Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

So much that is incorrect about this. Before diving into the details, allow me to ask you a question. For full transparency - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeking independant. My question - if Democrats are so racist and Republicans so not racist, why is it that black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat in presidential elections? Is it because they are not up to speed on the "truth" as you seem to be?
You obviously do not want to hear the truth!!!! Facts are Facts or at least used to be before 2021.
True. Though no matter what politicians spend money on, very little of it ever goes towards what they tell us they are using it for. I'm all for better infrastructure, better education, state of the art defense, prison reform, and all of it if our taxes really went to make those things better. The problem is that BOTH parties spend most of our taxes paying their buddies and themselves exhorbitant fees for bs projects that never have an impact or that never reach the goal that they tell us they are trying to attain.
Agree, both major political parties in this country spend money like drunken sailors on Saturday night. If we quit talking care of the rest of the world, no one in America would do without or in need of anything
Agree, both major political parties in this country spend money like drunken sailors on Saturday night. If we quit talking care of the rest of the world, no one in America would do without or in need of anything
It's not even the foreign spending that is a problem. That's small change compared to other stuff. Once you strip away the Medicare and social security spending, defense is the next largest piece. It really doesn't have to be this big...especially if we cancelled all the waste that is being shoveled there.

All I want to know is where can i find one of the conservative wanna be sluts to throat fuck while their husband cooks us dinner to have adult conversations while eating in Destin Fla
You can be politically conservative but sexually progressive. One doesn't cancel the other. I tend to be very conservative as far as politics are concerned. But I'm also bi and love black men and don't see my politics being an issue.
They have a saying for that .....
It’s called “conservative in the streets”
“liberal in the sheets”😂😂😂
So much that is incorrect about this. Before diving into the details, allow me to ask you a question. For full transparency - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeking independant. My question - if Democrats are so racist and Republicans so not racist, why is it that black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat in presidential elections? Is it because they are not up to speed on the "truth" as you seem to be?
This is an easy answer. The KKK used to hang Black Republicans and white Republicans who attempted to ally black people. It started out as a terror campaign and now its just empty promises to keep them voting like they have always voted..
But.. Look this up. A Harvard study found that 50% of black voters did not feel like their vote was counted in the 2020 presidential election. So.. Since Biden won.. Who did that 50% vote for.
Maybe we've all been lied to for so long no one knows the depth of it..
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So much that is incorrect about this. Before diving into the details, allow me to ask you a question. For full transparency - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I am a truth seeking independant. My question - if Democrats are so racist and Republicans so not racist, why is it that black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat in presidential elections? Is it because they are not up to speed on the "truth" as you seem to be?
You sure act like a libtard since the truth so easily evades you. Who put Castro in power? Democrat Jfk. Who runs Chicago? ........Democrats.
What city is the homicide capital in the United Socialist States of America?........
Who runs all the major cities where homicides which are predominantly black on black crime??????
Who controls the racist domestic terrorist BLM movement??.........
Where are the BLM marches in Chicago and Baltimore and DC where 99% of black homicides occur?
This is an easy answer. The KKK used to hang Black Republicans and white Republicans who attempted to ally black people. It started out as a terror campaign and now its just empty promises to keep them voting like they have always voted..
But.. Look this up. A Harvard study found that 50% of black voters did not feral like their vote was counted in the 2020 presidential election. So.. Since Biden won.. Who did that 50% vote for.
Maybe we've all been lied to for so long no one knows the depth of it..
Definitely we were lied to.
Ehhhhhhhhh😕 I don’t know that that’s the angle I was coming from but to each his own,

This is a conservative/progressive discussion
The southern democrats were the plantation owners/slave owners back in the day so maybe that concept would apply the DNC convention?🤨

I’m just sayin I would love to see Candace Owens drop it like it’s hot at the RNC next year
And watch Dana loesh get dp’d on blacktowhite exclusive video
The southern democrats switched to join the republican party when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
the democrats who owned the plantations weren't the same as post civil rights era democrats.
Honestly not worried about what it's called. I just don't let politics run my life (especially my sex life!)

Honestly not worried about what it's called. I just don't let politics run my life (especially my sex life!)
its not intended to be taken in political context its simply a phrase that suggests someone is quaint and reserved in public but open minded and wild in the bedroom,
I think we have forgotten what it means to be humble towards one another. Both my wife and I are fiscally conservative but pretty liberal socially. It’s unfortunate we have all been “labeled.” Neither of us identify with a political party. As Benny said we all love black cock/pussy. Last thing right quick...I just moved from South Carolina to California and these people are so much worse in every possible way when it comes to everyday life. If those people in the south are “Bigots and Racists” then our media is severely out of touch (We all know they already are). I guess the tolerant do not understand intolerance?
You'll regret that move!
You sure act like a libtard since the truth so easily evades you. Who put Castro in power? Democrat Jfk. Who runs Chicago? ........Democrats.
What city is the homicide capital in the United Socialist States of America?........
Who runs all the major cities where homicides which are predominantly black on black crime??????
Who controls the racist domestic terrorist BLM movement??.........
Where are the BLM marches in Chicago and Baltimore and DC where 99% of black homicides occur?
It's amazing to see that in bred Neanderthals continue to point to "black crime", while totally ignoring the biggest criminals working in the halls of government.
It was Richard, "tricky Dick" Nixon who orchestrated Watergate, -motivated to galvanize political power.
Then, Ronald Regan who orchestrated Iran-Contra, in which he undermined a Presidential election to weasel his way into the White House.
"Moscow" Mitch Mc Connell is one of the biggest grifters on Capitol Hill today, and was a co-conspirator who benefitted from the Russian's money funneling (through the NRA), which led to the "election" of Donald Chump.
Donald Chump's crimes are yet to be categorized, but certain to be numerous.

Bottom line: the good ol' boys network is responsible for more financial crimes within the past decade alone than the majority of financial crimes committed by people of color since the civil rights era.

As for violent crimes, the good ol' boys are responsible for most, as well.
Of course, you wouldn't agree, since domestic terrorism has traditionally been ignored by the good ol' boys on Capitol Hill since there was a capitol Hill.
Otherwise, when was the last time (or any time) that people of color stormed a capitol within the United States?
People constantly pick and choose the parts of a title that work for them and dismiss the others that do not. This really is nothing knew and honestly not that surprising. Most people in general do not fit into one box label completely whether it be sexual, social, or whatever. This website is a great example of this. Typically the world sees married couples as two people in love that choose each other to be with for the rest of their life and so forth. This website is full of couples that are married breaking the typical definitions of what a marriage and partnership should be. I am not saying it's a bad thing at all. I just find it odd we often expect people to fit into a term or definition and then are surprised when they step outside the lines.
The southern democrats switched to join the republican party when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
the democrats who owned the plantations weren't the same as post civil rights era democrats.
your referring to "The big switch" or as it sometimes is called "the big crock of bullshit that never really happened"
"The big switch" is the most ridiculous deflection ever used by democrats, in an effort to completely erase they're long storied and sordid racist history in one fell swoop, as if to say "poof" like a magic trick the whole party along with its sordid past just disappeared then instantly reappeared with a different identity and all that bad stuff wasn't us, "it was republicans, they're the ones who did it' the "big switch" is a "big joke" and a preposterous attempt of an entire political party trying to bury they're unsavory past, ill give you a quote from someone who has written entire books about this,

"The big switch is a big lie. The parties never swapped sides over civil rights. The progressive doctrine of the big switch is no less ridiculous than saying the cops all decided to become robbers and the robbers all decided to become cops".............