some college guys in a frat and make the rounds at the party. I don’t think their frat was official but had a pretty decent off campus. Figured a couple white girls would be easy but most of the guys were to respectful and totally not pushy frat
Let me guess they were all Whites guys right?
Yes very much so in the military I was in the Air ******* and saw a lot of it going on
me also, they were craving black cocks while hubby was away
It still goes on as much as ever, if not more so. I live near an Air ******* Base, and when a new deployment occurs, black men quickly move in to fill the gap with husbands away. Usually when one group returns another soon leaves, so opportunities always exist for black men and white wives.
Been there, done that, got the pussy, LOL

Being at a bar helps. Even the most conservative white girls get loosened up as the night goes on and the drinks go down.
That’s exactly how my wife ended up getting fucked by a black guy
It was after a full day and night of partying
We had been out to a friends birthday party during the day that finished around 7pm
And my wife was fairly ******* by this point as she had been drinking since the party started around 10am that morning
She wasn’t ready to finish and wanted me to take her to some bars and she wanted to go to a night club she loved to dance and when she’s been drinking she doesn’t know when to quit.
So I finally gave in and agreed to take her to a dance club in the city
She was on the dance floor most of the night only came by my table for another refill of her glass or a fresh bottle
She was dancing with a black guy
He was flirting with her and by now it was nearly 2am she was absolutely wasted and all over the place
And the black guy was all over her
That’s when I walked over introduced myself to him and explained I was her husband and we had to get going
He looked gutted as he thought he was taking her home lol
He gave me the usual she’s stunning and I’m a lucky guy ect
Just a polite way of saying I’d love to fuck your wife 😂
So as we were leaving he offered to help me with her as by now she was really ******* and I said yeah sure
And when we got out one thing led to another and I ended up letting him fuck her while I watched
It was the best night of my life
That’s exactly how my wife ended up getting fucked by a black guy
It was after a full day and night of partying
We had been out to a friends birthday party during the day that finished around 7pm
And my wife was fairly ******* by this point as she had been drinking since the party started around 10am that morning
She wasn’t ready to finish and wanted me to take her to some bars and she wanted to go to a night club she loved to dance and when she’s been drinking she doesn’t know when to quit.
So I finally gave in and agreed to take her to a dance club in the city
She was on the dance floor most of the night only came by my table for another refill of her glass or a fresh bottle
She was dancing with a black guy
He was flirting with her and by now it was nearly 2am she was absolutely wasted and all over the place
And the black guy was all over her
That’s when I walked over introduced myself to him and explained I was her husband and we had to get going
He looked gutted as he thought he was taking her home lol
He gave me the usual she’s stunning and I’m a lucky guy ect
Just a polite way of saying I’d love to fuck your wife 😂
So as we were leaving he offered to help me with her as by now she was really ******* and I said yeah sure
And when we got out one thing led to another and I ended up letting him fuck her while I watched
It was the best night of my life
Hope she enjoyed it and wants more and that you got to watch her with him
My fraternity brothers and I have always enjoyed a lot of white pussy, sometimes through the week, but especially on weekends, whether it's at parties or just a brother bringing a girl in for the night. We are at a predominantly black university about 3 miles from a predominantly white university and a city of about 20,000 total population, so the pickings are good. With this virus thing we are limited mostly to one-on-one but there is still some good stuff to be enjoyed.

White hubby never gave it to her this good.

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She runs a women's clothing store and enjoys black cock too.
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Who needs a fancy bedroom?
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And now with recent news I feel there are many white girls in college wanting to prove they are not racist and at that point it is good to bring up if they were not racist they would fuck a Blackman. So it puts them on the spot and many will do it just to not be called racist. Use the white guilt against them to get some pussy. Why not, it gets pussy and she may grow to like it. Either way it is a way to fuck those lilly white girls that want to look cool. I am sure daddy did not send their daughters to be passed around amongst a bunch of black men and fucked but they are paying their daughters education so educate her lol. Use those white bitches all you like. lol
Apparently it has been a strategy for colleges and universities for some time now to lure top Black athletes with good scholarships and white girls to sweeten and close the deal. There was a whole thing on this on a talk show I saw once.
True story. If you went to a small school there's a lot you didn't see & would really have to just see to believe when it comes to the major schools. All the stories are true.
I went to a predominantly White private college with a lot of history to the place. The few blacks that did attend always kept to themselves are were never at our parties or social gatherings. A lot of DAR ******* most of the students came from a long tradition of money. We all laughed about who was the biggest "Trust Fund" baby.
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When I was in college there was one black fraternity. Each month they would designate a "Sorority of the Month" and the selected sisterhood would be their guests for several parties and, of course sex. There was no real selection; they just rotated through the list and resumed each fall with the next one after the last sorority from spring.
When I was in college there was one black fraternity. Each month they would designate a "Sorority of the Month" and the selected sisterhood would be their guests for several parties and, of course sex. There was no real selection; they just rotated through the list and resumed each fall with the next one after the last sorority from spring.
Mature and beautiful