Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

And don't get it misconstrued, I am not saying Conservatives or Republicans are racists. That's illogical.
I'm not arguing that most are, or half or any percentage. I don't know.
I do know that people who are part of hate and racist organizations vote republican, when they vote.
Without being defensive or insulting to me, I should be able to ask, why?
Honestly, for those of you who are conservatives, do you find this a problem? Politically? Personally?
They latch on to your agenda/candidates overtly. What's the attraction?
And don't get it misconstrued, I am not saying Conservatives or Republicans are racists. That's illogical.
I'm not arguing that most are, or half or any percentage. I don't know.
I do know that people who are part of hate and racist organizations vote republican, when they vote.
Without being defensive or insulting to me, I should be able to ask, why?
Honestly, for those of you who are conservatives, do you find this a problem? Politically? Personally?
They latch on to your agenda/candidates overtly. What's the attraction?

but ed, even hinting that cons aren't perfect humans above all biases and divine in every thought and action is a horrible crime

that's why ******* bias training is such a scourge, and it's why you can't bring up history like red-lining, or protest so that police stop murdering innocent black people

doing any of that stuff implies that maybe the history and fundamental make-up of the US is based on racism, and that con policies perpetuate that racism. that's a horrible accusation to make! think of the children! do you want them growing up knowing about racism or the racist actions of their parents and grandparents?!?!

not to mention the feelings of the poor cons!! certainly their feelings are far more important that any kind of historical account of a country based on slavery and genocide
******* is not the measurement of effectiveness of hate groups.
You're comparing hate groups with criminal activity of individuals? It's not analogous.
One attacks the values and rights protected in the constitution and the other is random or not so random criminal activity that violates city code and state statutes.
Hate groups objectives is to use criminal activity including including violence, *******, intimidation, and speech focused on oppressing or illegally segregating, or suppressing civil rights of a group.
People getting shot in the city, or burbs or small towns, is usually random stemming from other illegal activity or emotional outbursts in domestic situations. Also, it's not really that random. Here in Chicago we have 77 areas that break down to over 100 neighborhoods. You can track the majority of that violence with guns to less than 10 neighborhoods. And, they are not concentrated on the 'southside'. And finally, a lot of that happens around other criminal activity or people being somewhere they've got no business being, unless theya re looking for trouble. There is the random victim now and then and that's most tragic.

Hate groups have been growing over the last four years as have their violence and acts of intimidation have grown.

Guess what? The leader of the Proud Boys is an FBI informant. So, those "US agencies" that you linked to were only measuring themselves.
Guess what? The leader of the Proud Boys is an FBI informant. So, those "US agencies" that you linked to were only measuring themselves.
yes that is what "informant" means

having an informant means that the entire movement is an official department funded by the government agency who flipped the informant

this is why police never use informants to gather evidence on organized crime or ******* traffickers: it makes the criminal enterprise officially part of the local police station!
Guess what? The leader of the Proud Boys is an FBI informant. So, those "US agencies" that you linked to were only measuring themselves.
So, they are not committing violence?
Their leader is a snitch. So what?
What does this have to do with anything? Please explain.
Hmmm, Well I live in a red state and have not qualified for any stimulus checks so state cant be broke. Yet blue states which have above mentioned cities in them you know homicide leading cities in the country all received stimulus checks and every other government funding.
And you think capital building was stormed? No guns used
How about Seattle where ANTIFA took over police departments and city blocks. During which how many 3-4 blacks killed in safety zone.
Yeah libtards sure know how to fix everything. Enjoy your Gov handout checks. I work for my money in my red state.
Red States are welfare states....beat it with that BS.
You clearly have no clue what you’re taking about. For the love of god, go do some Research. MSM is not research btw. Every red state has been fiscally positive since Feb 2020 and majority of blue states have not been. It’s easy to find this stuff out yourself. Go look at the GDP capita per state, not difficult.
It never fails. Any time someone says "do your Research!!" they mean "believe some bullshit I saw on PragerU that supports my personal fantasies about how I'm great"

no way that any single person who liked that post you were responding to will dare actually cite any numbers or engage with your response. Can't have those pesky "mainstream" facts getting in the way!
Red States are welfare states....beat it with that BS.
LMAO, obviously you are just an idiot. Were you born that way? More democrats on public assistance, that's the entire democratic party platform. You did not see Trump phones handed out like Obama phones.
I'll t y p e s l o w so you can understand. Republican (conservatives) belive in capitalism
Democrats AKA Dumbacrats, Libtarts (you) belive government should supply people with everything and tell them how to live AKA Socialism.
Instead of playing with your cock and do a Google and try to educate yourself.
Democrats prey on idiotic lazy racist ( LIKE YOU ) to get votes by promising to give you everything that the Republicans have except you won't have to work for it.
Maybe listen to Malcom X who flat out said liberals are your enemy. I know you only want to pick and choose what ever fits your taste to spew out.
The 15 poorest states in the US by median household › Personal Finance

The Red States.....the economic engine of the country.....wait for the laughter to
Whats funny about people being poor?
Heres some interesting info. :qos:

LMAO, obviously you are just an idiot. Were you born that way?
rude. this isn't very civilized discourse.

More democrats on public assistance, that's the entire democratic party platform.
then why are red states poor and shitty?

I'll t y p e s l o w so you can understand. Republican (conservatives) belive in capitalism
Democrats AKA Dumbacrats, Libtarts (you) belive government should supply people with everything and tell them how to live AKA Socialism.
nah you should look up what liberalism is. I mean it's in the name. "liberalism" is about individual freedom, both for business and for individuals

it's not very related to socialism at all. this is why people like Charles Koch will call themselves "classical liberals" and why neoliberalism is synonymous with pro-market reforms

Instead of playing with your cock and do a Google and try to educate yourself.
lol ironic

Democrats prey on idiotic lazy racist ( LIKE YOU ) to get votes by promising to give you everything that the Republicans have except you won't have to work for it.
dunno I'm pretty sure I make a fuck-ton more money than you.

Maybe listen to Malcom X who flat out said liberals are your enemy. I know you only want to pick and choose what ever fits your taste to spew out.
he meant that socialism > liberalism

I'm not a huge fan of liberalism myself, but I think you should at least know what it is if you wanna pop off, just so you don't look as dumb as you do (which is very dumb indeed)
Whats funny about people being poor?
Heres some interesting info. :qos:

yes exactly

when white republicans are poor, it's because they're scrappy hard-working people retaining dignity and showing self-reliance (even if they take public assistance like paul ryan's family)

when black democrats are poor, it's because they're lazy entitled moochers who refuse to grab their bootstraps

see cons don't have a racist ideology at all, it just looks that way
LMAO, obviously you are just an idiot. Were you born that way? More democrats on public assistance, that's the entire democratic party platform. You did not see Trump phones handed out like Obama phones.
I'll t y p e s l o w so you can understand. Republican (conservatives) belive in capitalism
Democrats AKA Dumbacrats, Libtarts (you) belive government should supply people with everything and tell them how to live AKA Socialism.
Instead of playing with your cock and do a Google and try to educate yourself.
Democrats prey on idiotic lazy racist ( LIKE YOU ) to get votes by promising to give you everything that the Republicans have except you won't have to work for it.
Maybe listen to Malcom X who flat out said liberals are your enemy. I know you only want to pick and choose what ever fits your taste to spew out.
My man...or are clearly suffering from a severe case of dumbbitchitis. Reach out to me privately. I have a guy that can give you something for that. Be careful though....its very very contagious. We need to get a handle on it before it develops into the more deadly crazybitchitis.
My man...or are clearly suffering from a severe case of dumbbitchitis. Reach out to me privately. I have a guy that can give you something for that. Be careful though....its very very contagious. We need to get a handle on it before it develops into the more deadly crazybitchitis.
Wow, dumber from just reading that.
rude. this isn't very civilized discourse.

then why are red states poor and shitty?
View attachment 3989593

nah you should look up what liberalism is. I mean it's in the name. "liberalism" is about individual freedom, both for business and for individuals

it's not very related to socialism at all. this is why people like Charles Koch will call themselves "classical liberals" and why neoliberalism is synonymous with pro-market reforms

lol ironic

dunno I'm pretty sure I make a fuck-ton more money than you.

he meant that socialism > liberalism

I'm not a huge fan of liberalism myself, but I think you should at least know what it is if you wanna pop off, just so you don't look as dumb as you do (which is very dumb indeed)
I stand by what I said. And now realize it's silly for me to argue with short bus people like you. Enjoy your stimulus check, That is the only money that you made more than I did.
I stand by what I said. And now realize it's silly for me to argue with short bus people like you. Enjoy your stimulus check, That is the only money that you made more than I did.

lol you live in Cleveland and don't know what liberalism is

maybe tone down the arrogance