Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

You can not argue with liberals who push acceptance and want acceptance from everyone but are not accepting to anyone else's views that are different. Then they are labeled racist.
Same liberals say math is racist now as well as the English language.
Maybe the libtards need to read definition of racism before they apply a tag that does not fit to anything they attatch it to.
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Every slave master was fucking the Africans in their "possession". Fuckers used to turn around and sell their babies.
Motivation to beat up some white pussy mercilessly 🤣🤣🤣
What? Here’s a quick history lesson; democrats were plantation and slave owners. The KKK were registered democrats. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Also, my wife and I are conservatives and love sex. Skin color is irrelevant to us. I love pussy and she loves cock.
You are talking about a few cities. Look what those conservative Govs are doing in those broke ass red states. Give me a fucking break. And your ass probably invaded the Capitol on Jan 6.
You clearly have no clue what you’re taking about. For the love of god, go do some Research. MSM is not research btw. Every red state has been fiscally positive since Feb 2020 and majority of blue states have not been. It’s easy to find this stuff out yourself. Go look at the GDP capita per state, not difficult.
What? Here’s a quick history lesson; democrats were plantation and slave owners. The KKK were registered democrats. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Also, my wife and I are conservatives and love sex. Skin color is irrelevant to us. I love pussy and she loves cock.
What the fuck does that have to do w/ anything? The parties switched. Everyone knows that. How come you and your "cock loving" wife aren't verified?
I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.
It's pretty clear you have no idea of what a conservative is.
Not every conservative is a Bible-thumping, religious zealot. The left has those people too. As an atheist conservative, I've argued with a few.
Not every conservative is a sexual stiff. The left has sexual stiffs too. I've dated women on both sides. Sexually speaking, I've learned that politics has nothing to do with how adventurous, open-minded, and talented a woman is in bed.
Not every conservative is a racist. In fact, contrary to what the left is fed by main stream media, 99.99% of conservatives aren't racist. I've known a lot more conservatives than anyone on the left, and we abhor racism as much as you all claim to. There isn't a race on the planet that I haven't made friends with. On that same note, every race on the planet has produced at least one person I didn't like... not because of their race, but because of who they were as people.
This tangent goes off-topic a bit, but I think it needs to be said. Many of us on the right actually think the left of today is largely racist: wanting to give special privilege to non-whites just because they were born with different skin color. And yes, that is exactly what black people rightly hated about whites for generations. Two wrongs don't make a right. trying to make all whites ashamed of their heritage just because SOME of America had a history of slavery. Hundreds of thousands of whites, who never owned slaves, died by fighting Southern Confederate Democrats to end slavery for black people. The left conveniently forgets about them. ignoring the rampant black-on-black crime in our inner cities. Where is the outrage? Could it be that you value some black lives more than others? It's highly likely. ignoring that Africans sold other Africans into slavery for nearly 200 years. Again, where is the outrage toward African descendants alive today? the fact that Democrats created the KKK, and for some mind-boggling reason, blacks today are largely pro-Democrat. Still doesn't make sense to me. Start a new political party that has the same values, but isn't tied to the KKK or slavery. It's common sense. advocating segregation in universities for some ridiculous reason. College ******* have gotten so brainwashed, they think this is a good idea. I think they forgot the lessons learned about the 1960's, or they simply aren't being taught that segregation was racist. grossly inflating the events of 2020 (George Floyd) while the statistics kept by both sides of government (Bureau of Justice Statistics) for decades don't support that argument; More whites are killed by white cops than blacks every single year in this country, by several orders of magnitude.
The list is a lot longer, but I think you can see why we think you people on the left are the real racists today.
You would probably argue that you aren't racist either. And maybe you aren't. But liberals/leftists who call conservatives racist just because they don't agree with your politics isn't going to get you in any conservative hotwife's bed. In fact, it immediately puts you into a category of people that a conservative person doesn't want to communicate with. It's best to leave politics at the door.

This site is full of adults of all backgrounds looking for a fun time.
This lifestyle has nothing to do with progressive thinking. We are wired the way we are wired... and many of us didn't get here by thinking. We got here because something clicked in our brain when exposed to this content. We got much deeper into it by thinking.

As a way to wrap this up, across the many people I've talked to over the course of time, no one came to this site, or this lifestyle for the politics.
This lifestyle is great because people can explore and in some cases, live out their fantasies, regardless of their values outside the bedroom.
What the fuck does that have to do w/ anything? The parties switched. Everyone knows that. How come you and your "cock loving" wife aren't verified?
Patently false. You just screamed to the entire site that you are uneducated.
Educate yourself once and for all, by listening to this black professor of political science and law, Carol Swain. It's 5 minutes of your life.

Patently false. You just screamed to the entire site that you are uneducated.
Educate yourself once and for all, by listening to this black professor of political science and law, Carol Swain. It's 5 minutes of your life.

Black Ink Crew Lol GIF by VH1
Patently false. You just screamed to the entire site that you are uneducated.
Educate yourself once and for all, by listening to this black professor of political science and law, Carol Swain. It's 5 minutes of your life.

Why don't you just concentrate on masturbating to BBC?
fap GIF
This phenomenon of "fact checking" has already lost its political weight if you ask me, it's become abundantly clear that the 2 words 'fact checking" might as well be replaced with the 2 words "damage control" . I've picked up on how this deception of "fact checking " works and its actually very simplistic, what these sites will do is "fact check" a claim, with the inevitable desired result of the claim being false. the way they achieve this is they will slightly alter the original claim to get the desired result, I'll give an example, "Claim" "hunter biden is a crackhead, there was a crackpipe found in his hotel room"

Fact Check........False🛑

of course most consumers will simply look at true/false then never read the description, which is part of the deception, you'll read a description of hunter being accused of ******* use, accused of smoking crack with no evidence of it then at the very end of the article it will say there was a pipe found in his room, was a "prohibited chemical" pipe, so you see he dosen't really smoke crack and the ppl claiming that are just hurling accusations that aren't true,.........that's how the trick of 'fact checking"/"damage control" sites work. its to slightly alter the original claim into something it never was, then of course pronounce it as being false.

I don't really think many ppl take fact checking sites seriously anyway, those sites are really nothing more than a political "pocket knife" if you will, that is provided to the left wing liberal base to try to use in debates as if to say "Im right your wrong, the "fact checkers said so" The irony of that is those same ppl who use this "pocket knife' are largely ignored and laughed at, l'll give an analogy, we recently had the grammy's the other night, and as predicted they yet again set a record low for viewership, the show was uneventful, delivered in bad taste, and to sum it up was pathetic, as evidenced by its record low viewership. Those same ppl who are into "fact checkers" are the same ppl who watched the grammys and thought it was inspirational and cool, the same liberal hivemind living in they're own little world, never understanding that they're being laughed at and made fun of when they turn and walk away...
Captain America Laughing GIF by mtv
spongebob squarepants bullshit GIF
Why don't you link one ******* from any of those groups anywhere in the US from within the last year. Then compare who got shot and by whom within the last 6 months in Soutside Chicago and clear the results.

cons are always so concerned about Chicago. It's touching.

the South Side is near and dear to them and they have genuine concern for the well-being of the people who live there.

let's celebrate the cons' love for the South Side of Chicago

please, cons, tell us about the charities you've donated to, and the volunteer work you've done for the community of the South Side of Chicago!

I'd like to celebrate your dedication. You could have been worried about St Louis, or Mobile, or any number of Republican areas with much higher crime, but instead you dedicate your hearts to the South Side of Chicago. Viva Chicago!
Because retarded Joe is doing so much for this country. And wow what a great job those liberal mayors are doing in Chicago, Baltimore;DC, Detroit and so on. They have done so much to assist in the country's development.
You are just another brain dead liberal who probably calls the police to protect your sorry ass the moment you hear a noise.
Eddie Murphy Shut Up GIF by Bounce
It's pretty clear you have no idea of what a conservative is.
Not every conservative is a Bible-thumping, religious zealot. The left has those people too. As an atheist conservative, I've argued with a few.
Not every conservative is a sexual stiff. The left has sexual stiffs too. I've dated women on both sides. Sexually speaking, I've learned that politics has nothing to do with how adventurous, open-minded, and talented a woman is in bed.
Not every conservative is a racist. In fact, contrary to what the left is fed by main stream media, 99.99% of conservatives aren't racist. I've known a lot more conservatives than anyone on the left, and we abhor racism as much as you all claim to. There isn't a race on the planet that I haven't made friends with. On that same note, every race on the planet has produced at least one person I didn't like... not because of their race, but because of who they were as people.
This tangent goes off-topic a bit, but I think it needs to be said. Many of us on the right actually think the left of today is largely racist: wanting to give special privilege to non-whites just because they were born with different skin color. And yes, that is exactly what black people rightly hated about whites for generations. Two wrongs don't make a right. trying to make all whites ashamed of their heritage just because SOME of America had a history of slavery. Hundreds of thousands of whites, who never owned slaves, died by fighting Southern Confederate Democrats to end slavery for black people. The left conveniently forgets about them. ignoring the rampant black-on-black crime in our inner cities. Where is the outrage? Could it be that you value some black lives more than others? It's highly likely. ignoring that Africans sold other Africans into slavery for nearly 200 years. Again, where is the outrage toward African descendants alive today? the fact that Democrats created the KKK, and for some mind-boggling reason, blacks today are largely pro-Democrat. Still doesn't make sense to me. Start a new political party that has the same values, but isn't tied to the KKK or slavery. It's common sense. advocating segregation in universities for some ridiculous reason. College ******* have gotten so brainwashed, they think this is a good idea. I think they forgot the lessons learned about the 1960's, or they simply aren't being taught that segregation was racist. grossly inflating the events of 2020 (George Floyd) while the statistics kept by both sides of government (Bureau of Justice Statistics) for decades don't support that argument; More whites are killed by white cops than blacks every single year in this country, by several orders of magnitude.
The list is a lot longer, but I think you can see why we think you people on the left are the real racists today.
You would probably argue that you aren't racist either. And maybe you aren't. But liberals/leftists who call conservatives racist just because they don't agree with your politics isn't going to get you in any conservative hotwife's bed. In fact, it immediately puts you into a category of people that a conservative person doesn't want to communicate with. It's best to leave politics at the door.

This site is full of adults of all backgrounds looking for a fun time.
This lifestyle has nothing to do with progressive thinking. We are wired the way we are wired... and many of us didn't get here by thinking. We got here because something clicked in our brain when exposed to this content. We got much deeper into it by thinking.

As a way to wrap this up, across the many people I've talked to over the course of time, no one came to this site, or this lifestyle for the politics.
This lifestyle is great because people can explore and in some cases, live out their fantasies, regardless of their values outside the bedroom.
Very well stated. Unfortunately the liberal left does not deal in facts. They believe any fact that can disprove their agenda is racism. Imagine that.
Why don't you link one ******* from any of those groups anywhere in the US from within the last year. Then compare who got shot and by whom within the last 6 months in Soutside Chicago and clear the results.
******* is not the measurement of effectiveness of hate groups.
You're comparing hate groups with criminal activity of individuals? It's not analogous.
One attacks the values and rights protected in the constitution and the other is random or not so random criminal activity that violates city code and state statutes.
Hate groups objectives is to use criminal activity including including violence, *******, intimidation, and speech focused on oppressing or illegally segregating, or suppressing civil rights of a group.
People getting shot in the city, or burbs or small towns, is usually random stemming from other illegal activity or emotional outbursts in domestic situations. Also, it's not really that random. Here in Chicago we have 77 areas that break down to over 100 neighborhoods. You can track the majority of that violence with guns to less than 10 neighborhoods. And, they are not concentrated on the 'southside'. And finally, a lot of that happens around other criminal activity or people being somewhere they've got no business being, unless theya re looking for trouble. There is the random victim now and then and that's most tragic.

Hate groups have been growing over the last four years as have their violence and acts of intimidation have grown.
You can not argue with liberals who push acceptance and want acceptance from everyone but are not accepting to anyone else's views that are different. Then they are labeled racist.
Same liberals say math is racist now as well as the English language.
Maybe the libtards need to read definition of racism before they apply a tag that does not fit to anything they attatch it to.
I assure you, I don't need the likes of you to explain racism to me.