bbc vs bwc

@flsubboy4u I'm sorry, you will have to cite the New England Journal of Medicine with your research on white genes because I am positive the not only would everyone on this site be blown away with your knowledge, but the entire world would love to know why you have been hiding this profound science from all of us. Your "analogy" and you should probably look that up, since you used it wrong. Again, you went from jerking off all over your computer screen to trying to defend a point that makes no sense. For someone who claims to be intelligent and knowlegeable about science, there is no similarity between "submissive" and "recessive" genes. In fact, its so idiotic that you should be beat over the head with a punnet square.

If you want to end an argument, then just bring out the citations and end the argument. The problem is that you are now throwing out names of Journals that do not support your claims whatsoever. By name dropping them, you prove my point that you have no idea what you are talking about. You may have studied science in college, but you never walked into the debate class. You need hard facts to back up such outrageous claims that the "white race" is a "recessive gene."

Again, this is a completely racist comment. You are completely backwards in thinking and you need to remove head from rectum. What is the point you are trying to make? Maybe if you started simply with a hypothesis that made sense, we could all follow you. If you are saying you hope that hatred, bigotry and ignorance is wiped from the face of the earth, and that anyone that supports or expouses the Nazi dogma should no longer exist, then I agree with you and support your point. But if you are trying to say anything else, you are just being a complete A-hole.

There is nothing wrong with people with white skin and there is nothing wrong with people with black skin. What is wrong is people who make the color of people's skin the defining characteristic of whether or not a person is worth anything.
It took you 4 seconds to find something that doesn't support your claim. You are a real moron. You allowed your personal feeble mind, not your White feeble mind, but yours is feeble for sure.

Fox News ran a headline because they are using race to sell ads. The Study which was in the Journal Nature, not the New England Journal of Medicine mind you, stated that the mix of genetic make-up was less diverse than the African counterparts. It also went on to state that Native Americans were even less diverse than the European gene group they studied.

Wait! Didn't you post saying how much you loved Native American cock? But according to your theory, Native Americans should be extinct pretty soon too, isn't that correct?

You just keep digging a bigger hole for yourself. Why not just admit you overstated something, you are sorry, you dont want to be racist, but you cant help it. You were raised by wolves and it's not your fault that you can't make a cogent argument to save your life.

Next time you do research, you should probably use Nexis-Lexis so you actually find something worth citing.
It took you 4 seconds to find something that doesn't support your claim. You are a real moron. You allowed your personal feeble mind, not your White feeble mind, but yours is feeble for sure.

Fox News ran a headline because they are using race to sell ads. The Study which was in the Journal Nature, not the New England Journal of Medicine mind you, stated that the mix of genetic make-up was less diverse than the African counterparts. It also went on to state that Native Americans were even less diverse than the European gene group they studied.

Wait! Didn't you post saying how much you loved Native American cock? But according to your theory, Native Americans should be extinct pretty soon too, isn't that correct?

You just keep digging a bigger hole for yourself. Why not just admit you overstated something, you are sorry, you dont want to be racist, but you cant help it. You were raised by wolves and it's not your fault that you can't make a cogent argument to save your life.

Next time you do research, you should probably use Nexis-Lexis so you actually find something worth citing.
I never said there was a study in the New England Journal. You said I said it. What I actually asked was "what do I have to do quote the New England Journal of Medicine?" or....." You are so ignorant that I can't really hold a meaningful discussion with you. You are rude. dogmatic, closed-minded and insulting. Say whatever bs you want. I My points are valid. Black genes are dominant genes and it's fact and has been since the discovery of what recessive and dominant genes are. That is why when a black person and a white person have a baby, the baby is not white. In very rare cases the baby is very light skinned. (This is how the white race got started. The black race can create white people. These are the original tribes that left Africa and interbred due to geographic isolation to the point at which they became weaker) However, the true African gene (and I'm not just talking about color) will overrule the weaker recessive white genes because they have more diversity which translates into strength in many areas including intelligence. The white race is inferior and that does not mean that 'white people aren't nice" or whatever silliness you were talking about earlier. It means that the white race is not as strong in mind or body as African men or women. Since interracial breeding is more common due to societal norms changing, the white race will slowly dwindle as week white males are shunned by women who are programmed in nature to seek out the strongest males to mate with. This has been developed over thousands of years. Women choose men who are able to support their offspring to marry. They choose hot strong sexually capable men to screw. Monogamy is not the natural order of any ******* or human. Diversity and strength is what is promoted by mom nature. Relating what I say to a sick murderer like Hitler is ignorant and insulting. So is telling a Jew that he is like Hitler idiotic. Yes Im Jewish, dumbshit. I'm not a promoter of Eugenics or any other theory that seeks to alter humanity. Because Hitler used his knowledge of genetics to justify mass ******* does not mean that genetics does not exist. You are truly an uninformed insulting jerk. Feel free to browse the thousands of articles on the internet supporting this well known and documented facts of genetics Here are a few basics to help you get started teach. You are a "teacher" right? I sincerely hope that is a nickname and not your profession.
Big black there's no arguement not really a debate. .it just is let's face.. it now drop to your knees and show my why black is better! ;-)
You are so right! It is genetics. Some people on this sight say that this means I'm a racist because I think that Black men and in your case, Indian men are genetically superior sexually etc. People are so quick to call one a racist when they don't even know them or consider what they say or what the truth even is. Anyway, I applaud your intellect and your well thought out response. I had a girlfriend who was half Cherokee and just looking at her and being near her drove me wild with lust. What an amazing realization.
There is no major difference in the human genome on a racial level as far as strength ability and IQ are concerned however there are on a individual basis these differences in general have nothing to do with race period thats a fact the genetic blueprint for all humans is the same actually two individuals of different races can be more close genetically than two of the same race the genes that define our races as far as color ethnicity are concerned are minute and unimportant parts of the entire human genome and certainly do not dictate the things you give them credit for they are only important to racists and bigots and race baiter's and are used by black supremacists white supremacists and everyone in between to prove one delusional point or another thats the only people the above genes are important to!! and the world will never be one color not as long as black people keep mating with black people white with white and brown with brown and everyone in between and they will !! as for the world been a better place or their been peace rubbish you only have to look at human history and whats happening right now there are Africans killing Africans will give you a perfect example Rwanda the tribal slaughter there 1 million people killed all the same race black on black the middle east the Shiya and the Sunni been going on for 2 thousands years going on right now with Isis!! brown on brown, India and Pakistan the two world wars white on white mostly the list goes on and on not to mention all the other conflicts going on now and that have been in the past.If you think race is or skin are the problem you are wrong its greed and stupidity and every race is prone a guilty of that! we need to live as one race the human race despite our color thats the true test of what makes us all we need to work together to preserve this planet and all its wonderful diverse peoples and all the knowledge and variety they bring to humanity and the world so future generations can live in peace! Am sorry to say this my friend but you need help you most certainly need to stop jacking off to IR porn!! as frankly it's turning you into a bit of a KNOB END!! mate
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There is no major difference in the human genome on a racial level as far as strength ability and IQ are concerned however there are on a individual basis these differences in general have nothing to do with race period thats a fact the genetic blueprint for all humans is the same actually two individuals of different races can be more close genetically than two of the same race the genes that define our races as far as color ethnicity are concerned are minute and unimportant parts of the entire human genome and certainly do not dictate the things you give them credit for they are only important to racists and bigots and race baiter's and are used by black supremacists white supremacists and everyone in between to prove one delusional point or another thats the only people the above genes are important to!! and the world will never be one color not as long as black people keep mating with black people white with white and brown with brown and everyone in between and they will !! as for the world been a better place or their been peace rubbish you only have to look at human history and whats happening right now there are Africans killing Africans will give you a perfect example Rwanda the tribal slaughter there 1 million people killed all the same race black on black the middle east the Shiya and the Sunni been going on for 2 thousands years going on right now with Isis!! brown on brown, India and Pakistan the two world wars white on white mostly the list goes on and on not to mention all the other conflicts going on now and that have been in the past.If you think race is or skin are the problem you are wrong its greed and stupidity and every race is prone a guilty of that! we need to live as one race the human race despite our color thats the true test of what makes us all we need to work together to preserve this planet and all its wonderful diverse peoples and all the knowledge and variety they bring to humanity and the world so future generations can live in peace! Am sorry to say this my friend but you need help you most certainly need to stop jacking off to IR porn!! as frankly it's turning you into a bit of a KNOB END!! mate

Finally a response that actually is well thought out. I don't really need "help" or to stop jacking off to interracial porn. In fact, it's the most exciting porn there is. On the other hand, your response relies on current politically correct theories that have been modified to make people feel comfortable. I agree with much of what you said including one race being the human race and about all culturally diverse people being preserved and working together. However, I still think that African American genes are by majority superior. I don't mean that all black people are superior to all white people and that they are better people. But if you look at earth's actual history it's impossible to ignore that the black man has ruled the planet for thousands of years. There is a reason for this. And what is happening right now is exactly what should be happening. People are protesting because they aren't going to be patient and sit around anymore and wait for the ignorant white majority to treat them like human beings. This really isn't so simple as many white people assume. It's the very start of a world movement toward equality that will eventually lead to the rise of the African race again to it's rightful position as leaders. This will take many years. As for blacks and blacks and whites and whites creating more blacks and whites, I had to laugh. Even though you are serious and I see your logic, it's still funny. Many bulls and black studs are used by whites to provide entertainment that can't happen with fat white men with little penises, which is fine if everyone is on the same page and agrees. However, this too is just the beginning of what is to come. You have to look very far into the future to really see what will be some day. Why is interracial porn purchased and watched primarily by white males? White males find it exciting. I found it exciting for a decade in my 20's when my girl admitted she had been doing a black coworker who was a super stud for a year and was going keep doing him. He introduced us to cuckolding when he was 19. It shaped my entire sexuality and is doing the same to many white boys right now. there was no internet back then, only poorly made porn movies that we bought and watched together.
Anyway, when I said the world will be one color, I didn't mean literally "one color". I meant that eventually, Black, asian, indian and whites will all mix and that the purely white person will become rarer and rarer until not only does it not matter any more, but until they are extinct. The blond haired blue eyed person is already dwindling due to world travel and geographic restrictions having been removed. People have sex with whoever is around them.
White people as well as black people realize that interracial babies are the most beautiful. Its pretty much a universal agreement where there isn't religious dogmas or archaic cultural rules. If everyone fucks everyone, which is already happening, eventually it becomes clear who is the best at it. I say the black man wins. That isn't racist, it's realism. It's fine to disagree with that, but it won't change that fact that there is a reason there are thousands of white couples looking for a hot interracial experience. It's not "taboo", "contrast", "superior sexuality" "delusion" or anything else in particular. Let's not define it because we really can't. There is too much us human's don't really know. Don't like my "genetics" idea? ok. Than I say black men are better lovers and white women know it once they become aware. I leave it at that. If it were not true, this sight would not exist. It isn't fantasy that makes this sight exist. It is the reality of white people wanting and then needing black cock in their hot pussies. It is not color of skin that makes this happen. It's the totality of the experience and how black men's cultural difference effects that physical and psychological experience turning white women into sluts for black men and white males into weak little bitches who like to watch and be humiliated. This phenomenon was not created by porn producers for men who like to jerk off, it was exploited by them. It has always existed and was not accepted in the decades of the past. But to attribute it to taboo is narrow minded. It is a fact that black men are superior sexually and intellectually to white men. If you disagree, than we agree to disagree. But I say wake up and assume your rightful position in your world. That starts in your own mind.
There is a book called "The Secret". I think this would be a good book for you to read and for any black male on this site that thinks a white man saying you are superior is "racist". I live in the word I do, the world of my mind Vs. the world of your mind because of my experiences with interracial sex, cuckolding and submission to black males who dominated my woman and me for years. It is my reality and how I see things. Perhaps I was conditioned to believe what I believe. Perhaps being made to lick balls and ass of the man who was fucking my woman and thinking of myself as their sexual servant did something to my psychological make up. But saying "you need help" is just so trite and predictable. Human genomes are all equal ok? Whatever you think Sir. I am not really here to argue. I just call em as I see em. "And that's the way it is" ---Walter
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My second wife revealed to me after we were married that she had been dating blacks since college when she was a tutor to the football and basketball players. She continued to see one time to time since then and that is not going to change unless something tragic happens. I asked if he was bigger than me and he was but my wife said even if your cock was the same size she would still want black cock too. Nothing scientific in her choice its the color contrast and the black power allure they just take her over.
My second wife revealed to me after we were married that she had been dating blacks since college when she was a tutor to the football and basketball players. She continued to see one time to time since then and that is not going to change unless something tragic happens. I asked if he was bigger than me and he was but my wife said even if your cock was the same size she would still want black cock too. Nothing scientific in her choice its the color contrast and the black power allure they just take her over.
Are you ever included in her affairs?
@flsubboy4u Are you on crack my friend? Jesus! @Devon Miles told you that you don't know what you are talking about and said that your theories are far fetched and promote bigotry and you for some reason agreed with him and then continued to say the same stupidity he completely contradicted. I honestly don't care that you are Jewish, an idiot is an idiot and you my friend are an idiot. If you don't like being in a "submissive" role then maybe you shouldn't post on a site that has superior men to you, and just sit down and listen to people who are just more intelligent than you. You read things and dont understand what they are "actually" saying and that is the sign of low intelligence. It has nothing to do with your race, your skin color, your religion, your sexual orientation, it just has to do with the fact that your brain never developed beyond middle school and so understanding genome and other biologically aspects of science is just not in your forte.

You didn't even catch the punnet square reference, which I laid out there as a soft ball for you to hit, yet it went straight over your head. You clearly don't have a background in science because your arguments are full of holes and try to bring in facts that don't support your own hypothesis. You are also clearly not an attorney because you would have already lost this case on reply 2.

So I am not sure what you do for a living, but hopefully it does not require you to think too quickly. I'm hoping you are in sales where bull-crap rules the day. Because sir, you are full of it. Leave the intelligent banter to us more superior folk, and that is all the white, chinese, african, indian and south americans, and yes we will leave out the europeans since according to your study they are definitely inferior.

You do realize that the greatest artists, composers and scientists of this last Century were all European and all white skinned? So what does that prove about your theory? Albert Einstein and the entire Manhattan Project were all white skinned, no?

When you wake from being beaten so convincingly by a cogent argument then you can formulate a rebuttal. But, please, read the citations you list before you list them. If you need help, then ask me, I have no issue teaching or tutoring you on the English language and how to interpret scientific data.

thanks for playing, now please stop posting because this thread has no merit whatsoever.
I agree with you on one thing. This thread has no merit. When you don't even really read what I write and can't make the abstract connection about what I list as evidence to the actual argument there is not point in talking. And by the way, case in point, you stated that I had an indian boyfriend. Go back and read what I wrote and you can see that she was a girl and could never have been confused with being a boy. Moreover, you sited data about Indians in India and I had said she was part Cherokee Indian. Cherokee Indians are from North America-not India. . As for what I do, no, I'm not in sales. And while I"m not Steven Hawking, I do have a basic understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You keep saying that I am a racist, a bigot etc. and your examples of why this is "true" are ridiculous. I am not a racist nor have I ever been a racist and I shall never be a racist. I do not believe that anyone should have less rights than anyone else. Believing that a man with large muscles is stronger than a man with underdeveloped muscles doesn't make one a "muscle-ist" Assigning names and name calling is what true bigots do. The black race being superior is something that many ascribe to not just for sexual kicks but because they see what is true intuitively. This is why so many white people who are ignorant, fear black people. I can walk through any neighborhood and no one ever bothers me because I'm not scared of people. But people, like you who say thinks like "I don't see color" to impress others that you are not a racist are just liars. We all see color. I say it should be celebrated and cultural diversity should be something to rejoice in. That is what this web sight is about. People enjoying people who offer something more than they already have. It relates to race and what strong black individuals have to offer to weaker white people who desire to have the best in their life. Just reading the forums here makes clear that this sight is not "politically correct" That's ok with me. In fact, if it were, it would probably be called "blackequalswhiteunlessthatoffendsyouandthenwecancallitwhateveryouwantsuchasblackandwhitemenandwomenofalllegalagesandbodytypesfatandthintallandshort.

You said I"m submissive. I'm very submissive. Just not to you. You're a little white person who thinks he is superior. And that really makes me laugh. You may be superior to many, but not to me.

One last thought. You said you don't care if I'm Jewish. What made you think that I care about what you care about? You may have the last word since I have no doubt that your main motivation is to do so. Goodbye.
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@flsubboy4u you seriously need to stop, and think for one minute. I am not even sure if you understand what you are trying to say. You want me to try and make "abstract" connections based on evidence that is not factual, because you are desperately trying to make a point that has no merit.

Everyone reading these posts realizes that you are less intelligent than I and it's getting painfully disproportionate at this point, so this is my last post. I cannot continue to show you how wrong you are and it's not fair to you. You clearly hope you knew what you were talking about.

There should be no need to make abstract connections, you brought up science, which is a concrete and data driven area of study. If you want to talk about abstract theory, you should stick to philosophy where you can't bring in data that proves you wrong. As long as you make a decently intelligent argument you are fine. But you don't understand the concept of an argument, or data, or the point you are trying to make.

You have been told, by me and by others now - that you are a racist and a bigot. Stick to jerking off, it's what you are good at. Don't make feeble attempts at formulating debate rebuttals because you lost this one and you will continue to lose future ones if you rely on other people to make "connections" for you. It's your responsibility in a debate to prove your own point, not to "hope" that others can prove it for you.

What is really disturbing to me is that you are Jewish, and yet you can't see how your thoughts and feelings are so anti-semitic, and racist and bigoted. If you had ancestors that either were in the Holocaust or survivors of the Holocaust they would be deeply upset and ashamed of you. You need to get help. You should read a book about equality, and tolerance, because you are a very bad person. Maybe if you get a chance you can visit the Holocaust Museum in Wash DC and learn a thing or two about your so called "genetic" superiority theory.

The study you tried to quote talked about regional issues, not racial ones. It said European, you do realize that there are white, black and hispanic people that live in Europe, right? I mean, you do know that, I'm hoping. And in Africa, there are white people as well. You are aware of that also, right? They didn't say which nations in Africa were in the study, they didn't say if South Africa was in the study. And you do realize that Nelson Mandela stayed in jail for decades because of the type of bigotry you spout about racial superiority.

There are people who are smarter, there are people who are better looking, there are men with larger cocks. Unfortunately for you and your theory, it has nothing to do with race. Im sorry you have such an inferiority complex, but maybe you should become more religious and observant and understand that as a Jew you should feel more superior. Or is studying the Torah too complex for you? Or is it not abstract enough to make connections? Maybe you should study the Koran. Or even the bible.

Whatever you do, please for your own sake, stop posting. Enjoy the pics and the threads, but your contributions should be limited. Thank you and please have a great holiday and don't let anyone ruin it with racial hatred.
@flsubboy4u you seriously need to stop, and think for one minute. I am not even sure if you understand what you are trying to say. You want me to try and make "abstract" connections based on evidence that is not factual, because you are desperately trying to make a point that has no merit.

Everyone reading these posts realizes that you are less intelligent than I and it's getting painfully disproportionate at this point, so this is my last post. I cannot continue to show you how wrong you are and it's not fair to you. You clearly hope you knew what you were talking about.

There should be no need to make abstract connections, you brought up science, which is a concrete and data driven area of study. If you want to talk about abstract theory, you should stick to philosophy where you can't bring in data that proves you wrong. As long as you make a decently intelligent argument you are fine. But you don't understand the concept of an argument, or data, or the point you are trying to make.

You have been told, by me and by others now - that you are a racist and a bigot. Stick to jerking off, it's what you are good at. Don't make feeble attempts at formulating debate rebuttals because you lost this one and you will continue to lose future ones if you rely on other people to make "connections" for you. It's your responsibility in a debate to prove your own point, not to "hope" that others can prove it for you.

What is really disturbing to me is that you are Jewish, and yet you can't see how your thoughts and feelings are so anti-semitic, and racist and bigoted. If you had ancestors that either were in the Holocaust or survivors of the Holocaust they would be deeply upset and ashamed of you. You need to get help. You should read a book about equality, and tolerance, because you are a very bad person. Maybe if you get a chance you can visit the Holocaust Museum in Wash DC and learn a thing or two about your so called "genetic" superiority theory.

The study you tried to quote talked about regional issues, not racial ones. It said European, you do realize that there are white, black and hispanic people that live in Europe, right? I mean, you do know that, I'm hoping. And in Africa, there are white people as well. You are aware of that also, right? They didn't say which nations in Africa were in the study, they didn't say if South Africa was in the study. And you do realize that Nelson Mandela stayed in jail for decades because of the type of bigotry you spout about racial superiority.

There are people who are smarter, there are people who are better looking, there are men with larger cocks. Unfortunately for you and your theory, it has nothing to do with race. Im sorry you have such an inferiority complex, but maybe you should become more religious and observant and understand that as a Jew you should feel more superior. Or is studying the Torah too complex for you? Or is it not abstract enough to make connections? Maybe you should study the Koran. Or even the bible.

Whatever you do, please for your own sake, stop posting. Enjoy the pics and the threads, but your contributions should be limited. Thank you and please have a great holiday and don't let anyone ruin it with racial hatred.
For a non bigot, you are the most judgmental person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Your way of argumentation is to insult the other person with irrelevant garbage and then tell the other person to "get help".
You are a danger to humanity because you are clearly a communist, leftist who is well-spoken but who spews dogmatic idiocy in the form of "intelligent conversation" much like Adolf Hitler did. You seek to convince an audience that the other person is "bad" and "evil" and a "racist" because you have no clue of what else you could say that might actually have some meaning. You rationalize that your ideas are universally agreed with and suggest that one person who agrees with you speaks for the majority. Your calling me a bigot is ludicrous and inappropriate. and you do it because your arguments have no substance. You hate the fact that you are a representative of the inferior race, the white race, yet you hang out on an interracial website where people seek to mate with black men who clearly are superior to you in every way. Your commentary only proves that the black men on this sight are intellectually your superiors. I as a white inferior male admit my status. You can't and so you call me a 'racist" in hopes that others will pay more attention to your catch phrases about me than to the facts.
I celebrate the superiority of the black race and nothing you say can change my mind about it. You liken me to Hitler? I never said anything about killing anyone. I did say that through natural selection, the white race will dwindle, in fact already is, and will eventually disappear completely. You hate that idea because it means the extinction of your kind. I see, understand and accept what is true because, I can't change it and there is no point in worrying about it. So, we agree to disagree.

I don't appreciate your lies that appear to be "advice" just to make me look bad. It actually makes you look stupid. Nelson Mandela stayed in jail because he fought oppression. This has nothing to do with natural selection and choice. You keep bringing up things that don't relate because you want those who read what you write to believe I am something I am not. You are low. Very low. You know this and so do those who read your B.S. You can't hide your true intentions. But what is most unfortunate is that you think you are sly. The light is shining on your now and I would challenge anyone who has read what I have written to find any sentence that shows that I am a racist.
I accept what is happening in the world and see the power that can't be denied. I am a visionary. You live in your own wishes fearing the inevitable and cowering in the corner, insulting others and contriving opinions that supposedly make sense in some sick way. You hope to mask the truth with dogma, twisting and slanting any person or event in history to match your ridiculous accusations. You liken me to both evil geniuses and the stupidest of the stupid. It is laughable and unbelievable that you could expect anyone to think that a jew is in any way like Hitler. In fact, I laughed so hard when re-reading what you wrote that I puked and then *******. Thanks for the entertainment but I have no time left. I must go "get help". My doctor at the asylum is also a psychic. She told me that you write and sound exactly like someone else on this sight. Someone who loves to say "get help". Who am I to question a woman of science?
White women want to be bad, sinful in bed... black dick is more taboo for a white woman... so they cum for that cock more than their own race... sex is transgression...
@flsubboy4u its laughable to read what you write. you are inferior, that is for certain. I have controlled and dominated this thread from the beginning and you don't know me nor could ever hope to figure me out. I have mixed ethnic heritage, so having white skin is just that, pigment of the skin. I live in NYC, there is no sun here...If I lived in a warmer climate, I would probably have darker skin...does that make me more or less "superior?" By your assinine logic, yes it would.

the fact that you think being Jewish makes you immune from being a moron is what is laughable and also that you can't be a bad person. Maybe you should read more news and less links from Fox News. Maybe you didn't hear about the Rabbi that was secretly videotaping women in the Mikvah in DC? I suggested you become more religious, but you neglected to have a rebuttal for that one - you ignored it because you don't know much about your own religion and choose to just be ignorant. I honestly cant say you are inferior anymore. What I will say is that you, singularly, not the white race, not Jewish people, just you, are an idiot.

You should go to your local temple this friday and pray. Maybe you havent been in a long time, but you need to start doing it, find some inner peace with yourself. Read the bible and figure things out for yourself. You clearly have many issues that are unresolved. No one cares that you feel inferior. No one even cares that you think black people are superior.

This is a site about many different things, not just black v. white. But yes it is a site about interracial relationships and sex...why? because the US is still a racist nation. Our government collects data on race. Why? Because the day you stop collecting data on race, is the day, racism ends. I have no issue with white people, Jewish people, black people, hispanic people, chinese people. What makes America great is that everyone can be successful here regardless of where they came from. Your notion that because someone skin color is a certain way makes them more superior or inferior is just so blatantly moronic that what's laughable that you don't see it yourself when you read these posts. Im not sure who brainwashed your brain along the way, but you need to open your mind to a balanced thought process.

Stop spewing racist speech. Ok? Give it up!!
@flsubboy4u its laughable to read what you write. you are inferior, that is for certain. I have controlled and dominated this thread from the beginning and you don't know me nor could ever hope to figure me out. I have mixed ethnic heritage, so having white skin is just that, pigment of the skin. I live in NYC, there is no sun here...If I lived in a warmer climate, I would probably have darker skin...does that make me more or less "superior?" By your assinine logic, yes it would.

the fact that you think being Jewish makes you immune from being a moron is what is laughable and also that you can't be a bad person. Maybe you should read more news and less links from Fox News. Maybe you didn't hear about the Rabbi that was secretly videotaping women in the Mikvah in DC? I suggested you become more religious, but you neglected to have a rebuttal for that one - you ignored it because you don't know much about your own religion and choose to just be ignorant. I honestly cant say you are inferior anymore. What I will say is that you, singularly, not the white race, not Jewish people, just you, are an idiot.

You should go to your local temple this friday and pray. Maybe you havent been in a long time, but you need to start doing it, find some inner peace with yourself. Read the bible and figure things out for yourself. You clearly have many issues that are unresolved. No one cares that you feel inferior. No one even cares that you think black people are superior.

This is a site about many different things, not just black v. white. But yes it is a site about interracial relationships and sex...why? because the US is still a racist nation. Our government collects data on race. Why? Because the day you stop collecting data on race, is the day, racism ends. I have no issue with white people, Jewish people, black people, hispanic people, chinese people. What makes America great is that everyone can be successful here regardless of where they came from. Your notion that because someone skin color is a certain way makes them more superior or inferior is just so blatantly moronic that what's laughable that you don't see it yourself when you read these posts. Im not sure who brainwashed your brain along the way, but you need to open your mind to a balanced thought process.

Stop spewing racist speech. Ok? Give it up!!
I clearly have stated many times that skin color has nothing to do with it. Read what I wrote again and again so you can try to understand it.
I agree big is big, but I have been with several large white men who think that being big is all that is required. They had little skill and not much stamina(fast cummers). My black lovers have been from large to huge, but they all had skill and stamina. Skill and stamina are more import than size.


You took the words right out of my mouth and transcribed them before I had a chance to type them. Its more than just the Big Cock, but its also the rhythm, skill, and stamina of the man behind that dick that he is slinging. When it comes to a BigBlackBull - there just is no comparison and you can watch all the porn and see the difference of how black men fuck and white boys fuck. Same as dancing, and flying above the rim in b-ball, or running backs running the pigskin, ... just one type of man that does it with more style and flair.

See Aint nothing like the rhythm and thrust of a Black man with a BBC!

Black man can get all nice and slow motion with it…

Or you can get it nice and hard long-dick downed style.

White woman know they gonna get dicked down good and blacked with a BBC.

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I always thought it was genetics. I came harder with my Indian boyfriend than I ever had with my white boyfriends before him, even though he was the same size, maybe a little smaller. It's just sex with a darker colored guy that really gets me on, not really size. Of course if a black guy comes onto me it's better. He's usually got both the color and the size, and I want him badly.

i have to agree bbc is better at turning me on.

@Sara Madison & @kaitlin

Both beautifully stated ladies..all I can add is to say simply...
And to think, all I wanted was a BIG COCK, and I get this........ Too funny folks, too funny!:devil:
Yes it is

You took the words right out of my mouth and transcribed them before I had a chance to type them. Its more than just the Big Cock, but its also the rhythm, skill, and stamina of the man behind that dick that he is slinging. When it comes to a BigBlackBull - there just is no comparison and you can watch all the porn and see the difference of how black men fuck and white boys fuck. Same as dancing, and flying above the rim in b-ball, or running backs running the pigskin, ... just one type of man that does it with more style and flair.

See Aint nothing like the rhythm and thrust of a Black man with a BBC!

Black man can get all nice and slow motion with it…

Or you can get it nice and hard long-dick downed style.

White woman know they gonna get dicked down good and blacked with a BBC.

Yes it is better. Any white boy who thinks differently is delusional or a racist.