Approaching Your Wife Outdoors

As a black bull... I would just love to walk up to a sexy woman like so many on this site and say hello. A smile and a hello letting her know she beautiful and asking if she interested in sharing sometime with me in a more private setting. However men are taught to be respectful. So ladies and couples. Other then just walking up n being crude. How would a bull that wants to... buck.. approach a woman and how would he know she's interested in just pleasure? With out being a pig or an ass?
Honestly just come up and say hello, ask how we are doing. We shop every Saturday at Winco here in fresno ca and my wife has a very beautiful large country ass that gets looks, but even if we both smile back no one has approached lol
great idea
Can't hurt if he's looking that hard he's hopeful too. I know if I saw you too smiling on me I'd be smiling right back. But hoping there was more to say than hello. Going to the grocery store to find something sweet.. chocolate that is in a small town like mine coming from a big city he tend stand out in the crowd if you know what I mean. A smile and a hello and even a few more choice words goes a very long way.
Can't hurt if he's looking that hard he's hopeful too. I know if I saw you too smiling on me I'd be smiling right back. But hoping there was more to say than hello. Going to the grocery store to find something sweet.. chocolate that is in a small town like mine coming from a big city he tend stand out in the crowd if you know what I mean. A smile and a hello and even a few more choice words goes a very long way.
Thanks for your input
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Ohhhhhh yeeeeeees , its sooooo horny
It's extremely sexy to be approached outdoors.
Once my wife and I were in a lingerie store. She was wearing a form fitting long skirt that beautifully showed her butt. When were in the line to check out, a black guy was checking out her ass. He didn't mind I was with her. He kept checking her out for the whole time we were in the line.
This experience is actually what led to me finding out that I am interested in seeing my wife with a handsome, strong black man. When I told her about this later, she was very wet and we had a great sex.
I think alot of white men want their women hit on by black men generally speaking. I’ve been in scenarios where I was the only black male like at a wedding once. Was talking to a white married woman, and her husband literally made eye contact with me and walked away…..deliberately.
Nothing came of the wives convo but I knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Context clues, etc.

Outside of that, I’ll literally eye a wife up and down in front of her husband. Not in a disrespectful way, but a few glances and then a smile. If she’s got it, she’s got it 🤷🏾‍♂️
I think you are right on that, a lot of white men would like to see their wife with a black guy. My hubby wanted the same and i did it, but i never would have done it if hubby did not push me a bit doing it. But i have in general one question, why do white men want their wife fucked by a black guy, not once but most of hubbies continue it with other black men and their wife.