American Democracy Will Die in 100 Days …Unless Americans Start Understanding How to Fight Nazism — Now


Not long ago, I would have written this off as hysteria.

Not anymore. Not at all. I sense it coming and if we don't do something, this will be it for the United States we knew.

Americans being abducted off the streets. A mayor being attacked with chemical agents. Secret Police, otherwise known as “Homeland Security,” occupying cities. And an aspiring dictator behind it all. Here’s a bitter truth, made of five smaller ones. America now has 100 days to save its democracy.

Even if, at this late juncture, Americans begin to fight for their democracy, there’s no guarantee of success. Nonetheless. This upcoming election is America’s last chance.

To those of us who lived through authoritarian collapses — and survived them — what’s going to happen in America over the next six months is as simple as it is predictable. That’s not to be a know-it-all blowhard. It’s to warn you.

Fact one. Trump is going to try to steal the election. If this were any other President, I myself would dismiss such an idea as crackpot conspiratorialism. But Trumps not any other President. He’s a man who’s checked every item off the list of Nazi politics, from camps to bans to raids to purges. He’s announced proudly that he doesn’t believe in democracy, or the Constitution, and wants to keep power for as long as he can.

When authoritarians tell you what they are going to do, believe them. They’re like mafiosi: they have to follow through on their threats or they lose all credibility. So when Trump says he’s not going to accede to a peaceful transfer of power, believe him. Americans have spent too long playing dumb, not believing Trump at any stage of collapse so far, from camps to bans to purges — and now it’s almost too late.

Fact two. Trump is still within striking distance of being able to steal the election. Don’t count him out yet, just because he’s sunk a little in the polls. He’s still got an Army of American Idiots behind him — about 40% or so of Americans. That number, it seems, is a hard floor — it doesn’t budge, no matter what. The whys and wherefores — these are mentally broken people regressed to infantile psychologies, who regard Trump as an ******* omnipotent ******* figure — are now irrelevant. What is relevant is that thanks to the vagaries of America’s electoral college, Trump can still squeeze out a narrow victory, especially with a little help from Zuck and the Kremlin. Or a narrow enough loss that it can be contested to high heaven — and then turned into a victory thanks to a stacked Supreme Court and a supine Senate.

Don’t count Trump out.

Fact three. This is how authoritarians steal elections: with creeping martial law. Those storm troopers on Portland’s streets, abducting people, beating moms, gassing the mayor? That’s exactly — exactly — how authoritarians institute martial law. Not like in the movies — suddenly. But slowly, one step at a time. One city, town, set of shock troops at a time. Their power are expanded. Your rights are eroded. And before anyone knows it — you’re living in a police state, a place where people feel afraid to express themselves, organize, protest, dissent, vote.

Trump is instituting martial law right before a crucial election that will decide the fate of democracy in America for at least a generation. Probably longer. That’s not a coincidence. It’s a culmination. Of what? Of Trump’s Nazi politics. Camps, bans, raids, purges, institutionalized hate, paramilitaries and secret police — all that’s a pattern. What does it culminate in? The next step of the sequence of implosion. The final seizure of power.

That is what this pattern has been leading up to for four solid years now. It’s what those of us who’ve lived through authoritarian collapses have been trying to warn you of — and failing, because we’ve been dismissed as “alarmists” by mainstream pundits. But by now, I’d bet, you’re pretty goddamned alarmed. You should be, because this is all very real. Those of us who know know because we’ve lived it, and what we know is that collapse proceeds according to a predictable and time-honored pattern. In America, it couldn’t have been any clearer, which is why us survivors of authoritarianism have been trying to warn you as loudly as we can — even if it cost us personally.

That brings me to fact four.

Fact four. Americans have been in denial about what Trumpism really is. What kind of people build…actual concentration camps? Put ******* in them? Rip them from their mothers? Set up Gestapos to hunt them in the streets?

There’s only one word for such people. Nazis. That’s one of history’s great lessons — and Americans are the world’s laughingstocks at this point because they’re the only people left in the world who don’t get that this is Nazism reborn. The only people. Like I say, every single person I know asks me why Americans don’t get it every single day now. I’m not exaggerating when I say that. What the? By now, you can see openly and in shocking, weird, and frightening ways that Trumpists really are Nazis. For example, they call slavery a “necessary evil.” For example, they wear swastika masks to Walmart. For example, their Gestapo destroys medical supplies during a pandemic — which is a literal war crime.

Trumpism is American Nazism. Maybe not all Trumpists think of themselves that way — but so what? If you’re happy with Gestapos beating moms and gassing mayors, and ******* in concentration camps, guess what…you’re a Nazi. The good American — the non-Trumpist, the one who still believes in democracy and freedom — now has just 100 days to emerge from their foxholes of denial, and begin acting like they finally get that this is America’s final showdown with American Nazism.

If Americans really understood that — and they don’t — what would they do?

That brings me to my fifth fact. Americans aren’t fighting authoritarianism yet — not the way it needs to be fought. And that is a consequence of four long, terrible, painful years of denial.

Look, in any sane nation, Trump would not be the head of state anymore. If Justin Trudeau had gassed mayors…he’d have had to resign tomorrow. If Emanuel Macron had let 150,000 people die of Covid — he’d have been thrown out of office swiftly. If Angela Merkel had ripped ******* from their parents and put them in concentration camps, she’d have been tried in German courts for fascism.

People would have lined the streets of Paris, Berlin, and Toronto, day after day — until these leaders resigned.

If Americans really understood that this was their final showdown with Nazism — they’d demand scalps. That Trump resign. That all his white supremacist advisors be thrown out of office — and never find work or friends in society again. They’d line the streets of every major American city. There would be a mass movement calling for the end of American Nazism — politically, culturally, and socially. Millions would park themselves in front of the White House, and not leave until the job was done.

There are stirrings of that, in protest growing across the nation. But so far, they aren’t calling for Trump to resign. What the? Why not? But that’s the point.

The best way to defeat Trump in the upcoming election is to checkmate him — not to have him in one.

That’s how you play this game — because it’s the precise opposite of what he wants, after all. What does he really want? Not to have an election at all, or to postpone it. Maybe Covid will be the pretext. Or maybe it’s the way he’s amping up tensions with China. Maybe it will just be “law and order.” Would you be surprised if Trump tried to cancel the election? Of course not. Nobody sane would be. He’s said he doesn’t want one, more or less, over and over again. That’s how authoritarians usually make their final seizure of power — they don’t win elections, they steal them, thwart them, or destroy them.

Trump is trying to checkmate American democracy. Why else is he sending storm troopers nationwide just before a crucial election? So that — if he can get away with it — there isn’t one, and if he can’t get away with that, so he can terrorize people into not voting.

What’s the best way to deal with that? One way is to encourage people to vote and so forth — to mobilize. But that’s a weak strategy at best, because Trump holds all the cards. He’s the one with the storm troopers and the terror tactics.

The best strategy Americans have right now is to make it impossible for Trump to contest the next election at all, by calling for his resignation — now. That should have happened long ago. Like I said, no other rich nation, and not even most poor ones, would have tolerated what Trump’s gotten away with to date, and I don’t mean the small abuses of power, like bribery and playing golf while the nation burns, I mean the big ones, like camps, Gestapos, storm troopers, and mass death.

“How is this lunatic still in power?!,” the entire world asks, baffled. “Why don’t Americans remove him?” What the world doesn’t understand about Americans is that they’ve been abused by their leaders so long they’ve forgotten how to take power back from failed elites. You don’t have to wait for an election that’s going to be rigged, manipulated, terrorized, and hijacked. You can demand a failed President resign now.

Maybe I’m being optimistic. Still, don’t imagine that I’m telling Americans what to do. Rather, I’m pointing out what a saner nation would have already done. And I’m pointing out the best way to save a democracy that’s in deep, deep peril.

If Americans don’t begin calling for Trump to resign, in a powerful mass movement, then the next six months, after all, are eminently predictable. Those storm troopers being abducting people and beating moms and gassing mayors across the nation. Opponents and critics and dissidents begin getting disappeared to God-knows-where, under the pretext of “homeland security.” Meanwhile, Trump’s buddies in the Kremlin flood social media with disinformation — while Zuck grins and checks his bank account. The Trumpists — the American Nazis — simmer with rage, anticipating the sweet taste of total power.

In the lead-up to election day, the nation’s on fire. Beatings and disappearances and abductions and gassings are now everyday events. Nobody knows what to do, and an atmosphere of frustration, bewilderment, and anger reign. Trump’s tricks have worked. People have been terrorized. Trumpists join storm troopers in intimidating and frightening everyone else. It’s open season, and “law and order” now means the right to abuse and terrorize anyone who’s not part of America’s Nazi movement.

America’s spirit has been broken.

And when election day finally comes, Trump knows his storm troopers, his propagandists, his Idiot Army — all that can eke out enough of a margin for him to steal the election, if not win it outright.

Bang! And then there is no more American democracy for a generation. Trump is America’s Saddam, it’s Gaddafi, and after him come a long retinue of ******* and advisors, even more demented and bloodthirsty than him.

That’s how it works.

That’s what us survivors of authoritarian collapse have to warn you of. If any of that sounds outlandish, to you, still, then let me ask you. Did you think, five years ago, that America would be here? That Donald Trump would be sending his…shock troops…to gas American mayors…while mass death surged? What the?

Your rational side is not your ally right now, because you haven’t lived through this. It’s not helping you to overthink what’s about to happen — because Trump and his army of American Nazis aren’t exactly logical. Your rational side has underestimated American Nazism over the last four years for exactly that reason. But there is no more room for mistakes now.

Those of us who’ve survived all this before — we are trying to share our experience with you. Because we need to, because it’s what decent and sane people must do. And that experience can be summed up in three short principles. It’s always worse — much worse — than your rational side thinks. It’s always as bad as — or worse than — your worst, hidden fears. And when you put those two things together, the only conclusion is: you’d better act like this is your last chance to remain a functioning and free society.

Because it is.
This is more serious than most of us wish to believe, actually. Not denying it can't happen with the one that's in the POTUS now. He's the one who admits studying Hitler and Nazism; had a book of Hitler's pre-WWII speeches by his bedside so said his first wife. Although I doubt the US military would swing to his side, there are hundreds of militias around the country that would do it in a heartbeat + 30% of voting citizens are Trump Drones.
I believe that if most people behave the same as per normal, Trump will lose the election.
At this point, only the Democrats are capable of wrestling defeat from the jaws of victory. But they seem to have learned their lessons, so they are restraining themselves. No outrageous conduct or words from the far left.
No outrageous conduct or words from the far left.
IMO I wish many non-democrats would realize is that it is not the "far left" democrats that the majority of voters want to see running this country of ours. I, as a moderate, probably would probably be no happier with a Bernie Sanders running this country as I am with a far-right Trump. I'm not sure I even recognize Trump as an extremist anymore. I don't think he does either. If the legal system was allowed to run its true course in their investigations and arrest, liberals wouldn't see Trump as the problem right now, because he & a dozen or so of his "hit squad" would already be in prisons.
When moderate Democrats eventually have a managing trifecta in Washington again, they'll AGAIN be put in the "fix it" mode as they were with both Bushes, taking CUTS & TAXES to re-right the economic ship that the Republicans keep managing to create when they have that trifecta.
Some day a "majority" of real politicians will recognize that tossing huge gobs of money to the richest 1% to create low paying jobs for the lowest 50-70% isn't the solution. If we're to survive and thrive in the new technology age, we need sharp people capable of doing that. The industrial age is quickly dissolving here in the USA.
@MacNfries last time the mainstream democrats had a lock on power, we increased drone strike bombing of civilians in the middle east, made no progress in addressing economic inequality, passed a health insurance bill that was almost a direct clone from the conservative free-market think tanks that brought us Romneycare, and got Trump in office.

Mainstream Democrats are basically the conservatives ("things can never be better than they were in 2010!") now, and the Republicans are reactionaries ("make things like they were in 1950, but without the high tax brackets!"). The only people with a progressive vision are the left, who really just want what most every northern european country has. Or Canada for that matter. The radical left, with its insane unattainable dreams of being more like Canada.

Mainstream Democrats are basically the conservatives ("things can never be better than they were in 2010!") now, and the Republicans are reactionaries ("make things like they were in 1950, but without the high tax brackets!"). The only people with a progressive vision are the left, who really just want what most every northern european country has. Or Canada for that matter. The radical left, with its insane unattainable dreams of being more like Canada.

Very true.
Both Democrats and Republicans are bad for us. The only difference is that the Republicans are Religiously and Racially bad as well if you're not a White Christian. (If you're a White Christian, then the Republicans are Religiously and Racially good for you and the Democrats are not.)

The Radical Left has some good ideas, mixed up in a whole lot of bad. That's why I am also opposed to them. It's like communism, with its ideals of social and economic equality, mixed up with a whole lot of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, revolutionary upheaval, etc.

The Radical Right has absolutely nothing to contribute other than security to those who hate changes to their Pleasantville universe where every race knew their place.

I'm back to pitching the Green Party. But that's going to start a fight...
Very true.
Both Democrats and Republicans are bad for us. The only difference is that the Republicans are Religiously and Racially bad as well if you're not a White Christian. (If you're a White Christian, then the Republicans are Religiously and Racially good for you and the Democrats are not.)

The Radical Left has some good ideas, mixed up in a whole lot of bad. That's why I am also opposed to them. It's like communism, with its ideals of social and economic equality, mixed up with a whole lot of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, revolutionary upheaval, etc.

The Radical Right has absolutely nothing to contribute other than security to those who hate changes to their Pleasantville universe where every race knew their place.

I'm back to pitching the Green Party. But that's going to start a fight...

Well their progressive demands are simply healthcare and a living wage. Not unreasonable considering I'm paying $880 a month with a $4400 deductible for me and my wife.

And if we've learned something from 2020.. one of the things is we cannot have a healthy economy without a healthy country so we need to invest in healthcare for every American.. not just be wishy washy and think capitalism will provide.

Capitalism is a mess when it comes to healthcare.. think $7500 a pill pharma bro mentality but that's an extreme. What's much more realistic is the price of insulin.

But none of the viewpoint matters if we're ruled by authoritarians because ultimately all they want is "to rule and for you to obey them".
And if we've learned something from 2020.. one of the things is we cannot have a healthy economy without a healthy country so we need to invest in healthcare for every American.. not just be wishy washy and think capitalism will provide.

Capitalism is a mess when it comes to healthcare.. think $7500 a pill pharma bro mentality but that's an extreme. What's much more realistic is the price of insulin.
Bang on. Well said.
I believe that if most people behave the same as per normal, Trump will lose the election.
At this point, only the Democrats are capable of wrestling defeat from the jaws of victory. But they seem to have learned their lessons, so they are restraining themselves. No outrageous conduct or words from the far left.
(pant) (pant) (pant) panting like a collie in heat am I, a beta
Liberal pro-BBC white, Asian and Latina voters have enormous say in this election.
It will come up over and over and over and over and over and over and over again as 11/3 comes closer about Trump's womanizing.
Needless to say that really hits home with so many girls who have been harassed by bosses and such types.
So beta-Biden will be in if enough of you gals either vote for him directly or vote against trump directly.
Then when Kamala succeeds beta-Biden when his senility cans him or when she's elected in 2024, with a liberal woman of color as President, the shadow of trump will swirl down the sewer hole.
Oh my there are people who get it. In my youth i was ****** to study and write a thesis on Hitlers rise to power. The actions of Trump are almost textbook copies of Hitler. Hitler started out on radio once a week, then expanded to five days a week. Trump produced a TV series where he was a all knowing man who always made the right decisions. Just like a hamburger add some watched it and began to believe. His decision making so sound he's fired or ****** out nearly two hundred best persons for the job. Hitler took aim at German free press as being untruthful and UN German, sound familiar. He preached that different groups were responsible for all the problems of his followers. No wonder the movement grew like a weed in the shade. Trump used people of color and Muslims. Muslims, there are millions of them among us and most don't know it. Those who don't wear the traditional head gear. He called them killers and criminals when our crime rates published from the first record show them so low they're almost non existent Hitler removed people in the military, courts and all government agency's replacing them with like thinkers. If you're awake you know that's going on right now. Judges at every level of federal court system. He found a man who actually wrote a paper proclaiming the president is above all laws to hold the top spot in justice. He once joked he's so popular he could shoot someone in public and get away with it. With Barr that could be true. Hitler refused services for people and businesses who were slow to join the party. Trump holds funds and even aid to states that he didn't win.
Once elected it is the obligation of every elected official to represent every citizen regardless of party, sex, color or religion. He took the oath of office swearing to do just that. Just one more lie along with the promise to make America great again. He's tearing it to shreds.
same shit.jpg I'm attaching a image not created by me but passed on from a photo artiest in Russia. He tells me there the opinion is P***n whispers admiration in Trumps ear while playing him like a cheap flute.
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So beta-Biden will be in if enough of you gals either vote for him directly or vote against trump directly.
Then when Kamala succeeds beta-Biden when his senility cans him or when she's elected in 2024, with a liberal woman of color as President, the shadow of trump will swirl down the sewer hole
I agree. Biden is weak, but anyone but Trump. I have said it many times - America needs a strong female to cut through the nonsense and take control. Maybe then we can also see some younger men and women step forward, instead of these doddery old dinosaurs that compete for power.
I agree. Biden is weak, but anyone but Trump. I have said it many times - America needs a strong female to cut through the nonsense and take control. Maybe then we can also see some younger men and women step forward, instead of these doddery old dinosaurs that compete for power.
Thanks, but as a foreigner, your input on who we need for a President is irrelevant.
I agree. Biden is weak, but anyone but Trump. I have said it many times - America needs a strong female to cut through the nonsense and take control. Maybe then we can also see some younger men and women step forward, instead of these doddery old dinosaurs that compete for power.
Ayo, hows krazy Kamala doing hahaha. I hear her team is in utter disarray because she's trying to hard be be an A-lister like Obama rather than doing her job.
This OP's post aged like a turd in humid weather.
Nazism, which is an infinitesimally small problem in the United States, and around the world, is not a problem at all. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists aren't killing anyone, and their movement isn't growing, contrary to main stream media's constant push to spread that narrative. Illegitimate Biden still tries to read the teleprompter to spread it. Not happening, pal.

Radical leftism, BLM, anarchism (Soros), radical Islam, socialism/communism (see Hong Kong, Cuba, Venezuela) are the real problems.
Hey Jyaku, it's way past 100 days. When are you going to admit you're wrong?
Nazism, which is an infinitesimally small problem in the United States, and around the world, is not a problem at all. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists aren't killing anyone, and their movement isn't growing, contrary to main stream media's constant push to spread that narrative.
Nazism .... Facism .... Antisemitism .... Racism, just what the hell is the real difference? A hatred for a race of people for being who they are. They done nothing wrong other than not being white or being Jewish, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Negro, or whatever.
And if there is any radicalism going on now, its the Republican party suppressing the rights of minorities to vote.
You know what?
words_StupidMoments2.jpg and you're having one. Go sit down and stay quiet!
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This OP's post aged like a turd in humid weather.
Nazism, which is an infinitesimally small problem in the United States, and around the world, is not a problem at all. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists aren't killing anyone, and their movement isn't growing, contrary to main stream media's constant push to spread that narrative. Illegitimate Biden still tries to read the teleprompter to spread it. Not happening, pal.

Radical leftism, BLM, anarchism (Soros), radical Islam, socialism/communism (see Hong Kong, Cuba, Venezuela) are the real problems.
Hey Jyaku, it's way past 100 days. When are you going to admit you're wrong?
are these "opinions supposed to be YOUR version of facts.....they would fit right in on the ******* thread if we had one